I've decided to delete my linkedin account as I don't see any good in constact connectiodness and being part of many "social" networks which if one thinks in deeply are not social but anti-social.
You just stay at home staring at a screen and it will be like this until the end of your days and even worser for the generations to come. Computer revolution or digital revolution is in reality huge devolutin (devil-lution)
To delete the linkedin account I used a short tutorial provided by This post
TO reach to your Profile settings, use upper right corner of your browser and follow the menus:
Settings -> Account -> Close your account
Once, trying to delete your account, linkedin will try to manipulate you to stay in Linkedin by pushing some of your contacts, pointing how you will get disconnected from him.
I'm amazed how impudent this guys can be, actually, its not just them. If you have tried or deleted your facebook account before time you will have faced, exactly the same thing. A profile (person picture) which was recently browsed by you will be shown to you and be said you will be unable to connect with him any more. Well who cares if it is God's will we will connect again 🙂
The problem with us modern people is we're so deluded that we have started relying more on technology and human knowledge than to God. For most people who are atheists relying more on technology than on God for their lives seems reasanable However for us Christians putting more trust in technology than in Gods providence for us is sinful and deadly.
I'm starting to get the conclusion, non-technological societies are more happier than technological ones. In that sense, we the Bulgarians are blessed, because technology is not so widely spread.
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Tags: accountOnce, atheists, Auto, browser, bulgarians, christians, close, computer revolution, conclusion, constact, corner, devil, devolutin, digital revolution, Draft, end, facebook, generations, god, good, home, human knowledge, ini, knowledge, LinkedIn, menus, person, post, profile person, profile settings, providence, quot, revolution, screen, Settings, social networks, technological societies, technology, time, upper right corner, use, worser