Archive for October, 2017

What is this directory /run/user/1000 on Debian and Fedora GNU / Linux?

Monday, October 23rd, 2017


So what are these /run/user/1000, /run/user/0, /run/user109, /run/user/1000 showing in my df -h I'm I hacked or what?

root@noah:~# df -h|grep -i tmpfs
tmpfs 201M 22M 179M 11% /run
tmpfs 1001M 0 1001M 0% /dev/shm
tmpfs 5,0M 4,0K 5,0M 1% /run/lock
tmpfs 1001M 0 1001M 0% /sys/fs/cgroup
tmpfs 201M 0 201M 0% /run/user/0
tmpfs 201M 36K 201M 1% /run/user/1000
tmpfs 201M 16K 201M 1% /run/user/109


/run/user/$uid is created by pam_systemd and used for storing files used by running processes for that
user. These might be things such as your keyring daemon, pulseaudio, etc.

Prior to systemd, these applications typically stored their files in /tmp. They couldn't use a location in
/home/$user as home directories are often mounted over network filesystems, and these files should not be
shared among hosts. /tmp was the only location specified by the FHS which is local, and writable by all

However storing all these files in /tmp is problematic as /tmp is writable by everyone, and while you can
change the ownership & mode on the files being created, it's more difficult to work with.

However storing all these files in /tmp is problematic as /tmp is writable by everyone, and while you can
change the ownership & mode on the files being created, it's more difficult to work with.

So systemd came along and created /run/user/$uid.
This directory is local to the system and only
accessible by the target user. So applications looking to store their files locally no longer have to
worry about access control.

It also keeps things nice and organized. When a user logs out, and no active sessions remain, pam_systemd will wipe the /run/user/$uid directory out. With various files scattered around /tmp, you couldn't dothis.

Should mention that it is called $XDG_RUNTIME_DIR, documented at 8‌​tml.

What if: I have started a "background" computation process with nohup, and it saves its intermediate results/data in a temp file. Can I count on it not being wiped while the process is running, or it will be wiped, and the process started with nohup will loose its data? 

It's unlikely to be wiped, but /run/user is a tmpfs filesystem in debian, ubuntu and fedora, so it'll be limited.

What if the pidfile is a service running under root.
Should it's PID go under /var/run or /var/run/user/0 ?

If since there is no active sessions will it be removed? 

This directory contains system information data describing the system since it was booted.
Files under this directory must be cleared (removed or truncated as appropriate) at the beginning of the boot process.

The purposes of this directory were once served by /var/run. In general, programs may continue to use /var/run to fulfill the requirements set out for /run for the purposes of backwards

Programs which have migrated to use /run should cease their usage of /var/runexcept as noted in the section on /var/run.

Programs may have a subdirectory of /run; this is encouraged for programs that use more than one run-time file.

Users may also have a subdirectory of /run, although care must be taken to appropriately limit access rights to prevent unauthorized use of /run itself and other subdirectories.

In the case of the /run/user directory, is used by the different user services, like dconf, pulse,systemd, etc. that needs a place for their lock files and sockets. There are as many directories as
different users UID's are logged in the system.

How to merge two or more wordpress sites from separete domains into one without impacting SEO

Monday, October 23rd, 2017


If you run multiple WordPress websites or blogs, but one of the websites is much more developed at a certain point you might decide that the best of the two worlds would be two merge two WordPress blogs into one.

So how can we do merge your multiple wordpress websites into single ?

1. Export content from each of the old websites you will be closing soon

First thing to do is to immediately create SQL data and WordPress sites backup, so if something goes wrong you can easily restore.


Next From wordpress admin area wp-admin



Tools -> Export

Make sure, the All Content option is selected like shown in above screenshot and click on

Download Export File button

The downloaded files will have a copy of all yours

– Posts and pages
– Custom Post Types
– All included categories and tags

Once we have transferred the file to the Website with which we're going to merge old WP content, we need to install the Import plugin


To do so navigate to:

Tools -> Import -> (Intall now)


Tools -> Run Importer

You will be asked for the file you just dumped into the second wordpress install which you'll be merging


Wordpress will start importing, your Export file and analyze it, then you will be redirected to

Import Settings Page


Assign Authors (that should be your account or the account with which the primary blog has most posts and with which you'll be merging).

Hopefully all will be fine with import and you will get the success page:


One last step is to set properly redirects so that the transition merge from the Old Website to the New one does not impact your website Search Engine Optimization Ratings.

The redirects are made via .htaccess file it will be located in the Document Root (Or main directory) of your wordpress installed websites for example if your website is located under /var/www/wordpress-site your .htaccess file will be located under /var/www/wordpress-site/.htaccess

Open the file (SITUATED ON THE OLD WORDPRESS WEBSITE THAT YOU'LL BE MERGING) with editor directly on the server or if it is a shared hosting, download it and edit it at your side.

To the beginning of it add the following Apache ModRewrite code:

#Options +FollowSymLinks
RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

Replace inside above example with the name of the primary domain name to which we're merging (e.g. the merging domain and not the one we merge).

If you experience some problems with pictures or you like to Merge Bulk Edit categories  and tags  read import external images to wordpress as well as how to merge bulk edit categories in tags in WordPress


How to check Linux OS install date / How long ago was Linux installed

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017

If you're sysadmin who inherited a few hundreds of Linux machines from a previous admin and you're in process of investigating how things were configured by the previous administrator one of the crucial things to find out might be

How Long ago was Linux installed?

Here is how to check the Linux OS install date.

The universal way nomatter the Linux distribution is to use fullowing command:


root@pcfreak:~# tune2fs -l /dev/sda1 | grep 'Filesystem created:'
Filesystem created:       Thu Sep  6 21:44:22 2012



Above command assumes the Linux's root partition / is installed on /dev/sda1 however if your case is different, e.g. the primary root partition is installed on /dev/sda2 or /dev/sdb1 / dev/sdb2 etc. just place the right first partition into the command.

If primary install root partition is /dev/sdb1 for example:

root@pcfreak:~# tune2fs -l /dev/sdb1 | grep 'Filesystem created:'


To find out what is the root partition of the Linux server installed use fdisk command:




root@pcfreak:~# fdisk -l


Disk /dev/sda: 465,8 GiB, 500107862016 bytes, 976773168 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00051eda

Device     Boot     Start       End   Sectors   Size Id Type
/dev/sda1  *         2048 965193727 965191680 460,2G 83 Linux
/dev/sda2       965195774 976771071  11575298   5,5G  5 Extended
/dev/sda5       965195776 976771071  11575296   5,5G 82 Linux swap / Solaris

Disk /dev/sdb: 111,8 GiB, 120034123776 bytes, 234441648 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000


Other ways to check the Linux OS install date on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint etc. deb. based GNU / Linux


Deban based Linux distributions do create an initial /var/log/installer directory containing various install information such as hardware-summary, partition, initial installed deb packages, exact version of Linux distribution, and the way it was installed either it was installed from an ISO image, or it was network install etc.


root@pcfreak:~# ls -al /var/log/installer/
total 1228
drwxr-xr-x  3 root root   4096 sep  6  2012 ./
drwxr-xr-x 72 root root  12288 окт 22 06:26 ../
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root   4096 sep  6  2012 cdebconf/
-rw-r–r–  1 root root  17691 sep  6  2012 hardware-summary
-rw-r–r–  1 root root    163 sep  6  2012 lsb-release
-rw——-  1 root root 779983 sep  6  2012 partman
-rw-r–r–  1 root root  51640 sep  6  2012 status
-rw——-  1 root root 363674 sep  6  2012 syslog


If those directory is missing was wiped out by the previous administrator, to clear up traces of his previous work before he left job another possible way to find out exact install date is to check timestamp of /lost+found directory;

root@pcfreak:~# ls -ld /lost+found/
drwx—— 2 root root 16384 sep  6  2012 /lost+found//


Check OS Linux install date on (Fedora, CentOS, Scientific Linux, Oracle and other Redhat RPM based Distros)


[root@centos: ~]# rpm -qi basesystem
Name        : basesystem
Version     : 10.0
Release     : 7.el7
Architecture: noarch
Install Date: Mon 02 May 2016 19:20:58 BST
Group       : System Environment/Base
Size        : 0
License     : Public Domain
Signature   : RSA/SHA256, Tue 01 Apr 2014 14:23:16 BST, Key ID     199e2f91fd431d51
Source RPM  : basesystem-10.0-7.el7.src.rpm
Build Date  : Fri 27 Dec 2013 17:22:15 GMT
Build Host  :
Relocations : (not relocatable)
Packager    : Red Hat, Inc. <>
Vendor      : Red Hat, Inc.
Summary     : The skeleton package which defines a simple Red Hat Enterprise Linux system
Description :
Basesystem defines the components of a basic Red Hat Enterprise Linux
system (for example, the package installation order to use during
bootstrapping). Basesystem should be in every installation of a system,
and it should never be removed.


Check TOP Memory and CPU use with ps command on Linux

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017


There are plenty of software to check the GNU / Linux Server Load bottlenecks such as top / tload / slabtop / htop but for shell scripting purposes or perl  / python / ruby automation Dev Ops scripts and various Web and Middleware Tasks it is always better to know how to print list the TOP Memory and CPU consumption processes on Linux.

Below are two easy commands you can use to check out, which process is the most memory hungry and which running daemon (MySQL / PostgreSQL / Apache whatever) is the overloading your *nix server CPU.

TOP Memory use sorted by process memory max consumption


ps aux  | awk '{print $6/1024 " MBtt" $11}'  | sort -n


TOP CPU use sorted y running daemon

ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | sort -k 1 -r | head -10

Enjoy 🙂

Check Windows install date / Howto find install time and date / Check how old is Windows

Sunday, October 22nd, 2017


Just like us people operating systems have age, they have stages of young, teenage, grow up and old 🙂

Finding out how old is Windows as Operating System is important task for Windows system administrator and Tech support and can help you decide whether the OS requires a fresh reinstall as Windows is known historically to start misbehaving with its aging and especially for Computer Technicians / Support that have Windows Support clients or for Computer Clubs support guys, it is a among the good practices to re-install Windows every few years (every 3 / 4 years for servers to 7 years for Win Servers) and for Desktop or Gamers PCs the lifecycle of OS often much less, a reinstall is required every 2, 2.5 years or so.

Of course Desktop PC Windows users are much more prone to the requirement for frequent reinstalls, because they tend to install a lot of shit cracked, software games and a lot of ugly stuff, that infests the PC and fills up registry with a lot of broken and useless content.

Finding out, the install date of Programs (Applications) in Windows


1. In registry: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionUninstall

YYYYMMDD (eg 20090301 for here March 1, 2009)

2. Through Control Panel -> Programs and Features

From Column:

"Installed on"

Determine the install date of Windows

1. In command line you have to issue:

systeminfo|find /i "original"



Note that this command will work on Windows Servers 2003, 2007, 2010 and Windows XP, 7, 8 but will show empty result on Windows 10



2. In cmd (command prompt):

WMIC OS GET installdate



Reult you will get will be like:

Deciphered this Windows install date is on: 2013(year) 10(month) 19(date) 01(hour) 16(minutes) 58(seconds)

3. Another way to get the OS install date via Windows Registers:


HKLMSOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionInstallDate



You will find  therea record number like 1414160971, to get the actual date you have to convert that to decimal
Конвертира се в decimal, и примерно излиза: 1414160971

To convert for those who have GNU / Linux or *BSD at hand the easiest way to convert it is to use below command that converts from unix timestampt to readable date command output:



echo 1414160971 | gawk '{print strftime("%c", $0)}'
24.10.2014 (fr) 17:29:31 EEST


For those that doesn't have GNU / Linux at hand you can use this online tool for conversion unix timestamp to readable output

How to edit creation date, and date of file or folder edit in Windows?

Как да се редактира дата на създаване, дата на редактиране на файл или папка под Windows:

Well why would you want to change the creation date of Windows install or creation date of file or folder edit in Windows?
Well just for the fun or because it can 🙂

Actually a lot of Windows white hats and mostly Script Kiddies (malicious crackers) do use this feature to falsify changed files in Windows lets say system files or any other Windows file, sometimes dumping the install date could be useful in computer data theft investigations or by crackers (please don't mix it with hackers, because term hacker is to be coined for a genius programmers and playful people).

It is possible to do a lot if not everything via Windows registry but perhaps the best way is to use a simple tool Attribute Changer, that is capable to change Windows file, folder and windows install creation date.

How to install / add new root certificates on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint Linux

Saturday, October 21st, 2017


How to add / Installing a root/CA Certificate on Debian, Ubuntu, Mint Linux


 Because of various auditing failures and other security issues, the CAcert root certificate set is slowly disappearing from the Ubuntu and Debian ‘ca-certificates’ package.

That's really tricky because if you're a system administrator or have a bunch of programmers whose needs is to install a new set of root certificates for their freshly develped Application or you have to make a corporate certificates added to debian rootca, then the good news is it is quite easy to install new certificates to deb based distributions.


Given a CA certificate file foo.crt, follow these steps to install it on Debian / Ubuntu:

    Create a directory for extra CA certificates in /usr/share/ca-certificates:


    debian:~# mkdir /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra-certificates


    Copy the CA .crt file to this directory:


    debian:~# cp foo.crt /usr/share/ca-certificates/extra-certificates/foo.crt


    Let Debian / Ubuntu add the .crt file's path relative to /usr/share/ca-certificates to /etc/ca-certificates.conf (the file lists certificates that you wish to use or to ignore to be installed in /etc/ssl/certs)


    debian:~# dpkg-reconfigure ca-certificates


In case you want to include a .pem file to the list of trustable certificates on Debian / Ubuntu, it must first be converted to a .crt file first, you can do that with:


    debian:~# openssl x509 -in foo.pem -inform PEM -out foo.crt


Lets say you want to add some custom Root certificate for exapmle




   debian:~# mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
   debian:~# cd /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
   debian:~# mkdir /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/
   debian:~# wget -P /usr/local/share/ca-certificates/




Then once again update the ca certificates bundle

   debian:~# update-ca-certificates


How to turn keyboard backlight on GNU / Linux, keyboard no backlight solution

Friday, October 20th, 2017


If you're a GNU / Linux user and you happen to buy a backlighted keyboard, some nice new laptop whose keyboard supports the more and more modern keyboard growing or if you happen to install a GNU / Linux for a Gamer friend no matter the Linux distribution, you might encounter sometimes  problem even in major Linux distributions Debian / Ubuntu / Mint / Fedora with keyboard backlight not working.

Lets say you buy a Devastator II backlighted keyboard or any other modern keyboard you plug it into the Linux machine and there is no nice blinking light coming out of the keyboard, all the joy is gone yes I know. The free software coolness would have been even more grandiose if your keyboard was shiny and glowing in color / colors 🙂

But wait, there is hope for your joy to be made complete.

To make the keyboard backlight switch on Just issue commands:


xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Screen_Lock'


# Turn on the keyboard bright lamps
xset led on

# Turns off the keyboard bright lamps
xset led off

If you want to make the keyboard backlight be enabled permanent the easiest solution is to

– add the 3 command lines to /etc/rc.local

E.g. to do so open /etc/rc.local and before exit 0 command just add the lines:


vim /etc/rc.local


xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Screen_Lock'

# Turn on the keyboard bright lamps
xset led on

# Turns off the keyboard bright lamps
xset led off

If you prefer to have the keyboard colorful backlight enable and disabled from X environment on lets say GNOME , here is how to make yourself an icon that enabled and disables the colors.

That's handy because at day time it is a kind of meaningless for the keyboard to glow.

Here is the shell script:

sleep 1
xset led 3
xmodmap -e 'add mod3 = Scroll_Lock'

I saved it as /home/hipo/scripts/

(don't forget to make it executable!, to do so run):


chmod +x /home/hipo/scripts/

Then create  the .desktop file at /etc/xdg/autostart/backlight.desktop so that it runs the new shell script, like so:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Devastator Backlight

How to downgrade package with apt-get on Debian / Ubuntu / Mint Linux

Thursday, October 19th, 2017



How can I downgrade a debian package to an older version with apt-get?

Downgrading a package in Debian is not frequently required but sometimes it is a must lets say a package you just upgraded fails to communicate properly to an application, in my case that's Ejabberd server which was working pretty well with Yaxim, Bruno or Xabber Mobile android application clients, unfortunately right after periodic apt-get upgrades I do with apt due to security upgrade of deb package ejabberd=2.1.10-4+deb7u1 to ejabberd=2.1.10-4+deb7u2 it messed up and even though it worked fine with Desktop clients such as Gajim and Pidgin, there was no Android application on my Phone with Android 4.4 which was able to communicate properly with the TLS encrypted Jabber server so my only option was to downgrade back to ejabberd=2.1.10-4+deb7u1.

I looked through a short URL is ( but I couldn't find the old deb file to downgrade so I was in a situation …

 Then I duckduck goed (I've recently stopped using Google as Google is collecting too much data and sharing with NSA) and I found following instructions on downgrade


If you have the version number, or the target release, apt-get supports choosing a particular version or target release. More details can be found on manual page of apt-get. It can also be accessed from terminal by typing man apt-get

sudo apt-get install <package-name>=<package-version-number> OR

sudo apt-get -t=<target release> install <package-name>

is the command to be run. This can be used to down-grade a package to a specific version.

It has been helpfully pointed out in the comments that

    apt-cache showpkg <package-name> – lists all available versions. (h/t Sparhawk)
    apt-mark hold <package-name> "holds" – the package at the current version, preventing automatic upgrades. (h/t Luís de Sousa )

In other words All I had to do is as root superuser is:

apt-get install «pkg»=«version»


aptitude install «pkg»=«version»

Where «pkg» is the name of the package, and «version» is the version number.

So I just issued following cmd:

root@pcfreak:~# apt-get install ejabberd=2.1.10-4+deb7u1
Четене на списъците с пакети… Готово
Изграждане на дървото със зависимости       
Четене на информацията за състоянието… Готово
Предложени пакети:
Следните НОВИ пакети ще бъдат инсталирани:
0 актуализирани, 1 нови инсталирани, 0 за премахване и 3 без промяна.
Необходимо е да се изтеглят 1795 kB архиви.
След тази операция ще бъде използвано 3699 kB допълнително дисково пространство.
Изт:1 wheezy/main ejabberd amd64 2.1.10-4+deb7u1 [1795 kB]

P.S. Sorry for the cyrillic for those who can't read it but it is standard messages that Debian does in package install time.

Analogously you can do it for any other newer package that upgraded, later on to prevent further security updates of the package you will have to put the package on hold, that's as easy as running:

root@pcfreak:~# aptitude hold ejabberd
No packages will be installed, upgraded, or removed.
0 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.
Need to get 0 B of archives. After unpacking 0 B will be used.


Living and Martyrdom of Saint Zlata of Meglen (Muglenska) one of the greatest Bulgarian Martyrs during the Ottoman Bulgarian Slavery

Wednesday, October 18th, 2017


Saint Zlata of Meglen (Muglen) or also as we call it in Bulgaria saint Zlata Muglenska (Αγία Χρυσή) is a Great Holy Martyr Christian saint venerated mainly in Bulgaria, Greece, Macedonia and Serbia (nowadays), however historically even though being from the nowadays Macedonian lands, she was Macedonian Bulgarian by blood heritage she lived in the times of deep physical and spiritual darkness that has been sheeding on the ex-Bulgarian empire lands in the XVIII century in a very poor family originating from the village of Slatino ( the Orthodox Christian eparchy of Slatino ), the Ex-Ochrid Bulgarian epipscopy.

For the time she had a extensively distinguished from other young maids with her beauty and her soul has been gifted with excessive humility, Godliness, pure heart and a truthful burning unshakeful faith in / for God.

Because of her unearthly unusual beauty, a young Turk fall in love with her and decided to kidnap her and to rape her.
One day she went to the deep woods to gather trees for the coming winter uknowing the young turk with other turk friends has prepared an ambush for her.
The turk descended over the pure virgin with the help of his other friends and they captured the God servent lady and brought her to his home offering
and promising her marriage under the turms that she convert to his faith Islam.
The turk told her she either has to merry him and convert to Islam or stay Christian and suffer Christian martyrdom because of her stiffness.

Saint Zlata of Meglen stood firm in her Christian faith and rejected the offer, but the young turk being pushed by the devil has decided that this young beauty has to become
his wife, so to help his goal to convert her to his Muslim faith he brough ladies to sing her enticing songs (as an ancient manipulation technique) to brainwash the lady to
reject her Christian faith.

The young turkish ladies which by the way belonged to someone's local person harem (seraglio), were singing and dancing, smiling at her and giving their
best to show her the beaties of Islam, they told her how nice the muslim treat their lifes and how superior is according to them Muslim faith, trying their best to convince her to reject
her faith and join their false godliness.

Saint Zlata looked at the songs and lures as a temptations from the devil recognizinig the unclean spirits works inside the young ladies and turks surrounding her and strongly stood
and was watching at them with deep disgust
, praying inside her self to the Lord Jesus Christ to help her and strenghten her to stand firm in the temptations, asking him better
for a martyrdom than false enjoyment of this temporary lieful and earthly goods which leads to the eternal hell.

The young turkish ladies seeing her firmness for Christianity and unwillingness to reject the Lord and Saviour of mankind The Lord Jesus Christ had an assembly together on how to behave and came to conclusion that the only ones that can turn her from Christ might be her own family (mother, father, sister, brothers) and adviced the young turk man that the only help here might be if the family of the young virgin Zlata influence her to change her mind to reject Christ and merry the turkish man.

The family of the woman knowing the craftliness of Turks and there unrespect for the life of the Christian saw that the only option for her daugher and sister in Christ to stay physically alive is to accept Islam, so they started convincing her to accept islam, perhaps secretly hoping she can become Mohammeddan on the surface but become Christian in her heart (something that many Bulgarian, Serbian and Greek, Albanian and (others from the so called Rum-Milet Cast people or People of the Eastern Orthodox Faith within the Ottoman Empire)  were forced to do to occasionally to save their lives).

But Zlata was unshakable in her decision and firm fireful faith for Christ and publicly reinforced her decision that she better die in suffering than to accept the ungodly eartly wicked religion of Islam.


This unshakeful behavior of saint Zlata additionally scared off her family and they becomed crying in front of her continuing to convince her to convert to Turkish faith and reject Christ, they were scared about their own physical lives and this cry outs were not a cry outs by reason but a cry outs inspired by the devilish fears for the body, they were forgetting Christ words who says, "Don't fear those who kill / destroy the body, but better fear Whom who has power to throw out body and soul into the eternal Ghehenna (Hell)", the exact citation from Holy Bible is  like this "Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather, be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell." Mathew 10:28.

Of course seing the closest beings of her crying in the soul of Saint Zlata become a division, common for us mortals.
The love for her parents and her sisters was pushing her to listen to her family and the love for the world was pushing her to listen to the turks but the love for God Christ and her Christian Duty were pushing her to become unshakeful 'till the end and accept martyrdom for Christ.

But in the young virgin the love for the world was less than the love for Christ and she screamed boldly but humbly at her spiritual torturers.


– Even if you my parents my sisters, are forcing me to reject the Lord Jesus Christ, do know that you're no longer my parents, no longer my sister!
– My father remains only my Lord Jesus Christ and my mother – the Most Holy Mother of God (Holy Theotokos) Mary, and my brother and sister are now – all the martyrs for Christ!

The turks underestood now the virgin is not willing to change her faith, and decided to force her with other means (by physical tortures) to change her faith.
Consequently three months they beat her with staffs. And then when the staffing did not help them change her mind, they started cutting skin out of her body back
and show that bloody skins to her eyes to scare her off.

A rivers of blood flow of the young pure martyr. Finally they took a glowing iron stick and pricked (holed) her head from the eye to the eye.
Christ's Grace were helping the saintly Virgin Zlata to endure all this and even after all this unbearable for a normal human body torturings
she become alive.

She was left temporary in a prison by her maryrs and by God's providence right in that time she heard the Priest (spiritual elder of her parents, and pro-Igumenos (main abbot) of Holy Mount Athos the hieromonk Timothey (Timothy) visited Meglen village.

Through one of the Christians who visited her regularly in prison she send a beseech to hieromonk Timothey to fervently pray for her, so that God gives her an honorable end of her Christian Martyrdom.

And God had honored her with a final martyrdom and an eternal honour in his One Holy Eastern Orthodox Church.

The torturer turks being embittered by their failures to break off the fervent faith in Christ of the Holy Martyr, invented another final bestiality.


They hanged Saint Zlata on a pear tree and come to her sticking her with knifes and finally they hunged her on the same tree, after which to prevent
other Christians to bury her in a Christian rite, they cut the body in parts.

In that manner of unhuman but spiritually glorious manner the Holy Great Martyr received her glorious Martyrdom for Christ
and she become an Eternal prayer for all the true Christians all around the world.

Like a clean gold, cleared by the sufferings, saint Holy Great Martyr Zlata give up her soul to God on 18 of October 1795 year filling up
the sonhms of Christian and Bulgarians saints for the Savior of the World Lord Jesus Christ.

Her martyrdom by God's providence has happened just one day before the celebration of the Greatest Bulgarian saint and Hermit saint John of Rila whose Dormition happened on 19th of October 946.

Pieces of her martyred body, were distributed among believing Christians for a blessing and many received healings from her Holy relics.

Saint Zlata is said to protect the emigrant and Bulgarians abroad and is doing miracles and helping people who stood firm in their Christian Believe 'till this very day.

Holy mother and Great Martyr Zlata Muglenska pray the merciful Lord Jesus Christ to save our sinful souls!


Sources used:
The Livings of the Saints – Synodal edition, Sofia 1991, under the edition of Bishop Parthenij Levkijski and Archimandrite dr. Athanasij (Bonchev), including some reasoning and additions to details by the Article Author Georgi Dimitrov Georgiev as inspired by God


List of vulnerable wordpress plugins. Hacked, dangerous, vulnerable

Tuesday, October 17th, 2017



Have your wordpress has been hacked recently? Mine has Don't despair, below is a list of famous WordPress Plugins for its hackability.
Hope this helps you prevent your self on time and wipe out all the unnecessery plugins.
Double check the version number of Vulnerable plugins, and remove it only when you're sure its hackable. If you're sure you happen to run on your WordPress Blog or site one of the below plugins immediately deactivate and delete it.


Vulnerability types

A quick reminder of the most common security holes and issues WordPress plugins face. Please note that most problems are a combination of two or more types listed below.

Arbitrary file viewing
Instead of allowing only certain file source to be viewed (for example plugin templates) the lack of checks in the code allows the attacker to view the source of any file, including those with sensitive information such as wp-config.php

Arbitrary file upload
Lack of file type and content filtering allows for upload of arbitrary files that can contain executable code which, once run, can do pretty much anything on a site

Privilege escalation
Once the attacker has an account on the site, even if it’s only of the subscriber type, he can escalate his privileges to a higher level, including administrative ones.

SQL injection
By not escaping and filtering data that goes into SQL queries, malicious code can be injected into queries and data deleted, updated or inserted into the database. This is one of the most common vulnerabilities.

Remote code execution (RCE)
Instead of uploading and running malicious code, the attacker can run it from a remote location. The code can do anything, from hijacking the site to completely deleting it.

Plugin Name Vulnerability Type Min / Max Versions Affected
1 Flash Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.3.0 / 1.5.6
360 Product Rotation arbitrary file upload 1.1.3 / 1.2.0
Tevolution arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.2.9
Addblockblocker arbitrary file upload 0.0.1
Ads Widget remote code execution (RCE) 2.0 / n/a
Advanced Access Manager privilege escalation 3.0.4 / 3.2.1
Advanced Ajax Page Loader arbitrary file upload 2.5.7 / 2.7.6
Advanced Video Embed Embed Videos Or Playlists arbitrary file viewing n/a / 1.0
Analytic remote code execution (RCE) 1.8
Analytics Counter PHP object injection 1.0.0 / 3.4.1
Appointments PHP object injection 1.4.4 Beta / 2.2.0
Asgaros Forum settings change 1.0.0 / 1.5.7
Aspose Cloud Ebook Generator arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Doc Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Importer Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Aspose Pdf Exporter arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Attachment Manager arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.1.1
Auto Attachments arbitrary file upload 0.2.7 / 0.3
Bbpress Like Button SQL injection 1.0 / 1.5
Bepro Listings arbitrary file upload 2.0.54 / 2.2.0020
Blaze Slide Show For WordPress arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.7
Brandfolder local file inclusion (LFI) 2.3 / 3.0
Breadcrumbs Ez remote code execution (RCE) n/a
Candidate Application Form arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Category Grid View Gallery arbitrary file upload 0.1.0 / 0.1.1
Cherry Plugin arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.2.6
Chikuncount arbitrary file upload 1.3
Cip4 Folder Download Widget arbitrary file viewing 1.4 / 1.10
Cms Commander Client PHP object injection 2.02 / 2.21
Contus Video Gallery arbitrary file viewing 2.2 / 2.3
Cookie Eu remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Cp Image Store arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.5
Cross Rss arbitrary file viewing 0.5
Custom Content Type Manager remote code execution
Custom Lightbox possible remote code execution (RCE) 0.24
Cysteme Finder arbitrary file viewing 1.1 / 1.3
Db Backup arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 4.5
Delete All Comments arbitrary file upload 2.0
Developer Tools arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 1.1.4
Disclosure Policy Plugin remote file inclusion (RFI) 1.0
Display Widgets remote code execution 2.6
Dop Slider arbitrary file upload 1.0
Download Zip Attachments arbitrary file viewing 1
Downloads Manager arbitrary file upload 1.0 Beta / 1.0 rc-1
Dp Thumbnail arbitrary file upload 1.0
Dropbox Backup PHP object injection 1.0 /
Dukapress arbitrary file viewing 2.3.7 / 2.5.3
Ebook Download arbitrary file viewing 1.1
Ecstatic arbitrary file upload 0.90 (x9) / 0.9933
Ecwid Shopping Cart PHP Object Injection 3.4.4 / 4.4.3
Enable Google Analytics remote code execution (RCE) n/a
Estatik arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.2.5
Event Commerce Wp Event Calendar persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0
Filedownload arbitrary file viewing 0.1
Flickr Gallery PHP object injection 1.2 / 1.5.2
Form Lightbox option update 1.1 / 2.1
Formidable information disclosure 1.07.5 / 2.0.07
Fresh Page arbitary file upload .11 / 1.1
Front End Upload arbitrary file upload 0.3.0 / 0.5.3
Front File Manager arbitrary file upload 0.1
Fs Real Estate Plugin SQL injection 1.1 / 2.06.03
G Translate remote code execution (RCE) 1.0 / 1.3
Gallery Objects SQL injection 0.2 / 0.4
Gallery Slider remote code execution (RCE) 2.0 / 2.1
Genesis Simple Defaults arbitrary file upload 1.0.0
Gi Media Library arbitrary file viewing 1.0.300 / 2.2.2
Google Analytics Analyze remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Google Document Embedder SQL injection 2.5 / 2.5.16
Google Maps By Daniel Martyn remote code exection (RCE) 1.0
Google Mp3 Audio Player arbitrary file viewing 1.0.9 / 1.0.11
Grapefile arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.1
Gravityforms reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.7 /
Hb Audio Gallery Lite arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0
History Collection arbitrary file viewing 1.1. / 1.1.1
Html5avmanager arbitrary file upload 0.1.0 / 0.2.7
I Dump Iphone To WordPress Photo Uploader arbitrary file upload 1.1.3 / 1.8
Ibs Mappro arbitrary file viewing 0.1 / 0.6
Image Export arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.1.0
Image Symlinks arbitrary file upload 0.5 / 0.8.2
Imdb Widget arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.8
Inboundio Marketing arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 2.0
Infusionsoft arbitrary file upload 1.5.3 / 1.5.10
Inpost Gallery local file inclusion (LFI) 2.0.9 / 2.1.2
Invit0r arbitrary file upload 0.2 / 0.22
Is Human remote code execution 1.3.3 / 1.4.2
Iwp Client PHP object injection 0.1.4 / 1.6.0
Jssor Slider arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.3
Like Dislike Counter For Posts Pages And Comments SQL injection 1.0 / 1.2.3
Mac Dock Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 2.7
Magic Fields arbitrary file upload 1.5 / 1.5.5
Mailchimp Integration remote code execution (RCE) 1.0.1 / 1.1
Mailpress local file inclusion (LFI) 5.2 / 5.4.6
Mdc Youtube Downloader arbitrary file viewing 2.1.0
Menu Image malicious JavaScript loading 2.6.5 / 2.6.9
Miwoftp arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.0.4
Mm Forms Community arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 2.2.6
Mobile App Builder By Wappress arbitrary file upload n/a / 1.05
Mobile Friendly App Builder By Easytouch arbitrary file upload 3.0
Multi Plugin Installer arbitrary file viewing 1.0.0 / 1.1.0
Mypixs local file inclusion (LFI) 0.3
Nmedia User File Uploader arbitrary file upload 1.8
Option Seo remote code execution (RCE) 1.5
Page Google Maps remote code execution (RCE) 1.4
Party Hall Booking Management System SQL injection 1.0 / 1.1
Paypal Currency Converter Basic For Woocommerce arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.3
Php Analytics arbitrary file upload n/a
Pica Photo Gallery arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Pitchprint arbitrary file upload 7.1 / 7.1.1
Plugin Newsletter arbitrary file viewing 1.3 / 1.5
Post Grid file deletion 2.0.6 / 2.0.12
Posts In Page authenticated local file inclusion (LFI) 1.0.0 / 1.2.4
Really Simple Guest Post local file inclusion (LFI) 1.0.1 / 1.0.6
Recent Backups arbitrary file viewing 0.1 / 0.7
Reflex Gallery arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 3.0
Resume Submissions Job Postings arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.5.3
Return To Top remote code execution (RCE) 1.8 / 5.0
Revslider arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 4.1.4
S3bubble Amazon S3 Html 5 Video With Adverts arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 0.7
Sam Pro Free local file inclusion (LFI) /
Se Html5 Album Audio Player arbitrary file viewing 1.0.8 / 1.1.0
Sell Downloads arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1
Seo Keyword Page remote code execution (RCE) 2.0.5
Seo Spy Google WordPress Plugin arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.6
Seo Watcher arbitrary file upload 1.3.2 / 1.3.3
Sexy Contact Form arbitrary file upload 0.9.1 / 0.9.8
Share Buttons Wp remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Showbiz arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.5.2
Simple Ads Manager information disclosure 2.0.73 / 2.7.101
Simple Download Button Shortcode arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Simple Dropbox Upload Form arbitrary file upload 1.8.6 / 1.8.8
Simple Image Manipulator arbitrary file viewing 1.0
Simplr Registration Form privilege escalation 2.2.0 / 2.4.3
Site Import remote page inclusion 1.0.0 / 1.2.0
Slide Show Pro arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Smart Slide Show arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Smart Videos remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Social Networking E Commerce 1 arbitrary file upload 0.0.32
Social Sharing possible arbitrary file upload 1.0
Social Sticky Animated remote code execution (RCE) 1.0
Spamtask arbitrary file upload 1.3 / 1.3.6
Spicy Blogroll local file inclusion (LFI) 0.1 / 1.0.0
Spotlightyour arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 4.5
Stats Counter PHP object injection 1.0 /
Stats Wp remote code execution 1.8
Store Locator Le unrestricted email sending 2.6 / 4.2.56
Tera Charts reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 0.1 / 1.0
The Viddler WordPress Plugin cross-site request forgery (CSRF)/cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.2.3 / 2.0.0
Thecartpress local file inclusion (LFI) 1.1.0 / 1.1.5
Tinymce Thumbnail Gallery arbitrary file viewing v1.0.4 / v1.0.7
Ultimate Product Catalogue arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 3.1.1
User Role Editor privilege escalation 4.19 / 4.24
Web Tripwire arbitrary file upload 0.1.2
Webapp Builder arbitrary file upload 2.0
Website Contact Form With File Upload arbitrary file upload 1.1 / 1.3.4
Weever Apps 20 Mobile Web Apps arbitrary file upload 3.0.25 / 3.1.6
Woocommerce Catalog Enquiry arbitrary file upload 2.3.3 / 3.0.0
Woocommerce Product Addon arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.1
Woocommerce Products Filter authenticated persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.1.4 /
Woopra arbitrary file upload 1.4.1 /
WordPress File Monitor persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.3.3
Wp Appointment Schedule Booking System persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0
Wp Business Intelligence Lite arbitrary file upload 1.0 / 1.0.7
Wp Crm arbitrary file upload 0.15 / 0.31.0
Wp Custom Page arbitrary file viewing 0.5 /
Wp Dreamworkgallery arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Easybooking reflected cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0.0 / 1.0.3
Wp Easycart authenticated arbitrary file upload 1.1.27 / 3.0.8
Wp Ecommerce Shop Styling authenticated arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 2.5
Wp Editor authenticated arbitrary file upload 1.0.2 /
Wp Filemanager arbitrary file viewing 1.2.8 / 1.3.0
Wp Flipslideshow persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.2
Wp Front End Repository arbitrary file upload 1.0.0 / 1.1
Wp Handy Lightbox remote code execution (RCE) 1.4.5
Wp Homepage Slideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Image News Slider arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.5
Wp Levoslideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Miniaudioplayer arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 1.2.7
Wp Mobile Detector authenticated persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 3.0 / 3.2
Wp Mon arbitrary file viewing 0.5 / 0.5.1
Wp Online Store arbitrary file viewing 1.2.5 / 1.3.1
Wp Piwik persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) / 1.0.10
Wp Popup remote code execution (RCE) 2.0.0 / 2.1
Wp Post Frontend arbitrary file upload 1.0
Wp Property arbitrary file upload 1.20.0 / 1.35.0
Wp Quick Booking Manager persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 1.0 / 1.1
Wp Royal Gallery persistent cross-site scripting (XSS) 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Seo Spy Google arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.1
Wp Simple Cart arbitrary file upload 0.9.0 / 1.0.15
Wp Slimstat Ex arbitrary file upload 2.1 / 2.1.2
Wp Superb Slideshow arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.4
Wp Swimteam arbitrary file viewing 1 / 1.44.1077
Wp Symposium arbitrary file upload 13.04 / 14.11
Wp Vertical Gallery arbitrary file upload 2.0 / 2.3
Wp Yasslideshow arbitrary file upload 3.0 / 3.4
Wp2android Turn Wp Site Into Android App arbitrary file upload 1.1.4
Wpeasystats local file inclusion (LFI) 1.8
Wpmarketplace arbitrary file viewing 2.2.0 / 2.4.0
Wpshop arbitrary file upload /
Wpstorecart arbitrary file upload 2.0.0 / 2.5.29
Wptf Image Gallery arbitrary file viewing 1.0.1 / 1.0.3
Wsecure remote code execution (RCE) 2.3
Wysija Newsletters arbitrary file upload 1.1 / 2.6.7
Xdata Toolkit arbitrary file upload 1.6 / 1.9
Zen Mobile App Native arbitrary file upload 3.0
Zingiri Web Shop arbitrary file upload 2.3.6 / 2.4.3
Zip Attachments arbitrary file viewing 1.0 / 1.4


Have your WordPress site been hacked?

Don’t despair; it happens to the best of us. It’s tough to give generic advice without having a look at your site.