Andreas Freise

      also known as a:f
              + \
               `( '/.\|
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              '  '   a:f

Discovery of ASCII Art

Well, I saw my first ASCII Art picture in 1994. It was Meriday in the morning by Mike Jittlov. I became interested and while surfing the net looked out for more ASCII pictures. Very soon I found the Usenet group alt.ascii-art. Impressed by the creativity and activity of the participants I stayed tuned. Two years later I already had a quite large collection of ASCII pictures. Up to that point I had not dared to try it myself but finally I did open a (DOS) text editor and started typing. It was rather difficult at first but after a while I became faster in creating ASCII drawings and more content with the result.

My Drawings

Almost all ASCII Art pictures by me can be found in my Gallery. I have also used some of my drawings to illustrate my Dictionary's pages here and there. They are all rather big drawings but, apart from that, they should give you a good impression of the kind of ASCII art I do.

For this example picture called Tshilp, created in June 2001, there is a `the making of' movie in which you can watch me drawing this picture. Starting with an empty canvas, every move is shown step by step until the finished picture emerges.

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           | Movie  _   >          
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The movie was made with the help of JavE. It is displayed with an Java Applet. If it crashes your browser you can download the movie file and the player code (at and watch the movie locally without a browser. (You need to have Java installed on your computer to do so!)

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