Posts Tagged ‘jenkins print environment variables’

Install Jenkins software development automation server on GNU / Linux

Tuesday, September 18th, 2018


As I have gone through a hiring procedures for Dev Ops system administration (Senior System Engineer) positions in the largest IT company in Belarus EPAM (A Global provider for software engineering and IT of the Dev Ops test tasks to do was to automate installation of Jenkins software development automation server on a Virtual Machine running Linust Guest of choice (VMWare / VirtualBox) with Ansible / Docker or Pure Shell Script as I love simplicity I choose to do it via Bash Shell script.

As Dev Ops position is more and more transforming into a programmer job into the New Age of non-sense Cloud Computing (I hate Clouds guys – I share Richard Stallman opinion that "Clouds are clouding your minds" !!! ) … the need for environments such as Jenkins allowing multiple pseudo "sys admins" (mostly copy / paste new age coders) to write and build there programs in Go Language / Python / Perl / Bash with a single environment for Continuous Integration (CI) that could deploy and keep software versionings in GitHub / Mercurial / SVN is exponentionally raising.

Old School Computer Geeks would definitely be amazed (reasonably) on why on earth would someone need a Web Based Java Crazy environment that Jenkins is to build a multiple language code and submit it to a source repository system
But as the people like to hype and make easy things harder adding more and more layers of complexity, the product is the new buziness hype terms Continuous Integration / Continuous Integration raise exponentially together with the softwares to do stuff.
As IT people are becoming more and more lazy and illitetelarete things like Jenkins is the next web development CI environment that is about to die in the coming 5 to 10 years.

Jenkins doesn't really cut the need for writting scrpits to make your application (Makefiles), for the Business Corporate world it is heavily used nowadays, because it is used to building projects using Web UI, running tests, doing static code analysis, and deploying.

What makes Jenkins in terms of IT architecture design solution is that every project that it builds is build via its Java Virtuam Machine Processor backend (the server itself runs in the background of the OS runs it through Java VM as a WAR file (Web Application Resource) with the help of Few Ruby and other scripted files.
Besides that JNS has in the moment of writting more than 1400 years spanning across platforms, UI, administration, source code management, and, most frequently, build management.

Jenkins is either used as a standalone server or as a servlet in Java app servers such as Tomcat.

This is the short script I came up with in bash that when executed installs Jenkins on the remote VM host server that ran Debian 9 Linux, the script is downloadable here.

# Install jenkins and test whether it runs prints password on prompt or send via email
# if email variable is set Jenkins password will be set to your email of choice using mail command
# NOTE: bsd-mailx package should be installed in order for email sent to work and local machine should be running a properly configured
# relay SMTP
# Author: Georgi Georgiev 

add_repos_install_jenkins () {
apt-get install –yes -qq apt-transport-https git curl

wget -q -O – | sudo apt-key add –

if [ “$(sed -n ‘/jenkins/p’ /etc/apt/sources.list|wc -l)” -eq 0 ]; then
echo 'deb binary/' >> /etc/apt/sources.list

apt-get update -qq && apt-get install –yes -qq jenkins

check_j_install () {
if [ “$(dpkg –get-selections | cut -f1|grep -i jenkins)” ]; then echo 'succesfully installed'; 

else printf 'Problem in installing please check'; 
exit 1; 



check_j_running_s_pass () {
if [ $(ps -e -o command|grep -i jenkins) ]; then 
echo 'Jenkins process working.'; 
echo ‘… do more here if necessery with some more commands’; 
echo 'not working log to file' >> jenkins.log 
exit 1; 

JENKINS_PASSWORD=`cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword`;
echo "Jenkins Admin password is $JENKINS_PASSWORD" | tee -a "jenkins_credentials.log";
if [ ! -z $email ]; then
echo $JENKINS_PASSWORD | mail -s "NEW Jenkins password" $email



main () {



To run the script on the remote VM server started for the purpose I created a passwordless ssh key authentication with

ssh-keygen -t rsa



ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/


command … for more check out my previous article "How to execute command to Multiple Servers / Establishing passwordless SSH key authentication on 50+ servers"

Once the passwordless authentication was established to remote Private Virtual Server I've used scp command to upload my script with:


# scp -v

Sending file modes: C0644 726
Sink: C0644 726              

Next to run the on remote host I used remote SSH run command capability, the syntax goes like this:




ssh [USER-NAME]@[REMOTE-HOST] [command or script]

In that case the command I used was:


ssh "chmod +x; /root/"


Next I launched Firefox browser and accessed http://localhost:8080 on the VM host and used the long password generated from the script by command:




JENKINS_PASSWORD=`cat cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword`;


In the process of Initial Jenkins setup I selected the GitHub plugins necessery for me to connect Jenkins with GitHub WebHooks (for that perhaps I will write another article when I have time).


Jenkins Getting Started Initial Screen


Jenkins Selecting Plugins Screen

Once successfully set-up Jenkins Initial Project creation / Configuration ( Control Panel ) screen looks like so


There was also a task to create a simple print Jenkins and Shell environment variables with a sample Jenkins Free Style Project.
the New Item menu and setting it to Execute Shell commands as a Build Parameters, the parameters set for the Jenkins Free Style Project to Print the Environment Varibles were like so:








echo “Jenskins Environment Variables”


echo "BUILD_ID" :: $BUILD_ID


echo "JOB_NAME" :: $JOB_NAME










echo "JOB_URL" :: $JOB_URL

echo “===Linux Shell Variables ===”

Well, it wasn't really a rocket science was it?! 🙂

That's all folks, see you soon.