Posts Tagged ‘MF’

How to check Java JAR JDBC / ODBC version on Linux / Unix and Windows server

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

If you're forced to update some Java based Web application using Java + Tomcat / WebSphere / Weblogic it is a common thing that the Java App developer handed to you will ask you which version is the Oracle JDBC / ODBC driver on current Java Virtual Machine version installed.

Actually there are few methods to check Java JDBC / ODBC version:

1. Check Java ODBC version greeping it in  WEB-INF/MANIFEST.MF

Usually the .jar file comes archived in a .ZIP – i.e.  application-name5 .zip

server:~# unzip


Then if the .zip file contains the OJDBC as a .JAR extension – (Java Archive), inflate it with jar tool.

server:~# jar -xvf ojdbc7.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF

server:~# grep Implementation META-INF/MANIFEST.MF
Implementation-Vendor: Oracle Corporation
Implementation-Title: JDBC


Alternative way to check the info (if you don't have java or jar installed on the Linux / Unix machine) is simply with unzip + grep like so:


server:~# unzip -p ojdbc14.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep -C 1 version

Manifest-Version: 1.0
Implementation-Version: "Oracle JDBC Driver version –"
Specification-Title: "Oracle JDBC driver classes for use with JDK1.4"
Specification-Version: "Oracle JDBC Driver version –"
Implementation-Title: "ojdbc14.jar"


If you're on a Windows (and you have Windows server grep.exe installed), use instead:


C:\jar> unzip -p ojdbc14.jar META-INF/MANIFEST.MF | grep -C version


2. Getting some info with Java JRE tool

You can check some useful Java version info also just with Java Runtime Environment (java) tool

server:~# java -jar ojdbc5.jar

Oracle JDBC 3.0 compiled with JDK5