Hello, this is a very informative post of the Christian …

Thursday, 25th April 2024

Comment on Why does Orthodox Christian priests and monks wears long beards and why Roman Catholics does not by UmerSultan.

Hello, this is a very informative post of the Christian take over the beard.

As a Muslim, it is obligated on us to have beard, as all the Messengers, Prophets and Men of God wore the beard. You mentioned that.

It is a beautiful practice of the Men of God that is looked down upon. Thanks for writing such a wonderful post, bringing out the more authentic tradition practiced by Jesus, peace be upon him.

If you are on Facebook, please check this page out, I hope you will join it and contribute the Christian perspective. Thanks.

Peace be onto you.

UmerSultan Also Commented

Why does Orthodox Christian priests and monks wears long beards and why Roman Catholics does not
Sorry I forgot the facebook link:

“Beard Rockers”

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