Archive for November 5th, 2012

Learn Basic Serbian language in Video lessons (Serbian English Lessons)

Monday, November 5th, 2012


I'm trying to learn some basic Serbian. It is rather ridiculous, we are not being tought even basic Serbian in Bulgarian primary and high schools. Serbia is just one border away and besides that we Bulgarian and Serbs share same Orthodox Christian faith and similar existence. Over the last 10 centuries, we Bulgarians and Serbians was both under Turkish Yoke. Even nowdays most of the problem of Serbians and Bulgarians are very similar. Both of us are trying to survive and earn basic money for their daily living. Culturally our two nations are very similar too, thus I decided today to take little time and learn some basic Serbian. Learning Serbian for Bulgarians seems to be a generally easy, I listened from friends who speak Serbian a Bulgarian can learn talking some Serbian in just few weeks time, this is logical as both our languages share the same etymological roots from Cyrillic ( Glogolic / Glagolica ).
The reason I want to learn some Serbian is Serbia in the time is I now in Holland and go to Serbian Orthodox Church in Nijmegen

Besides that I really liked Serbians as people and since in future hopefully public relations between Serbian and Bulgaria might come it might be "strategically" wise to speak a bit of Serbian 🙂
One other reason is I'm very interested nowdays in Antrophology and from anthropological perspective, speaking or at least in basic understanding Serbia as closest nation Language helps understand more about Slavonic language and early language structure and gives more knowledge on language history.
For my quest to learn some basic Serbian I've as usual checked in Youtube and found a bunch of Serbian -> English teach yourself guides. It is rather ridiculous I have to learn Serbian (A Slavonic Language), translating myself from (English – Latin) to Serbian and then to Bulgarian. So far my experience with Serbian culture shows Serbian and Serbs can understand each other in many of the cases without even having a clue on Serbian or Bulgarian. Actually about probably 50% of words in Serbian are Ancient Church Slavonic (Ancient Bulgarian). Thus for older Bulgarian people who have heard or speak using more older words communicating with Serb will be much easier. I have noticed younger Serbians, just like younger Bulgarian know little about Serbian (Slavonic) language origin as well as speak very little old Slavonic words, thus younger serbs understood less when I try speaking with them using some kind of Bulgarian, however with most older people, most of the time they understand whether I speak in pure Bulgarian language 🙂

It is worthy to mention that as I heard from my Serbian friend Andrea, Serbians nowdays are mostly writting in Latin and rarely use Cyrillic (Church Slavonic). However in the Church and among people who try to live a true Christian life, use of Cyrillic is more widespread.

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 1 – Serbian Alphabet

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 2 – Words Pronounciation

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 3 – Basic Phrases

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 4 – Christmas Special

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 5 – Numbers

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 6 – Animals

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 7 – Colours

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 8 – Places

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 9 – Rooms

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 10 – Cyrilic Alphabet

Learn Serbian – English Lesson 11 – Verb "to be"

Learn Serbian – Egnlish Lesson 12 – Vocabulary (1)

Learning Serbian / Croation language lesson one (Study Serbian English part 1

Learning Serbian / Croatian language lesson two (Study Serbian English part 2


Learning Serbian / Croatian Language lesson three (Study Serbian English part 3 (Travel Words)

Learning Serbian / Croatian Language lesson four (Study Serbian English part 4


Learn Serbian – English Colours and Clothes

Serbian Phrases – Greetings, part 1


Serbian for children – Learn Serbian Quickly


Learn Serbian 101 – How Old Are You ?

There are plenty of others Videos in youtube. Just browse through  After you complete all the videos you should be ready to understand and speak Basic serbian 🙂