The current latest stable version of Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty. Does have the same annoying issue as in the latest Debian Unstable. What I mean is Ctrl + Alt + BackSpace doesn’t work anymore. So people who has since the early days of linux get used to that just like man gets used to food, get seriously annoyed by that. The fix to the problem is explained on UbuntuGeek’s website . There are a couple of approaches man could partake. The most common especially is ubuntu is to install the small proggie:
dontzap and use sudo dontzap –disable . Another possible solution is to directly edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and enable the feature directly to the Xorg server.
If you want that edit the xorg.conf file and add:
Section ServerFlagsOption DontZap “falseâ€EndSection
Have phunEND—–
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Tags: Enable Ctrl + Alt + BackSpace in Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04)