Posts Tagged ‘think’

Bill Gates explaining solution to over-population – depopulation through vacines and medical care system – Is Bill and Melinda Gates foundation really good?

Tuesday, June 26th, 2012


While checking some videos on the net I've came across information that Bill Gates bough 500 000 shares from Monsanto.

Gates is a well know for being Philantrophist, giving large amounts of charities aiming to fight the hunger in Africa through his and his life charity foundation Bill and Melinda Gates. This charity looks like something perfect on a first glimpse as of September 2011 he has donated $33 billions to the foundation which is trying to help Africans to fight hunger diseases, find cure for HIV etc.

The methodology to help the hungry and sick people in africa is done via distribution of food grown and vaccination and helping the "poor" people in Africa get some education. It all sounds like a very good deed and one can say "what a good man of honour" GAtes is.

Well this would have been true only if Gates didn't said it clear in TED's show that vacination is one of the ways which can be used to battle the over population and increased need for food, medical service and energy.

See the short video below:

Bill Gates suggests Depopulation Through Vaccines on a talk on TED show

I don't think it is too likely gates made an error in saying what he said on the presentation, obviously it was a clearly prepared presentation for the show and what he said was exactly what he meant. Now put aside the vacination of africa along with the likeness that a lot of latest drug medicine are probably injected in many unknowing Africans used as a guinea pig and you understand that this $33 Billion are given for eradication of large and testing of medicals on large population uneducated mass in Africa.

Not that I say vacination is necessery bad as one could think. From the few videos, I've seen with Gates rationalizing on various world problems one can come easily to the conclusion that Gates has a strong Utalitarian mindset. If you're not aware of Utilitarianism frightening philosophy see here


The Dangers of Authority Over-Obedience

Thursday, June 28th, 2012


How much and to what level should, we obey authority. And is it really that authorities in force things always the best for the masses? Well history has shown and shows again and again that being obedient to Authority is a good think only if the authority did not pass a certain borders. In second world war both Nazis and Stalinist Russian "pogroms" passed this borders. So how this came to be? How Stalin and Hitler become the totalitarian dictators they did?

By completely dis-obeying the authorities at their times. Hitler was in Jail, Stalin was membering a communist guerillas who blow up trains and did subversive activities to Tsarist Russia. Hence obviously this two evil man was against the their times authorities. The way they raise up to power was also with breaking then ruling authorities. As a result of their dis-like for the system before Nazi Germany and Communist Russia both of the dictators lived in isolation be it among communist with anarchistic anti-government ideas in Stalin's case or living inprisoned in Hitler. The later results of being exposed to this isolation become evident, when by all means they came to power. Both of them were people with enormous egos (egoists). The only think that moved both of them was their own megalomanias and desires to be controlling imitating how God controls the universe.

But the WW II killed jews and the pogroms Stalin did in Russia was not only Stalin and Hitler's fault. It was a result of one false propaganda and openly anti-christian spread ideas all around the world. This atrocities were a fruit of the huge isolation that happened in many people lifes and their detachment from faith in God, also it was a cause of a huge masses of people who obeyed the new-created communist and Nazi authorities without questioning.
True Christians at the time in both Russia and Germany tried to oppose the new ungodly totalitarian order mainly (through press), the attempt was futile.

The reason was that many people in Germany become so heavy dependent on the local authorities. That the masses did not have the guts to go to the streets and oppose the new anti-human laws edicted. In Russia, probably at least half of the people living their lived in villages and used to obey the Tsar's authority as the monarchy was a prooved working system and for many generations people lived in monarchy and knew only monarchy; also many people in Russia were lacking high level education neither were prepared to fight something as the raising communism sponsored by Westerm Europe. So Western Europe gave money to Lenin and the communists in Russia to destroy the country monarchy from within, whether Hitler took a loan from America. Just think for a while and see how ridiculous all this is … What makes the whole thing even more ridiculous was that the money for financing both Hitler and Stalin activities (including the atrocities against poor jew people)) was financed with bank money given as loans by other Jews …

All this money were loaned because of dirty profit. There were many people in the chain who could have said no and protest against loaning the money but not wanting to disobey the system they were silently helping the whole war to bloom.

Now just 67 years after thanksfully by God's grace this war has over, the world headed the same direction as before the WW II. The severe economic crisis, the isolation of large masses of individual from family, the decay of family values, the lack of community and the over-use of technology and non-direct communication. All this makes us isolated. The increased isolation makes us unable to operate normally in many cases and hence highly dependent on the social system (just see how many people in Europe are living thanks to social pension).
The social system dependence and inability to live and think out of the established governmental system puts us in a situation, where we cannot live out of the system and to always adapt to the system. For many things, we can't say NO anymore. The over-increased surveillance and people tracking that was accepted as normal not only through Europe and America continent but the whole world is a good example on how publicity of severe freedom threat is kept in secret. People who talk about their dislike for surveillance and the possible short future abuse are even nowadays considered as abnormal paranoids. Suddenly it is more and more happening that normal society concerned people are being concerned as crazy and probably the future fate of people who in anyways question the more and more totalitarian like system that is being build right before our eyes will be similar to the WW II jews extermination …

Hannah Arendt "The Dangers of Obedience"

The meaning of the business modern day definition

Thursday, April 5th, 2012

What is the business word meaning - The success Plague my gimp logo

This post, is just to open one big issue I saw with the modern business word.
In universities, governmental institutions and everywhere throughout the globe the business word is repeated more and more everyday. People often associate business with all positive.  Everyone who is succesful in business is highly praised and  even more absurdly thought as superior to others!

With all this said I would like to honestly ask you the the question "What is the  meaning of business?" and why ever thought it means anything meaningful. Who on a first place did come up with this non-sense word and why we are still so dumb to praise it and not completely ban it from our lives and just live whethever is good and righteous wihtout trying to get into e field of someone or a groups of people idea of something that makes not a senese at all.

If you think closely on the business word having the definition of just "being busy all the time", then it is logical everyone is a businessman and hence everyone is in business . Still howevfer in universities, we have courses teaching is that you should follow certain direction or "mantra" like rules in order to be a succesful businessman. There are plenty of books already around named like

  • the 7 habits of succesful people
  • How to become succesful in life
  • What to eat and why
  • How to behave on business meetings. 
  • What is the ultimate key to success in both daily life and spirituality
  • How to be intercultrally aware 

and many many more all kind of junk literature like this. In my view all this is a complete nonsense not less or more than what the business is. Lets face it  business means "Busy-ness" e.g. to be constantly busy. In that sense people are getting more and more busy these days. Not that this busi-ness has a direction or a line. People are now constantly busy with something, watching TV, playing computer games, reading useless lies information in the newspaper, not to mention the riduculous nonsense talking over the phone for every minor detail. People think less and less, while being busy more and more. Where this will end? I have no clue. What I'm certain is all this "busi-ness" trend in society is not a good think. Being constantly busy plague, (being a busyness man) is starting to spread to everyone on earth. The important thing is not to be busy all the time, but to be busy with something which will help you and help the others for good. Nowdays people and especially "business" people concentrate not on the being helpful (corporate responsibility) thing, or making a contribution to the rest and yourself but rather to make a contribution to something.

Many of the people involved in business takes decision, which has a terrible impact on both the rest of people and themselves. Unfortunately we can see rarely people realize all this things … I hope this business understanding as we know it, will be stopped and people will realize that business, shouldn't be always a good thing or thing that has to do with money and professional success, but rather a hostile kind of anti-human and anti-self fostered international culture .

There is plenty to be said on why one shouldn't want to become a succesful businessman and why an education in a business field could be often useless, but as I don't have the time now (sorry I'm too busy! I'm a businessman  :D).

Anyways I will rant on this subjects too in the posts to come.

Websites I view per daily basis

Friday, January 11th, 2008 That’s most of which I can think right now ..END—–

BB – A must see ASCII Art Audio / Video portable demo for Linux, FreeBSD, UNIX and DOS

Thursday, May 24th, 2012

bb Audio Visual ASCII art Linux FreeBSD demonstration old school demo logo

I know and I have enjoyed BB – Portable Demo for already a decade.
I'm sure many newbies to the Free And Open Source (FOSS) realm don't know or heard of bb's existence as nowdays ASCII art is not so well known among youngsters. Hence this short post aims to raise some awareness of the existence of this already OLD but GOLD – awesome! text console / terminal demonstation BB 🙂

bb is pretty much in the spirit of Oldschool Assembly DOS demo scene dominating the geeks dome in the late 80's and yearly 90's.

Historically bb used to be one of the main stunning things one could show to a fellow GNU / Linux new comer.

For the year 2000, seeing all this awesome ASCII video demo running on free Operating System like GNU / Linux was a big think.
The fact that such an advanced ASCII art was distributed freely for an OS which used to exist since only (6 / 7 years) was really outstanding of its time.

BB text ascii art Linux demo entry screen characters matrix

I still remember how much I was amazed seeing a plain ascii video stream was possible only Linux. Moreover the minimal requirements of bb were quite low for its time – it worked on mostly all PCs one can find at the time.

BB's minimum requirements to work with no chops is just an old 486/66 DX2 CPU Mhz with few megas of memory (32MB of memory was more than enough to run it)

BB text sacii art Linux demo entry screen char matrix

A very unique feature of bb was it was the first Linux demo that succesfully run simultaneously playing on two monitor screens as one can read on the project website.
Unfortunately I didn't owned two monitors back in the day so never ever had the opportunity to see it running on two screens.
Anyhow I've seen it runnign somewhere on some of the Linux install fests visited some years ago…

The demo was developed by 4 man group ppl – the AA group the same digital artists are also the guys behind the AA Project.

AA Lib mascot logo :)

The main aim of AA-lib was to make possible (Doom, Second Reality, X windows) to run rendered in plain ASCII art text.

The project succeeded in a lot of his goals already as there is already existent such an ascii art ports of large games like QUAKE! Be sure to check this awesome project too AAquake ascii quake page is here
, as well as video and pictures could be viewed under a plain console Linux tty or in terminal (via SSH 🙂 )

Thanks to AA-Lib even text mode doom exists.

bb as well as aa-lib has ports for most modern Linux distros in that number one can easily get rpm or deb packages for most of distros.
On Slackware Linux you should compile it from source. Though compilation should be a straightfoward process, not that i tried it myself but I remember a close friend of mine (a great Slackware devotee) who was the one to show me the demo for a first time on his Slackware box.

1. Installing bb on Debian Linux

Debian Linux users like me are privileged as for already many years a Debian package of bb is maintaned thanks to Uwe Herman

Hence for anyone willing to enjoy bb install it by running:

debian:~# apt-get --yes install bb
ho@debian:~$ bb

If you're running a X server the aa-lib will immediately run with its X server compiled support:

Running BB Music Screesnhot

2. Installing BB demo on FreeBSD

On FreeBSD, bb demo has a port to install it run:

freebsd# cd /usr/ports/misc/bb freebsd# make install clean ...

Here is good time to say that even though in most of the machines, I've tested the demo I had on some of the hosts problems with sound due to buggy sound drivers.
As of time of writting hopefully on most machines there will be no troubles as most of the Linux sb drivers are better supported by ALSA.

Everyone interested in both Free Software and ASCII art knows well how big in significance is the AA-lib project for the historical development and attraction for new hackers to the Linux dome.
In that sense AAlib head developer Jan HubickaBy the way Jan Hubicka is also the author of another Linux tool called xaos. Xaos is a tool to deal with some kind of advanced higher mathematics stuff called fractals.

XAOS Screenshot Debian Squeeze Linux

Unfortunately I don't know a bit for fractal maths and what the purpose of the tool is but as you can see on the shot it looks nice running 🙂

Here are also, lot of the major BB parts in shots:

Running bb music screen screenshot Linux Debian 6 Squeeze

BB AScii fire Linux shot

bb demo ascii art fractals

BB demo ascii art back head and description of the dev

bb demo ascii zebra Linux screenshot

bb demo cannon gun shot

BB demo ring screenshot

BB demo spots Debian shot

BB developer head shot 2

BB developer profile shot

bb game ascii invaders demo

Linux extremist BB demo

BB demo zoomed text ascii art text

BB Demo thanks for watching screen

For those on MS-Windows OS platform, here is the demo 🙂

BB ASCII Demo standard size running in Linux (With sound)

Enjoy ! 🙂

Cloud Computing a possible threat to users privacy and system administrator employment

Monday, March 28th, 2011

Cloud Computing screenshot

If you’re employed into an IT branch an IT hobbyist or a tech, geek you should have certainly heard about the latest trend in Internet and Networking technologies the so called Cloud Computing

Most of the articles available in newspapers and online have seriously praised and put the hopes for a better future through cloud computing.
But is really the cloud computing as good as promised? I seriously doubt that.
Let’s think about it what is a cloud? It’s a cluster of computers which are connected to work as one.
No person can precisely say where exactly on the cluster cloud a stored information is located (even the administrator!)

The data stored on the cluster is a property of a few single organizations let’s say microsoft, amazon etc., so we as users no longer have a physical possession of our data (in case if we use the cloud).

On the other hand the number of system administrators that are needed for an administration of a huge cluster is dramatically decreased, the every day system administrator, who needs to check a few webservers and a mail server on daily basis, cache web data with a squid proxy cache or just restart a server will be no longer necessary.

Therefore about few million of peoples would have to loose their jobs, the people necessary to administrate a cluster will be probably no more than few thousands as the clouds are so high that no more than few clouds will exist on the net.

The idea behind the cluster is that we the users store retrieve our desktops and boot our operating system from the cluster.
Even loading a simple webpage will have to retrieve it’s data from the cluster.

Therefore it looks like in the future the cloud computing and the internet are about to become one and the same thing. The internet might become a single super cluster where all users would connect with their user ids and do have full access to the information inside.

Technologies like OpenID are trying to make the user identification uniform, I assume a similar uniform user identication will be used in the future in a super cloud where everybody, where entering inside will have access to his/her data and will have the option to access any other data online.

The desire of humans and business for transperancy would probably end up in one day, where people will want to share every single bit of information.
Even though it looks very cool for a sci-fi movie, it’s seriously scary!

Cloud computing expenses as they’re really high would be affordable only for a multi-national corporations like Google and Microsoft

Therefore small and middle IT business (network building, expanding, network and server system integration etc.) would gradually collapse and die.

This are only a few small tiny bit of concerns but in reality the problems that cloud computing might create are a way more severe.
We the people should think seriously and try to oppose cloud computing, while we still can! It might be even a good idea if a special legislation that is aming at limiting cloud computing can be integrated and used only inside the boundary of a prescribed limitations.

Institutions like the European Parliament should be more concerned about the issues which the use of cloud computing will bring, EU legislation should very soon be voted and bounding contracts stop clouds from expanding and taking over the middle size IT business.