Hello & God bless everyone, I enjoyed the article & it …

Thursday, 25th April 2024

Comment on Some of the most important Symbols for Orthodox Christians in The Eastern Orthodox Church – Symbols in the Eastern Orthodox Christian Faith (Eastern Orthodox Symbolism) and Christian Symbolism in the Roman Catholic Church (Symbolism in Western Catholicism) by Derek.

Hello & God bless everyone,
I enjoyed the article & it was interesting & mostly informative. There's just one thing – I don't think it's fair to spread misinformation (even though I believe it's unintentional): Implying or stating that the Christian Orthodox church was "first" is just incorrect & unnessecary. I think the writer of the above article may only be confused or has been misinformed. The Orthodox Christian church, Armenian Christians etc. are no older than the Roman "Catholic" = Universal church. Christianity began w/ Jesus & His teaching & that's when ALL of these regional groups of Catholics/Christians began. The following explains this & you & your readers may find it very interesting.
The Catholic and Orthodox Churches are equally old. Prior to the Great Schism of 1054 AD, they formed the same universal church, which they variously called Catholic (universal) and orthodox, but which modern scholars often call the Catholic-Orthodox Church.
In 1054, Pope Leo IX and Patriarch Michael I excommunicated each other, bringing about a schism in the Church. The Western Church became known as the Roman Catholic Church, while the eastern Churches became known as Orthodox. There were attempts at reconciliation and the two sides came close to being reunited in 1274 and in 1439, but the schism eventually became permanent.
The church, recognized in the bible as "the church" was already in existence since it was started by Jesus himself. Paul mentions this fact numerous times. The word Catholic, from the greek translation, means "Universal" and was used to describe the church in writings as early as 46AD. The Term Roman Catholic is simply a westerners term used to describe the fact that Catholics look to Rome as the head of the church. There is nothing in writing or from the Vatican that names the Catholic church "Roman Catholic. The bible was not even produced until the first Nicaean Council in 325AD. But by then, the Catholic/Christian church was well established and growing throughout the world.
We are all children of God from the same inital faith, ther is no point in trying to claim "who was first" because the truth is no one was first, they all were formed when Christ began His ministry.
your friend & brother in Christ

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