Posts Tagged ‘russian language’

The Lord’s Prayer – Otche Nash in 10 Languages Choire performance (The Lord’s Prayer in Church Slavonic, Russian, English, Syriac, Egyptian, Bulgarian, Serbian, Macedonian, Latin)

Friday, November 30th, 2012

The Lord's Prayer – Otche Nash, Отче Наш (Slavonic with English)

Otche nash in Church Slavonic in Glagolica Otche nash in Church Slavonic in Glagolica

Ѿче на́шъ иже еси на н[е]б[е]се[хъ],

 да с[вѧ]ти́тсѧ и́мѧ Твое́,

да прїидетъ ц[а]рствїе Твое́,

да буде[тъ] волѧ Твоѧ́,

ѧко на н[е]б[е]си и на земли́.

Хлѣ́бъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь,

и оста́ви на́мъ дол[ъ]гы на́ша,

ѧко и мы оставлѧ́емъ дол[ъ]жникомъ на́ши[мъ].

 и не в[ъ]веди на́съ в напа́сть

но изба́ви на[съ] ѿ лука́ваго:

 ѧко твое есть ц[а]рствїе

и сила и слава во в[е]ки.



Otche Nash in modernized Church Slavonic

Отче на́шъ иже еси на небесехъ,
да святи́тся и́мя Твое́,
да прїидетъ царствїе Твое́,
да будетъ воля Твоя́,
яко на небеси и на земли́.
Хлебъ на́шъ насущныи да́ждъ на́мъ дне́сь,
и оста́ви на́мъ долъгы на́ша,
Яко и мы оставля́емъ долъжникомъ на́шимъ.
и не въведи на́съ в напа́сть
но изба́ви насъ от лука́ваго:
Яко твое есть царствїе
и сила и слава во веки.

Русские переводы 1860 г.

Отче нашъ, сущій на небесахъ!
да святится имя Твое;
да пріидетъ Царствіе Твое;   
да будетъ воля Твоя и на землѣ, какъ на небѣ;
хлѣбъ нашъ насущный дай намъ на сей день;
и прости намъ долги наши, какъ и мы прощаемъ должникамъ нашимъ;
и не введи насъ в искушеніе, но избавь насъ от лукаваго



Отче наш in Russian Language

The Lord's Prayer (Modern English)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil.

The Lord's Prayer in (Old English KJV translation)

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread;
and forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.

The Lord's Prayer in Anglo Saxon (Old English) – Faeder Ure

Отче наш на Български (In  Bulgarian) (In  Bulgarian) 

Отче наш, Който си на небесата!
Да се свети Твоето име,
да дойде Твоето Царство,
да бъде Твоята воля,
както на небето, тъй и на земята;
насъщния ни хляб дай ни днес,
и прости нам дълговете ни,
както и ние прощаваме на нашите длъжници,
и не въведи нас в изкушение,
но избави ни от лукавия;
защото Твое е царството,
и силата, и славата вовеки.


 Български Песнопения – Отче наш

Otche Nash in Greek

Πάτερ ἡμῶν ὁ ἐν τοῖς οὐρανοῖς ἁγιασθήτω τὸ ὄνομά σου· ἐλθέτω ἡ βασιλεία σου· γενηθήτω τὸ θέλημά σου, ὡς ἐν οὐρανῷ καὶ ἐπὶ τῆς γῆς· τὸν ἄρτον ἡμῶν τὸν ἐπιούσιον δὸς ἡμῖν σήμερον· καὶ ἄφες ἡμῖν τὰ ὀφελήματα ἡμῶν, ὡς &kapp a;αὶ ἡμεῖς ἀφίεμεν τοῖς ὀφειλέταις ἡμῶν· καὶ μὴ εἰσενέγκῃς ἡμᾶς εἰς πειρασμόν, ἀλλὰ ῥῦσαι ἡμᾶς ἀπὸ τοῦ πονηροῦ. [Ὅτι σοῦ ἐστιν ἡ βασιλεία καὶ ἡ δύναμις καὶ ἡ δόξα εἰς τοὺς αἰῶνας· ἀμήν.


Отче наш по греческ и с субтитрами и переводом (Pater imon)

bun d-bashmayo nithqadash shmokh tithe malkuthokh nehwe sebyonokh aykano d-bashmayo oph bar`o hab lan lahmo d-sunqonan yowmono washbuq lan hawbayn wahtohayn aykano doph hnan shbaqan l-hayobayn lo ta`lan l-nesyuno elo paso lan men bisho metul d-dylokh hi malkutho whaylo wteshbuhto l`olam `olmin Amin

Syriac Orthodox Prayer Abun D'Bashmayo (The Lord's Prayer)

The Lord's prayer in Latin language (IX century) – Cod.Sang. 17

Pater noster qui in celis es, sanctificetur nomen tuum, veniat regnum tuum, fiat voluntas tua, sicut in celo et in terra, panem nostrum supersubstantialem da nobis hodie, et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris, et ne nos inducas in temptationem, sed libera nos a malo.

The Lord's prayer in Coptic Language (Egyptian)

Je peniwt etqen niv/oui: mareftoubo n~je pekran: mareci~ n~je
tekmetouro: petehnak marefswpi: m~v~r/] qen t~ve: nem hijen pikahi:
penwik n~te rac]: m/if nan m~voou: ouoh ,a n/e~teron nan e~bol: m~v~r/]
hwn: n~ten,w e~bol: n~n/e~te ouon n~tan e~rwou: ouoh m~perenten e~qoun
e~piracmoc: alla nahmen e~bol ha pipethwou: qen Pi,~rictoc: I/couc
Pen[oic: je ywk te ]metouro: nem ]jom: nem piwou: sa e~neh: a~m/n.
Je penyoat et khen ni fee owi: maref toovo en je pekran: mares ee en je tek met ooro: petehnak maref
shoapi: em efreeti khen et fe: nem hijen pi kahi: pen oik ente rasti: meef nan em fo oo: owoh ka nee e
te ron nan evol: em efreeti hoan: en ten koa evol: en nee e te oo on entan eroa oo: owoh em perenten
ekhoon e pi rasmos: alla nahmen evol ha pi pet hoa oo: khen pi ekhristos: Eesoos Penchois: je thoak
te ti met ooro: nem ti gom: nem pi oa oo: sha eneh: ameen.


The Lord's Prayer in Coptic (Egyptian Language)

Pater Nostra with English Translation

Interesting comment to make here is in the English translation the prayer is said to say "but deliver us from evil", where in Church slavonic Orthodox Church text the text is literally translated reading "deliver us from the evil one", stressing that evil is not an abstract force as most of modern people think but it is personalized and there is the evil one which is has a personality and is not some abstract force like taught and belived by multitudes of people including Christians today.

Molitva Gospodnia (Oce Nash) in Serbian Language

Оче наш који си на небесима,
да се свети име твоје;
да дође царство твоје;
да буде воља твоја и на земљи као на небу.
Хљеб наш насушни дај нам данас;
и опрости нам дугове наше као и ми што опраштамо дужницима својим;
и не уведи нас у искушење,
но избави нас од злога.
Јер је твоје царство и сила и слава, Оца и Сина и Светога Духа, сада и увијек и у вјекове вијекова. Амин.  

Oce Nash (The Lord's Prayer) by George Milosh in Saint Elias Serbian Orthodox Church in Aliquippa, PA

Otche Nash (Oche Nash) in Macedonian Language


The Lord's Prayer in Macedonian Language

Оче наш, кој си на небесата,
да се свети името Твое;
да дојде царството Твое;
да биде волјата Твоја
како на небото, така и на земјата.
Лебот наш насушен дај ни го денес,
и прости ни ги долго вите наши,
како што им ги проштаваме и ние на нашите должници.
И не воведувај нѐ во искушение
но избави нѐ од лукави от.


Oče naš – Otche nash in Croatian Language

Oče naš,
koji jesi na nebesima,
sveti se ime Tvoje,
dođi kraljevstvo Tvoje,
budi volja Tvoja,
kako na nebu, tako i na zemlji.

Kruh naš svagdanji daj nam danas,
i otpusti nam duge naše,
kako i mi otpuštamo dužnicima našim,
i ne uvedi nas u napast,
nego izbavi nas od Zloga!.

After some exploration, I've noticed there is a website with the effort to collect on one place The Lord's prayer in All present talkable Languages – check it here

Easy way to travel from Belarus to Holland hopping through Lithuania or other Shengen country

Friday, January 4th, 2013

Shengen tourist visa travel to Holland from belarus via Lithuania

Over the last 2 months or me and my girlfriend from Belarus, had quite a lot of pondering on how and if is easy possible to travel from Belarus to Holland. As with every new undertaking, obtaining enough information on how to proceed put a lot of stress on her and me.

I will explain in short the whole situation in hope that someone else who is in a situation like this can benefit out of our experience.

I am born in Bulgaria with Bulgarian nationality, but currently living in the Netherlands, because of my studies. I study here in Arnhem, Holland in Arnhem Business School. My Belarusian girlfriend is with Belarusian ID and since Belarus is not in EU. They're not allowed to freely travel within the EU without a VISA. To receive a VISA for EU Belarusians obliged to have first invitation send by a person – (priglashenie) as called in Russian language) and then it is up to government authorities to issue the Visa.

We wanted to meet each other here in Holland for the Christmas holidays somewhere in period 20 Dec – 05 January 2013 and thus she needed a tourist VISA. My first idea was to send her invitation through a Bulgarian friends family who live and work and have a registered company here in Netherlands. I asked them to check about if it is possible they somehow invite Svetlana, through their company, but it never happened I received an answer. Then failing this I thought about asking a Slovenian friend if it is possible, that he send Svetlana invitation using his Offshore Company which is already offering clients issuing Business VISAS for few destinations.

My logic was since Slovenia is within Shengen, it should be possible to invite Svetlana to Netherlands. However as I heard from him he contacted the embassy  of Germany / Netherlands to ask them but received a reply this is not possible. Failing this as an  option then  I thought of a friend of mine who is a citizen of the Netherlands – I asked him if he can send her invitation, but he refused to do so fearing maybe, Svetlana will stay as illegal emigrant here in Holland and he might have problems with police.

My next, idea was to ask the Slovenian guy to invite Svetlana to Slovenia and hence she make VISA for Slovenia; Slovenia is in the European Union and in Shengen agreement for Free re-location and work within all Shengen countries, thus she might first fly to ljubljana and then from ljubljana take another flight to Holland. This "doorway" is far away from convenient, even if possible (I was not sure if even possible it was just an idea), the ticket prices for flight from Minsk to Lubljana and Lubljana to somewhere in Holland costed around 400 EUR!

In one of our consequent Skype conversations with Svetlana, I've learned she researched on some Belarusian internet forums many people claim it is actually possible to travel from Lithuania to any of the 27 countries of the European Union. Meaning she needed to get a tourist (Shengen) VISA for Lithuania. Issuing VISA for Lithuania is comparatively easy cause Belarus and  Lithua are neighbor border countries and many people frequently travel from Belarus to Lithuania and vice versa.

Issuing a VISA from Belarus to Lithuania is possible through using few agencies in Belarus helping people to have a vacation trip to Western Europe. Svetla applied for one of those agencies, promising to issue a VISA for a week / week en a half or so. However as Belarus is still living on  a plenty of government structures inherited by the Communism which was until 1991 and which were kept after the fall of communism there and perestroika, it is necessery that a special government institution approves the Tourist Visa after the Lithuanian government  issues it. It seems there were plenty of people from Belarus who applied for Tourist Visa to western European countries, so Svetla was put in a queue line not knowing for sure  if the Visa will be possible to be issued until 22nd of December. The big trouble here was I already booked a flight ticket ticket from Lithuania capital Vilnius to Eindhoven Holland with low cost company – Wizzair. BTW I flight with Wizzair 2 times so far and the flight experience was pretty decent for its low ticket price.

Finally after the agency failed to confirm whether it will be able to help her in issuing the tickets before 22nd of Dec, she had to go herself to the Embassy  of Lithuania to sign up on a queue with other people to receive a VISA to Lithuania. The situation was quite uncertain, as it was not clear if this Embassy of Lithuania will issue her Visa or not or even if her queue turn will come before 22-nd. In theory it should have but it also depended on Belarusian governmental athorities who had to also approve the visa. Like in all complex situations like this, all left was we pray God to help us and hope it all will just run smoothly with issuing and approvel of visa.

One important note to make here is Svetla asked a lady in the Embassy of Lithuania, if she can use her Lithuanian VISA to travel within the rest of the member states of the European Union and she was given a negative response – a fact which discouraged and saddened both of us.
The encouraging thing was Svetla asked other people waiting for entering the embassy to request a Visa and as she spoke with them they all said it is possible to use the Lithuanian Visa to travel freely with no check to any country within the EU.

It was days of waiting and a lot of stress mainly for her because, I was in Holland and I couldn't help her (physically) in arranging the visa.

Praise God all went Okay and she was issued VISA few days before the flight date!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂

Now to take the flight which was early in the morning of 22 of December 2012, Svetla had to travel quite a lot. First on a bus from Belarusian capital Minsk, she had to travel to Metro (if not mistaken), from Metro to Bus-Station, then take bus fr Minsk – Vilnius and after going down on Bus Station in Vilnius to take another bus to Vilnius Airport. After this long travel  finally had to check in on Airport and fly on Wizzair airplane in 06:15 morning.
She had to spend about 6 hours waiting for the check-in on Vilnius Airport, because the bus from Minsk arrived about midnight.

Thanksfully by God's Grace she met a nice Russian family travelling to Brussels, through Eindhoven and hence flying on same flight to Eindhoven like her, so she had a nice chat time on the Airport. Thanks God again, all went smoothly with the flight and about 08:30 she was on Eindhoven's airport waiting for me and I take her about 09:15.

There was no need for passport and security check on Eindhoven airport – as I heard from her, cause there is no border control of passengers travelling within the circle of Shengen EU country zone. In Vilnius she had the usual security check before entering the plane, but in Holland it was not needed. In Holland all she had to do is to collect her laggage from the luggage circling platform.

Hopefully this little post will help other Belarusians who need to travel to any country within the Shengen zone to meet friends, beloved or family.


How to change Debian GNU / Linux console (tty) language to Bulgarian or Russian Language

Wednesday, April 25th, 2012

Debian has a package language-env. I haven't used my Linux console for a long time. So I couldn't exactly remember how I used to be making the Linux console to support cyrillic language (CP1251, bg_BG.UTF-8) etc.

I've figured out for the language-env existence in Debian Book on hosted on OpenFMIBulgarian Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics website.
The package info with apt-cache show displays like that:

hipo@noah:~/Desktop$ apt-cache show language-env|grep -i -A 3 description
Description: simple configuration tool for native language environment
This tool adds basic settings for natural language environment such as
LANG variable, font specifications, input methods, and so on into
user's several dot-files such as .bashrc and .emacs.

What is really strange, is the package maintainer is not Bulgarian, Russian or Ukrainian but Japanese.
As you see the developer is weirdly not Bulgarian but Japanese Kenshi Muto. What is even more interesting is that it is another japanese that has actually written the script set-language-env contained within the package. Checking the script in the header one can see him, Tomohiro KUBOTA

Before I've found about the language-env existence, I knew I needed to have the respective locales installed on the system with:

# dpkg-reconfigure locales

So I run dpkg-reconfigure to check I have existing the locales for adding the Bulgarian language support.
Checking if the bulgarian locale is installed is also possible with /bin/ls:

# ls -al /usr/share/i18n/locales/*|grep -i bg
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 8614 Feb 12 21:10 /usr/share/i18n/locales/bg_BG

The language-env contains a perl script called set-language-env which is doing the actual Debian Bulgarization / cyrillization. The set-language-env author is another Japanese and again not Slavonic person.

Actually set-language-env script is not doing the Bulgariazation but is a wrapper script that uses a number of "hacks" to make the console support cyrillic.

Further on to make the console support cyrillic, execute:

hipo@noah:~$ set-language-env
Setting up users' native language environment
by modifying their dot-files.
Type "set-language-env -h" for help.
1 : be (Bielaruskaja,Belarusian)
2 : bg (Bulgarian)
3 : ca (Catala,Catalan)
4 : da (Dansk,Danish)
5 : de (Deutsch,German)
6 : es (Espanol,Spanish)
7 : fr (Francais,French)
8 : ja (Nihongo,Japanese)
9 : ko (Hangul,Korean)
10 : lt (Lietuviu,Lithuanian)
11 : mk (Makedonski,Macedonian)
12 : pl (Polski,Polish)
13 : ru (Russkii,Russian)
14 : sr (Srpski,Serbian)
15 : th (Thai)
16 : tr (Turkce,Turkish)
17 : uk (Ukrajins'ka,Ukrainian)
Input number > 2

There are many questions in cyrillic list necessery to be answered to exactly define if you need cyrillic language support for GNOME, pine, mutt, console etcetera.
The script will create or append commands to a number of files on the system like ~/.bash_profile
The script uses the cyr command part of the Debian console-cyrillic package for the actual Bulgarian Linux localization.

As said it was supposed to also do a localization in the past of many Graphical environment programs, as well as include Bulgarian support for GNOME desktop environment. Since GNOME nowdays is already almost completely translated through its native language files, its preferrable that localization to be done on Linux install time by selecting a country language instead of later doing it with set-language-env. If you failed to set the GNOME language during Linux install, then using set-language-env will still work. I've tested it and even though a lot of time passed since set-language-env was heavily used for bulgarization still the GUI env bulgarization works.

If set-language-env is run in gnome-terminal the result, the whole set of question dialogs will pop-up in new xterm and due to a bug, questions imposed will be unreadable as you can see in below screenshot:

set-language-env command screenshot in Debian GNU / Linux gnome-terminal

If you want to remove the bulgarization, later at certain point, lets you don't want to have the cyrillic console or programs support use:

# set-language-env -r
Setting up users native language environment' 

For anyone who wish to know more in depth, how set-language-env works check the README files in /usr/share/doc/language-env/ one readme written by the author of the Bulgarian localization part of the package Anton Zinoviev is /usr/share/doc/language-env/