If you want to filter a range of IPs to be able to or unable to access a TCP port service because someone is trying to brute force you from the network or just because you don't want a connected LAN IPs to have access to your server for whatever security reasons. The simplest way you can do IP and IP range restrictions to allow or disable access towards a Linux server via defining allow or prohibition rules in /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny.
This files are there and useful since the beginning of UNIX OS-es and has been widely used on Linux in the past and rarely known by people nowadays.
The hosts.allow and hosts.deny files could be used on a Linux system to deny connection attempts from one or more IP addresses, hostnames, or domains.
/etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny are just a plain text configuration file with a rather simple syntax, that can be used for decades to allow or filter IPs without applying a special firewall rules like iptables locally.
It can work with any TCP wrapped service on your system. The hosts.deny file is used in conjunction with hosts.allow to determine whether a connection attempt gets accepted or denied.
In this small tutorial, you will see an example of the hosts.allow file and how to use it to allow or deny connections to IPs or networks, as well as how a simple prohibition to access SSH service only via specific IP network can be done.
For full understanding of hosts.allow / hosts.deny file, check the manuals man hosts.allow , man hosts.deny, man hosts_options, man hosts_options.
root@pcfreak:~# apropos hosts|grep -iE '^hosts.*'
hosts.equiv (5) – list of hosts and users that are granted "trusted" r command access to your system
hosts (5) – static table lookup for hostnames
hosts.allow (5) – format of host access control files
hosts.deny (5) – format of host access control files
hosts_access (5) – format of host access control files
hosts_options (5) – host access control language extensions
General hosts.allow / hosts.deny syntax
The /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny understood syntax form is:
service : host/network
Each value is separated by a colon :
You can also supply an option, but this is not as common. We will cover some other niche choices below. More options can be added if necessary, with each one separated by another colon.
service : host/network [:
The following line would allow all traffic to the sshd service. ALL is used as a wildcard.
sshd : ALL
Few examples to allow access to SSH Daemon from IPv4 and IPv6
This line would allow connections from all hosts on the 10.11 network. Connections from all other hosts can then be denied by the hosts.deny file. This type of configuration would work as intended since the allow line precedes our corresponding deny line in the other file, thus will be triggered first.
sshd : 10.11
Accept connections from a particular IPv4 and IPv6 address
sshd :
sshd : [2a02:2143:88f1:5c00:9991:9daa:b580:aee2]
Rather than using IPs, you can also specify hostnames to accept or deny connections from.
sshd : some.host
Accept connections from all hosts using the main domain .pc-freak.net domain name.
sshd : .pc-freak.net
You can also use a wildcard for both the service and the host/network field. This will accept all connections to any service. This would make all other rules (including those in hosts.deny) irrelevant, as all connections will be accepted by this rule before they have a chance to be denied.
The EXCEPT operator can be used to create an exception in an otherwise all allowing rule.
For example, this rule would allow all connections from the .pc-freak.net domain name, except for one sub-domain org.pc-freak.net
sshd : .pc-freak.net EXCEPT org.pc-freak.net
Allow connectivity towards SSH TCP port 22 for all IP / hosts except for certain IPs and domains
To control connectivity towards sshd service via allow hosts /etc/hosts.allow for all except a bad.host and a certain IP range:
sshd : ALL : allow
sshd : bad.host : deny
sshd : 85.5.1. : deny (1)
Disable access to all remote services to the network
Lets say if you're running the Linux as desktop station and you want to disable access to any local services running on TCP ports
If you want to be paranoid and disable all remote access to server to any IP network, you can do it with:
# echo "ALL: ALL" >/etc/hosts.deny
Completely allow access to a certain running TCP port service on server
To allow completely access to a service
service_name : ALL : allow
Allow access for a a range of IPs subnet
You can also specifcy the IP netmask range to allow, like this:
Allow access to all server network services for a domain except for a certain domain
Enable access to ALL running server services listening on TCP port except for domain
ALL : .example.com EXCEPT skiddie-attacker.example-domain.com
Allow access to al services except to a service for a local port range via hosts.allow
Here is example onw how to use hosts.allow file to allow connections all running server services except access to VSFTP, coming from Local LAN IPs with netmask /24 (e.g. from the 192.168.0.x.):
ALL EXCEPT vsftpd : 192.168.0
Filtering IPs and IP Ranges from within /usr/sbin/sshd openssh service via /etc/ssh/sshd_config (allow and disable access to concrete IPs trying to brute force you)
Lets say however, you don't want to do the filtering of openssh connections via hosts.allow / hosts.deny but rather on a SSH Service level, this can be done with the following /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration.
# vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
Match Address *,!
ForceCommand /bin/false
For more on the use of Match Address check documentation with man 5 sshd_config
To re-load the opensshd config
# systemctl restart sshd
Of course manually filtering villains is a tedious task and ultimately to save yourself time and inconvenience to regullary look up within /var/log/security or /var/log/messages (depending on the Linux distribution) and the configuration for SSHD to login imposters you would prefer to use fail2ban (if you're not familiar with fail2ban check out my previous article on how to easily Stop ssh bruteforce authentication attempt Attacks with fail2ban or if you want to use the Linux native way check out the article how to prevent SSH and FTP bruteforce attacks with IPtables.
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Tags: configuration file, General, hosts, How to, iptables, org, port 22, server services, sshd, vsftp