If you're a hosting company that is hosts Joomla / WordPress / ModX websites (each) on separate servers and thus you end up with servers hosting multiple WordPress customer Blogs only, lets say (100+ WP blogs per host) soon your MySQL blogs databases will be full (overfilled) with spam comments. Blogs with multitude of spam comments reduces the WordPress site attractiveness, takes useless disk space, makes wp databases hard to backup and slowing drastically the SQL server.
As our duty as system administrators is to keep the servers optimized (improve performance) and prevent spam-bots to hammer your Linux servers, its is always a good idea to keep an eye on which hosted blogs attract more spammers and cause server overheads and bad hardware optimization.
WordPress blogs keeps logged comments under database_name.wp_comments (table) thus the quickest way to find out blogs with largest comments tables is to use Linux's find command and print out only comments tables larger than set size.
Here is how:
find /var/lib/mysql/ -type f -size +1024k -name "*_comments.MYD" -exec ls -lh {} ; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }'
/var/lib/mysql/funny-blog/wp_comments.MYD: 15,7M
/var/lib/mysql/wordblogger/wp_comments.MYD: 5,3M
/var/lib/mysql/loveblog/wp_comments.MYD: 50,5M
A comments database of 1MB means about at least 500+ comments, thus the blog loveblog's wp_comments.MYD = 50,5 Mbs contains probably about 10000! comments and should be definitely checked in a browser, if its overfilled with spam because of bad anti-spam policy or missing currently best wordpress spam catcher plugin Akismet. In cases of lack of client to protect his spam you can write quickly a script to auto mail him and ask him kindly to check / fix his blog spam.
In some cases it is useful to write a few liners bash script to automatically disable users with extraordinary blog spam comments databases (quickest way to do it is to move users blog data under quarantine directory and adding a Blog Suspended static html webpage with text like "Please contact support for more info".
1024k find arguments is 1MB, on a big hosted blogs this might be low and you might want to use (100Mb) = 102400kbytes.
You should note that *_comments.MYD in above find cmd is because though standardly wordpress sets wp_ as a prefix to its created skele table structures it is not always the case.
In above command example find looks for spam comments in /var/lib/mysql (because this is a Debian Linux server), however on other MySQL custom installs, it might be in another dir i.e. /usr/local/mysql/data etc.
It is useful to set the wp_comments statistics output to execute at least once a day as a cronjob:
crontab -u root -e 00 24 * * * /usr/sbin/check_spammed_blogs.sh
vim /usr/check_soammed_blogs.sh
Set a script like:
find /var/lib/mysql/ -type f -size +1024k -name "*_comments.MYD" -exec ls -lh {} ; | awk '{ print $9 ": " $5 }' | tee -a /var/log/blogs_with_most_spam_comments.log
Though above commands is to run on GNU / Linux, for Windows servers based hosting you can install GNUWin tools and adapt above cmd using windows standard commands or PowerShell to do the same.
Finally you can might want to use some other SQL script to clear blogs with enormously large tables from spam or clear all unapproved spam comments
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Tags: bash script, blogs, hosting server, How to, info, lib, multiple, MYD, servers, spam, var
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