A great improvements in php execution times may be achived using the eaccelerator php module it keeps cached the executing php filesso prevents the server from interpreting the same php files over and over again on each client visist. I recommended itto everyone looking for performance optimization The project is located on http://eaccelerator.net. Today we had a HRQM lessonin the College before that we had Dutch. I went to the pharmacy to buy some medicines after school. Psychic health isa serious issue I observe I and other friends need psycho therapy :). The life is going day after day I’m curiouswhy do people need so much information. Everything has become so complex nowheredays that sometimes you can’t to makeeven the small assignments for the day. Currently I’m trying to brainwash my brain with a SCI-FI serial called “THE 4400” it’s anabsolute bull shit (nevermind). Today also there is a divine grace thanks to God. From 3 days I’m listening Saviour Machineagain heavily pretty neat band if you haven’t checked it I recommend it 🙂 There are many questions I ask myself everyday with the hope someday I’ll know them. The most general question of them is “What’s the point of all”. I think the only corrent answer everytime I found is “to walk humbly with your God” and as a result of this be more and more like Christ. Faith in God is such a strange think. You’re in him and he is in you :)END—–
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