If you are using OpenVMS or VMS for a first time, you probably have already run the edit command which usually is a macros for the EVE text editor.
Below is a text extracted from OpenVMS's EVE text editor.
To invoke EVE, use the EDIT/TPU command. By default, this runs the
standard EVE section file---EVE$SECTION.TPU$SECTION (see help on
/SECTION). You may want to create a symbol for invoking EVE, by
putting the following line in your LOGIN.COM file:
$ eve :== EDIT/TPU ! My symbol to invoke EVE
What is interesting about VMS EVE (EDIT/TPU) is it is like a sort of
forefather to Microsoft Windows DOS and later Windows generation edit
If you have run the edit command on OpenVMS lets say on dahmer.vistech.net or any other host offering free shell to OpenVMS you probably couldn't even exit the editor the first time. Not that the text editor control are hard to grasp, but that they're a bit unusual.
In VMS EVE editor to Save & Exit once you're over with text input in EDIT, use CTRL+Z. To EXIT without saving in OpenVMS's EVE use the CTRL+Y key combination this will simply drop you off back to the DCL (Digital Command Language) shell.
The "feeling" to use EDIT is quite different from VIM or DOS edit. It really feels like smooth 🙂
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Tags: Digital Command Language, Edit, eve, login, Save Exit