What you think if in the moment of the crush …

Wednesday, 24th April 2024

Comment on A proof Islam is false religion not pleasable to God? 717 people died during Hajj in Mecca on Greatest Muslim feast Kurban Bayrami by Sergio Sorrenti.

What you think if in the moment of the crush (20 min. before) someone
has fallen a sword to Satan plans (not to him).

Satan hate muslim, they prey 5 times a day.
Don’t watch the ISIS as their head is the same of Bushes under a Deception light.

God plan owever are more large, and with a path of Love and respect to all humanity,
love, respect and freedom. But no Evil mean also no Freedom.

Respect, so man are the media, so man build religion. Man component is always present.
Inc. wrongs. We are not perfect.

Who believed to be the perfection (as the best one)
is not the the more weak step of the Stair of the Totality.
A Step can’t be the full stair.

We have put a label on this step “please don’t put your foot on it”
Or the stair will crash, His voice is now collecting all mans on it.

While a mosquito try to solve the problem.
Then is a mosquito with love. Love to humanity all, and all religions.

All Religions need respect, they all are Stairway to be back where we was
before this exploding apple of time and entropy of the currently worshipped “G”
wich does not exist anymore, we was the “G”
now we have hands and foots we eat and we do other.
Our brains are now tiny… but we are learning from our mistakes.

Religions shaped us all different how we are today, it’s our DNA, including Science
discovering/understanding God (that is all) in its mechanics and never in a complete form.

So the difference is set not for a fight but for integration, future integration,
that will led in richness and progress.

I found this blog to install NetBSD on my laptop, and i admire you for your faith.
Faith make unpossible things possible. Unpossible (at our eyes) plans to realize.

So it may be a coincidence this post, or an answer, long waited answer,
yung goes mad to understand what they are. They are the Language of an entity
that is all in time, the fact we are a movie just for Holy Spirit in his physical body and range
(all the time) do not infringe at all our freedom (the most important God’s gift
together with love), simply there are entity set in more deep dimensions.

Yes, Satan is in a prison, he don’t see future. Demons too.
They can plan but they are blind. Even a mosquito passing can change
and mess all their plans.

Thank you for your helpful post on unetbootin and for your faith.
Profecy are always true, When i say “they are using 666 and a mark”
and they will use instead “888”,
then a different vision is set to Giovanni, all change for us
and we do not notice it. So profecy are always true.
Search them to keep the right words. Future is blind to evil.

Science will understand it with time.


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