I’m preparing myself for my E-marketig & E-commerce exam part of the EMarketing & E-commerce module I follow in Arnhem Business School.
The study materials for the Emarketing exam are very basic and give some very basic information related to E-marketing & E-Commerce, however the readings has some good points. The electronic documents related to the E-marketing were available for a download from HAN Scholar (The University electronic documents study resource).
Since the documents lacked any copyrighting I thought it’s a good idea to share the documents for the public here in my blog, that some other followers of the Emarketing discipline either in Arnhem Business School, can benefit from them or any other students following the same course.
Here are the Emarketing related resources:
1. Emarketing Reader – The basic study documents for the E-marketing course in doc file and EMAR_Reader in pdf
2. SEO Guide doc file – a very basic guide for Search Engine Optimization
3. Basic concepts behind Search Engine Marketing – CPC, CPP, Site search engine submit, meta tags, web directories, Optimizations etc.
4. Powerpoint (PPT) Presentations archive for E-marketing, E-business, E-procurement, E-business Strategy
5. Emarketing & E-commerce comparison assignment student reports for 2 websites
all the files I have gathered throughout the study of E-marketing course are avialable here.
I hope this study resources will be of use to some future students in Arnnehm Business School or other university students following the same course.
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Tags: business school, business strategy, commerce study, cpc, cpp, Download Internet Marketing study materials, e procurement, electronic documents, emarketing, Emarketing & E-commerce study materials (Emarketing Reader, marketig, marketing course, marketing e commerce, meta tags, ppt presentations, Search Engine Marketing, SEO Guide) for download, site search engine, study documents, study materials, study resource, study resources, understanding emarketing, web directories
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