Posts Tagged ‘How to Install and Setup and Test GeOIP support in PHP on Apache2 in Debian Lenny Linux’

How to Install, Setup and Test GeOIP support in PHP on Apache2 in Debian Lenny Linux

Friday, July 9th, 2010

I’ve recently was required to install PHP GeOIP on one of the Linux servers I do maintain here is how I did it:

1. Install support for GeoIP
– Luckily though on Debian Linux there is a bundled deb package, so installation is trivial and clean.

debian-server:~# apt-get install php5-geoip

2. Furthermore it’s necessery to grasp geoip’s city database

debian-server:~# wget

Extract the gz file to prepare it for use by PHP GeoIP:

debian-server:~# /bin/gunzip GeoLiteCity.dat.gz

– Move the GeoLiteCity.dat file to /usr/share/GeoIP like so:

debian-server:~# mv GeoLiteCity.dat /usr/share/GeoIP

Now in order for the new geoip database to be red by PHP GeoIP we need to restart the Apache Webserver.

debian-server:~# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

3. It’s also recommendable to update periodically the Geo IP GeoLiteCity.dat database in order to be always up-to-date with the latest IP location information provided out there, to do so I’ve created a 3 liner that does the job.

To start using the download it from here and set it to execute via cron.

debian-server:~# cd /usr/sbin;
debian-server:~# wget
debian-server:~# echo "02 00 1 * * /usr/sbin/ >/dev/null 2>&1" | crontab -

That’s all now PHP GeoIP database will be updated once a month on day 01 at 02:00 a.m.

Now in order to check if your PHP GeoIP is ready to go and used by php scripts.

Create a new sample script, let’s say check_php_geoip.php and put in it:


Place the script somewhere under your Apache document root and invoke it via a browser, if it executes correctly you should get an output similar to:

Array ( [country_code] => BG [country_code3] => BGR [country_name] => Bulgaria [region] => 40 [city] => Dobric [postal_code] => [latitude] => 43.5666999817 [longitude] => 27.8332996368 [dma_code] => 0 [area_code] => 0 )