Archive for April 7th, 2012

PHP system(); hide command output – How to hide displayed output with exec();

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

I've recently wanted to use PHP's embedded system(""); – external command execute function in order to use ls + wc to calculate the number of files stored in a directory. I know many would argue, this is not a good practice and from a performance view point it is absolutely bad idea. However as I was lazy to code ti in PHP, I used the below line of code to do the task:

echo "Hello, ";
$line_count = system("ls -1 /dir/|wc -l");
echo "File count in /dir is $line_count \n";

This example worked fine for me to calculate the number of files in my /dir, but unfortunately the execution output was also visialized in the browser. It seems this is some kind of default behaviour in both libphp and php cli. I didn't liked the behaviour so I checked online for a solution to prevent the system(); from printing its output.

What I found as a recommendations on many pages is instead of system(); to prevent command execution output one should use exec();.
Therefore I used instead of my above code:

echo "Hello, ";
$line_count = exec("ls -1 /dir/|wc -l");
echo "File count in /dir is $line_count \n";

By the way insetad of using exec();, it is also possible to just use ` (backtick) – in same way like in bash scripting's .

Hence the above code can be also written for short like this:

echo "Hello, ";
$line_count = `ls -1 /dir/|wc -l`;
echo "File count in /dir is $line_count \n";


Did you that every single day there are …

Saturday, April 7th, 2012

Do you know that every single day there are:

  • 150 Million Blogs being read
  • 60 Million New Facebook Status Updates
  • 140 Million New "Treets" …
  • 2 Million New Videos Posted to Youtube per day
  • 3.3 Billion! Product and Information Searches
  • 188 Billion! Emails Sent …


This statistics were sent to me just few weeks, ago by a friend. I have no clue where he got the statistics, but the numbers are really amazing. From a business perspective point of view this numbers are tremendously HIGH! Nowadays only about 2.5 billion people are actively using the internet daily.

This means more than half of the humanity is still about to join using the internet in the 10 or 15 years to come. Though the continuous use of internet has a very bad impact on us. It is a tremendously big business opportunity field. With this said definitely business innovative people and enterpreneurs should reconsider, there strategic plans for potential products and extend or include the internet in anything they do in order to maximize profits.

All this is just news for anyone who is involved somehow actively with the net (like me), so system admins, web designers, programmers, use your brains and start making money from the internet. If one doesn't start with monetarizing his high tech skills, its quite likely some bad tied suit guy took the lead and made his millions or billions  on our back 🙂