Posts Tagged ‘sects’

MK Ultra Monarch Programming Exposed videos – How brainwashing works, popular brainwashed pop stars

Tuesday, May 15th, 2012


I'm not a big fan generally of conspirative theories. As a Christian I'm convinced the evil forces, who try to oppose us as Christians are very real. As we can read in the holy scriptures in Ephesians:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Well this spiritual wickedness the holy apostle is talking about is already existing since the creation of the world. The power with which it is trying to work in our daily lives is increasing day by day as a fulfillment of the prophecies of the Book of Revelation, where it is said in the last days of world existene, the devil will be cast down from heaven to earth, before he is finally cast down to Abaddon (if I'm not mistaken – The old testamental word for Hell word). Here is a quote from the Book of Revelations, stating this:

Revelation 12:12 – Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

King James Version Bible (KVJ) Bible

I think Christians, should be aware of the existence of some devilish works, like the research of the United StatesCIA (Central Intelligence Agency) research called "Project MK Ultra" in the 1960 to late 1970's. The MK Ultra project was created with the goal to foster techniques for mind manipulation throgh drugs, pain, electroshocks, creation of high tension in testing subjects etc. etc.

The MK Ultra (Monarch) programming has given birth to the nowadays so modern NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) which is a favourite involved method in many protestant Christian sects.

Probably almost anyone has somehow experienced some modified version of Monarch Programming but he didn't knew of it existence, so he just couldn't understand what is happening. The idea behind this kind of neuro linguistic programming is to confuse you and shake off your ground and then re-teach you on how the universe works, who you're and what you're supposed to do on this earth. The result from people who parcipated in Monarch mind programming is paranoias, false beliefs, crazy ideas about self and the world, fears, mental and personality disorders (also known in science terms as schizophrenia), animal like sexual lust, loose of control over self …

In short the NLP results are clearly opposite to what the Holy Bible teaches us to live in peace with all people as long as we can, to do good to put our faith and hope on God's good plan for our lives, to not trust human knowledge but rather obey God's laws, to not do sexual immorality (sexual fornication) etc. etc.

Many programs for free offered by the European Union to strengthen society are plainly a Neuro Linguistic Programming, a version of the MK-Ultra Monarch programming. This kind of NLP programs falsely says:" you're reached to become stronger, see better the things arond you (increase your awareness), be more cautious about people's gestures and body langues, be more self aware and stronger enterpreneur person. All this claimed to be teached is purely  one GREAT DECEPTION, right on the contrary the NLP programs  makes you a weak unrealized psychopath person, who impose his incorrect ideas about life as we know it and the surrounding envinment, God's order in life and personal well being / happiness /. In other words it makes you be moved by devilish teachings without even realizing it.

The MK-Ultra Monarch persons ultimate goal is to make one person take control over the other in other words MK-Ultra or NLP (call it as you will) is nothing more than another dependency manipulation technique.

The basic behind how it works is – you have to be manipulated and brainwashed by someone in order to exercise manipulation (brainwashing) on other human subjects.
If you think for a while you will understand this is completely crazy and its exactly like a sect. Whether one person gets brainwashed what it happens in reality is he looses his free will as the person is possessed by one or a legion of evil spirits), then the controller person who is the Monarch over the brainwashed is capable to "command" his brainwashee "child" just because he himself has another devil. Devils communicate in between just like the Holy Angels and all the creations in Heaven God created on the first place. This is why the wicked spirits are deceiving the brainwashed persons to just do their wicked will while taking control over the person posing as another personality and that's why it appears like the person has a complete different personality. This different personality is actually the devil who controls actions and thoughts of the person. The manipulative teachings held by Project MK-Ultra are pitly, heavily used by modern Businessmen. Most company CEOs has somehow went through an NLP and have been subconsciously instructed on what kind of business they have to do by the devils which possess them. This is also the reason why so many Chief Executives are being perceived as crazy persons by their employees. This is also the reason why the economy worldwide went so bad, because many of the heads in companies are led by horde of demons, on which direction they should lead the multi national companies.

I would stop, here and show you few videos I found produced by someone who is aware of the existence of NLP and the heavily application it has today in society.

The videos are explaining, also what is the reason why this pop-rock stars are so eccentric and do so much of odd things as they do. Also it explains how many of the world higher class people get their position in society.

MK-Ultra (Moarch Programming Exposed) Part 1

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 2

MK – Ultra (Monarch Programming Exposed) Part 3

The MK Ultra / NLP is being nowdays, taught as a regular subject in many Universities all around the world, by some weird non-sense subjects like Business Ethics, How to improve your awareness, how to become succesful business person, Introduction lessons to business etc. etc. etc.

The author of the videos is presumably a Protestant Christian, so I would say some of the facts presented in the video might have a protestant perspective, however I believe what he says is almost fully true. I'm a bit sceptical about the Illuminati claims, at least as a structured society of people who try to rule the world. However I'm sure most of the rich and succesful people nowdays has something to do with sects, satanism and occultism. Since the very change of regime from Monarchy to Capitalism, the order of society is being inverted in a way that most of the highest position in societies are held by people who are either a hard-core atheists (anti-christs) or people involved in magical stuff, occulm, secret societies or some kind of new-age religion, occultism.

I've heard by many friends, who somehow are in the position to have connection with richer people, that many of the heads in governments or key people involved in countries around the world are gays and lesbians. I don't know how much this is true as I haven't seen it with my own eyes but I'm tending to believe this is true, as I see how the whole world has headed to increasing immorality and self-destruction.
Of course it is not in the power of men to orchestrate such a strong bodies of connection between wicked people as the supporters of Illuminate has claims. The people who are somehow doing this evils are plainly possessed and controlled by devils and one day, they will have Gods judgement on the judgement. Then they will shake and pray for mercy the all merciful one but it will be too late for them, for God has given them a whole life to turn back from their sins and repent for their evils and turn to the Lord Jesus Christ and live a life of righteousness …

Anyways the existence of NLPs brain programmings or all kind of manipulations and hidden evils should not discourage us or trouble us but on the contrary as our Saviour Jesus Christ said:

"Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God,
believe also in me." John 14:1 – (KJV) Holy Bible

And the holy apostles said in the New Testament of the Holy Bible:

38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:{38-39}

A few words on Pseudo Christian Spirituality. A false “Spiritual” Movies and Books which we as Christians should Fully Avoid

Monday, April 18th, 2011

Heresies and How to Avoid them

We live in the age of the boom of sects, false prophets and false “messiahs”. Today it’s common that the bookstores are filled in with all kind of occult literature and magic teaching literature, agnostic books, horoscopes and all kind of empty modern day philosophy books which teaches evil, the so called “Get rich for a day”, “The secrets of success”, “How to take advantage over the others”, “How to be succesful”, “NLP for your success”, “How to enter into business”, “How to become rich quickly” etc. are e very short list of all the non-sense literature one can meet on the books market.

Along with the books we are being offered all kind of movies and philosophies “teaching us” about the life meanings, trying to explain the meaning of life and the universe and the meaning of each self as a human being.

From Christian perspective, most of this movies and books which plead to contain “a deeper life meaning” are empty of any real pure spiritual contents but are simply a mixture of various religious beliefs belonging to different group of worldy faiths and mostly targets to make the authors of the story or screen play rich.

This movies are not being inspired by God – The All Holy Trinity and they reject Christ as a founding stone on which to stand over, it’s clear that they contain an anti-christian content and every truly devoted Christian should try to abstain from watching them.

To name just a few of asuch a movies which are ecumenical (preach for unification of world religions) and from Orthodox Christian perspective are anti-christian in essence:

  • What the Bleep Do we Know – Down The Rabbit Hole
  • The Great Secret of Water
  • The Secret
  • The Fountain

We as Christians should try not watch this movie or praise them as something which confirms our faith, as they don’t confirm our faith in Christ but they try to spread up a “sick spirituality” and insane ideas.
This is just a small list of movies I have encountered which has influenced my spiritual health in a really negative way, therefore I hope if you’re a Christian you will take my warning and CHOOSE NOT TO WATCH THESE MOVIES!.
The reason for choosing not to watch this movies would be purely to prevent yourself from experiencing a spiritual (soul) damages by exposing yourself to the heretical teachings and ideas of the aforementioned ones.

Also try to get astray from all the genres of boks which I have mentioned above which try to teach you how to become sucessful in life, I have personally read a book I’m not sure about the exact name but it was similar to:

  • “The subsconscious could do everything / (Psyche can achieve everything) / The power of Mind etc.”

The book teaches the false idea that with our subconscrious mind we built our own current realities and promotes “positive thinking” as a way to attract wealth, personal success and happiness to yourself.

You can see yourself that this is insane not only from a Christian perspective but even for any rational person.

The idea of this false teachings is to convince you that man is undeveloped god and that we are masters of our own reality.

Therefore it is in direct contrast with even basic Christian beliefs, we Christians do belief that our reality and existence is completely in God’s hands and nothing could happen without God to allow it to happen.
Therefore from a Christian perspective if you, “during the whole day think about how you will get rich and how you will have millions in a bank account” as many of the up-mentioned devilish movies and books teaches, nothing will happen if God does not allow it.

We’re clearly said and taught from the Holy Bible and the Livings of the saints that all our life and daily goods we attain through our life are given by mercy, the saints has taught us that our lives and all we’re and possess are from God for God and through God! To whom be glory now and forever and ever! Amen.

Watch out for this heretical false doctrines which might separate you from Christ and our mother the Orthodox Church. The appearance of all this kind heretical literature and movies is in accordance to the prophecies by our Lord Jesus Christ who said that in the last days there will be many wolves in sheeps clothes, who will deceive and be deceived.

Let we as an Orthodox Christians be careful about what kind of books we read and keep our selves away from these and the similar kind of poisonous teachings.

Let we be fully delivered by God’s grace from being exposed to this kind of faith tempting books by the Holy Prayers of The Theotokos and all the Saints. Amen