If you're working in a middle or big sized IT company or corporation like IBM or HP, you're already sucked into the Outlook "mail whirlwind of corporate world" and daily flooded with tons of corporate spam emails with fuzzy business random terms like taken from Corporate Bullshit Generator
Many corporations, because probably of historic reasons still provide employees with small sized mailboxes half a gigabyte, a gigabyte or even in those with bigger user Mailboxes like in Hewlett Packard, this is usually no more than 2 Gigabytes.
This creates a lot of issues in the long term because usually mail communication in Inbox, Sent Items, Drafts Conversation History, Junk Email and Outbox grows up quickly and for a year or a year and a half, available Mail space fills up and you stop receiving email communication from customers. This is usually not too big problem if your Mailbox gets filled when you're in the Office (in office hours). However it is quite unpleasent and makes very bad impression to customers when you're in a few weeks Summar Holiday with no access to your mailbox and your Mailbox free space depletes, then you don't get any mail from the customer and all the time the customer starts receiving emails disrupting your personal or company image with bouncing messages saying the "INBOX" is full.
To prevent this worst case scenario it is always a good idea to archive old mail communication (Items) to free up space in Outlook 2010 mailbox.
Old Outlook Archived mail is (Saved) exported in .PST outlook data file format. Later exported Mail Content and Contacts could be easily (attached) from those .pst file to Outlook Express, leaving you possibility to still have access to your old archived mail keeping the content on your hard drive instead on the Outlook Exchange Mailserver (freeing up space from your Inbox).
Here is how to archive your Outlook mail Calendar and contacts:
1. Click on the "File" tab on the top horizontal bar.Select "Cleanup Tools" from the options.
2. Click "Cleanup Tools" from the options.
3. Click on the "Archive this folder and all subfolders" option.
4. Select what to archive (e.g. Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items, Calendar whatever …)
5. Choose archive items older than (this is quite self-explanatory)
6. Select the location of your archive file (make sure you palce the .PST file into directory you will not forget later)
That's all now you have old mails freed up from Outlook Exchange server. Now make sure you create regular backups ot old-archived-mail.pst file you just created, it is a very good idea to upload this folder to encrypted file system on USB stick or use something like TrueCrypt to encrypt the file and store it to external hard drive, if you already don't have a complete backup corporate solution backuping up all your Laptop content.
Later Attaching or detaching exported .PST file in Outlook is done from:
File -> Open -> Open Outlook Data File
Once .PST file is opened and attached in Left Inbox pane you will have the Archived old mail folder appear.
You can change Archived name (like I did to some meaningful name) like I've change it to Archives-2013 by right clicking on it (Data File properties -> Advanced)
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Tags: archive, Archive Outlook, Click Cleanup Tools, data, Drafts Conversation History, drive, external hard drive, file, file format, free space, good, hard drive, hp, ibm, idea, IT, location, mail, mailboxes, middle, possibility, PST, Select Cleanup Tools, Sent Items, system, USB, working, year
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Email archiving option in Outlook is very important for me personally, because all of my e-mails are archived. I can tell you that this option works perfectly, never had a problem!
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