Father Nektarios Serfes - Royal Martyrs Of Russia
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Tsar Martyr Nicholas II
Tsar Martyr Nicholas II

This parish web
site is humbly
dedicated to
Daniel Stolypin
and in
memory of
Pyotr Stolypin

Prophecies Of The God
Anointed Tsar-Martyr
Nicholas II And Family

Compiled by Father Nektarios Serfes
15 November 1998
Boise, Idaho U.S.A

Introduction by Father Nektarios Serfes:

There existed in Russia, at the time of His Imperial Majesty Tsar Nicholas II, a holy commonwealth. The Tsar himself was never placed outside the Church or "above the law", but always within the Church and subject to the law of Christ. Such a righteous Father to his people was the last Tsar, Nicholas II. It now pleases our God to reveal Tsar Nicholas and those who suffered with him, to the Church and to the whole world.

An Orthodox monarch receives his authority from God, but by what means and in what manner does it come to him? Authority to govern in the Name of God and perform the highest earthly ministry descends upon a Tsar in the Sacrament of Anointing, at the time of his coronation.  After the crowning he is told that "this visible and material adornment of thy head is to thee a manifest sign that the King of Glory, Christ, invisibly crowneth thee". The Anointing takes place after the reading of the Gospel in the Divine Liturgy.  The chief hierarch anoints the Tsar with Holy Chrism on the brow, the eyes, nostrils, lips, ears, breast, and hands, saying each time: "The Seal of the Gift of the Holy Spirit."  Therefore, Nicholas II received his authority through a Sacrament.  The Holy Spirit was upon him. "By rejecting the Tsar, the people blasphemed the Sacrament and trampled upon the grace of God" (Illustration History of the Russian people).

Several prophecies were given during the time His Majesty Emperor Tsar Nicholas II and his family faced their tragic fate. Indeed, not only the Tsar, but also millions and millions of others who followed in the same footsteps towards holy martyrdom. His Eminence Metropolitan Philaret, of blessed memory, wrote the following: "Unwavering faithfulness to Christ shines forth especially clearly and victoriously in the struggle of those whom Christian antiquity called 'witnesses' (in Greek, martyros). This struggle of martyrdom is the struggle of those who gave witness of their faithfulness, devotion, and love for Christ by dying for Him, not sparing their own lives!"

The Tsar-Martyr Emperor Nicholas Alexandrovich, who at one time said: "If for the salvation or Russia a victim is needed, I will be this sacrificial victim"... The last Tsar, together with his family, was killed precisely...as Orthodox Tsar - for his Orthodoxy!

Our Lord God has raised up genuine prophets who both warned of the inevitable disaster coming upon Russia for her abandonment of her Orthodox foundation, and foresaw her ultimate resurrection through suffering and repentance. From these sufferings however comes the Glory of our God.  The prophetic visions related below contain the basic features of what has been revealed concerning the future of Russia.  They are compiled almost entirely from firsthand sources, and the prophets themselves are either recognized Saints and Martyrs, or candidates for holy canonization.

Now I present to you humbly some of these prophecies of  "God's Anointed Sufferer Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II and his Family":

St. Seraphim of Sarov prophesied in clear words about the tragic fate foreordained by God for the Tsar who would be present at the Savor solemnity of faith, when there would be Pascha (Easter) in the midst of summer (the glorification and canonization of St. Seraphim in 1903).

According to his prophecy, if there would be repentance in the Russian people, God would yet have mercy on her, but first He would allow for a time the triumph of lawless men: the Tsar would to overthrown and killed, so that the people might know in experience what life was like under the Tsar anointed by God, and under the rule of men who have trampled underfoot the law of God. St. Seraphim, by revelation from God, wrote in his own hand a letter to the Tsar who would come to Sarov and Diveyevo, entrusting it to his friend Motovilov, who gave it to Abbess Maria, who in turn handed it personally to Emperor Nicholas II in Diveyevo on July 20, 1903.

What was written in the letter remains a secret, but one can suppose that the holy elder saw all that was to happen and warned against the frightful events to come... (Source: Abbot Seraphim, Peking, 1920, in Orthodox Russia, 1981, No.1).

Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow in 1917 saw a vision the Savior speaking to Tsar Nicholas:

"You see," said the Lord, "two cups in my hands: one is bitter for your people, and the other is sweet for you."
In the vision the Tsar begged for the bitter cup.  The Savior then took a large glowing coal from the cup and put it in the Tsar's hands.  The Tsar's whole body began to grow light, until he was shining like a radiant spirit.  Then the vision changed to a field of flowers, in the middle of which Nicholas was distributing manna to a multitude of people.

A voice spoke: "The Tsar has taken the guilt of the Russian people upon himself and the Russian people is forgiven."  Nicholas himself once said: "Perhaps an expiatory sacrifice is need for Russia's salvation. I will be that sacrifice. May God's will be done!"  (Source: Orthodox America, Oct.-Nov. 1981., Richfield Springs, NY., p. 5).

Tsar Martyr Nicholas II also said and remarked to his advisors: "I have a secret conviction that I am destined for a terrible trial, that I shall not receive my reward on this earth."  (Source: Orthodox America,  Oct-Nov. 1981., Richfield, NY., p. 5).

Grand Duchess Elizabeth. "A Prophetic Dream, On Behalf Of The Royal Martyrs Of Russia Tsar-Martyr Nicholas II & Family ", compiled by Father Nektarios Serfes. Father Mitrofan Srebrianski the spiritual Father of the Grand Duchess Elizabeth , spoke to her, because he had a dream before the 1917 Revolution in Russia. This dream is explained by the pious Abbess and and recently canonized St. Elizabeth the New Martyr, also known as the Holy Royal Martyr Grand Duchess Elizabeth.

St. John of Kronstadt. One Sunday in the Autumn of 1916 in the Monastery of St. John in Petersburg, where the venerators of Father John used to gather, the Hiearchal Divine Liturgy was celebrated by Metropolitan Macarius of Moscow.  After the Liturgy, in the quarters of the Abbess of the Convent, Abbess Angelina, there gathered a number of clergymen and military men.

Metropolitan Macarius read for those who had gathered one place in the diary of Father John of Kronstadt, in which were described visions and prophecies concerning Russia...  It turns out that many years before the Great War Father John wrote absolutely precisely in his diary both the participants in the war and the outcome of the war.

Father John like wise prophesied the military failures of Imperial Russia and the Revolution bound up with them.  He indicated that the dominance of revolutionary ideas would be prolonged, that there would be innumerable casualties of the Revolution, rivers of blood, the woe and misfortune of the entire population.  The deliverance of Russia from the Red yoke Father John prophesied as being from the East. (Source: I.K. Sursky, Father John of Kronstadt (Belgrade, 1942), vol. 2, pp. 3, 23-24. Reprinted in Orthodox Word, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, Ca. May-June 1973., No. 50., pp. 110 & 115).

St. John of Kronstadt
St. John of Kronstadt
St. John of Kronstadt
.  "Russia, if you fall away from your faith, as many of the intellectual class have already fallen away, you will no longer be Russia, or Holy Russia.  And if there will be no repentance in the Russian people - then the end of the world is near.  God will take your pious Tsar and will send a whip in the person of impious, cruel, self-appointed rulers, who will inundate the whole earth with blood and tears." (Source: Sermon of 1905, in Father John of Kronstadt 50 Anniversary Book, Utica, N.Y., 1958, p. 164. Reprinted in Orthodox Word, St. Herman of Alaska Brotherhood, Platina, Ca. May June 1973, p. 115).

Other pious God-loving Archbishops, Bishops, Hieromonks (Priestmonks), Monks, and lay persons made further prophecies of the fall of Russia and the turning away from God: Hieroschemamonk Aristocleus, Hieromonk Anatole the Younger & Elder Nectarius both from the Optina Monastery, Hieromonk Barnabas of the Gethsemane Skete, Archbishop Theophanes of Poltava, Schema-Archimandrite Heliadarus, Schema-Archimandrite Heliodorus of Glinsky Hermitage, and St.John Maximovitch.

The Tsar, The Tsarina, and all of the family members seemed to have expressed in their diaries and in their diaries and in their letters foreknowledge of their final fate, and they were well prepared spiritually.

Our ultimate resurrection through suffering and repentance of what has been revealed about the Holy Royal Martyr Tsar Nicholas II and his beloved family, including Russia, is a time for us all to reflect on our own sins, and not to judge our brothers, but to forgive, with more forgiveness, and to love, with more love. Peace be unto the loving souls of the Royal Martyrs, and all the New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.

May Christ our true God, with His almighty right hand, bestow upon us all His love, and His blessings, as well as His forgiveness.

I would like to humbly thank John Wilson Smith for his kind assistance for this web site.

Holy Royal Martyrs
Tsar Nicholas & Family
Pray Unto God For Us!

Glory Be To God For All Things!

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b a c k - t o p e-mail : father@serfes.org. 11-15-1998