Posts Tagged ‘croation’

24 / 25th of Decemter Nativity of Christ celebrated in the Orthodox Church – Beautiful Christmas songs in Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek and Croation language

Wednesday, December 26th, 2012


Рождество Твое (Български) (Rojdestvo Tvoe Troparion Bulgarian)

Твоето рождество, Христе Боже наш, озари света със светлината на познанието. Защото в него онези, които служеха на звездите, от звездата се научиха да се покланят на Тебе, Слънцето на правдата, и да познават Тебе, Изтока от висините. Господи, слава на Тебе!

Рождество Твоè, Христè Боже наш, возсия мùрови свет Ñ€àзума: в нем бо звездам служàщии звездòÑŽ учахуся Тебè клàнятися Солнцу правди, и Тебè вèдети с висотù Востòка: Господи, слава Тебè.

Девицата днес ражда Свръхестествения,
и земята поднася на Непристъпния пещера;
Ангелите с пастирите славословят,
а мъдреците със звездата пътешестват –
заради нас се роди Младенец – Предвечният Бог.
(Св. Роман Сладкопевец)




Витлеем отвори рая, елате да видим, намерихме храна на тайно място: елате да вземем истинска райска храна в пещерата. Там се яви корен ненапоен, който покарва отпущение (на греховете). Там се намери неизкопан кладенец, от който някога Давид пожела да пие. Там Девицата като роди детенце, утоли жаждата на Адам и Давид. Нека сега към пещерата да идем, там където се роди Младенец – Предвечния Бог.

Рождество Христово! Nativity of Christ! Тропар / Troparion

In Bulgaria, many old people call Christmas / RojdestvoKoleda. It was quite interesting to learn in Belarus, the word for Christmas is also Koleda. In Bulgaria and as well as I heard from my Belarusian girlfriend (Svetlana), there is the Christmas tradition of Koledari. Koledari are a group of people going from home to home (primary in Villages) knocking on people's doors and singing Christmas blessings songs wishing the family God bless the house and enrich the possession of the house. I still remember, when young we used to be going from house to house wearing some to "Koleduvame". it is a very pious tradition, which unfortunately due to the globalization and people's migration to live in cities is in a serious decay in Bulgaria. However in many mostly middle and large sized villages, the tradition lives on.


Коледари 24.12.2011 – Koledari 24.12.2011

The Koledari, songs are a mixture of songs containing Christ's birth news lyrics and traditional song themes. They contain plenty of funny words especially if one understands Bulgarian.



Hristos Se Naste (tropar) – La Vifleem colo-n jos (colind)

The Romanian Christ's Birth Troparion has deeply touched me, I listened it multiple times and I believe is one of the most beautiful songs, one can hear in a lifetime as short as it is. It may something to do with the fact, my grandfather-grandfathers used to be living near the Bulgarian border de-facto in territory of nowadays Romania.



Christmas Croatian Orthodox Church Troparion (Christ's Birth church song)


Christmas Troparion (English and Greek)


Jesus Christ is born – γέννηση – Nativity of Christ Church song Greek

Of course as Greece used to be a cradle of Orthodoxy, the deepness and spirituality the song as sung in the language of ancient Byzantine (ex-Eastern Roman) is felt.