Tue Sep 15 13:16:16 EEST 2009

Linux Check Laptop battery status from Console / Terminal

I needed to have a quick way to check my battery status via terminal and I googled around looking
for a solution. I found the following website explaining in a pretty good way "How to check your battery status in Console".
. Just like the blog explains the proper way to do that in Linux is via the acpi command. In case if you don't have, yet the command please install it.
1. The fastest way to check the laptop battery status is via: 

$ acpi
The output would be something like this:
Battery 1: discharging, 91%, 02:00:09 remaining

2. Check laptop battery temperature:

$ acpi -t

3. Check laptop battery AC Power Status

$ acpi -a

4. Check everything related to acpi

$ acpi -V

Another possible way to check for your notebook battery status from console in Linux is via:

1. Command to show general information for battery status:

$ acpitool

2. For detailed battery information use:

$ acpitool -B add "-v" for verbose output

3. Show information about AC power.

$ acpitool -a

Some of the other possible ways to check your battery charge status via console are either via: yabs ( Yet Another Battery Status ) script or via:
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/state or
cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT0/info