I needed to show the Administrator user on one Windows 7 install.
Achieving this is done through command prompt – cmd.exe where the command prompt with the exclusive option of Run as Administrator .
The exact command that unhides the Administrator user so further on on next windows login screen one sees Administrator user ready for use is:
C:> net user administrator /active:yes
Unhiding Administrator user is always handy whether one needs to do some bunch of operations with Super User. After finishing all my required tasks with administrator I reverted back and hid the Administrator user once again like so:
C:> net user administrator /active:no
This commands also works fine on Vista and presumably on Windows XP.
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Tags: Achieving, administrator, bunch, cmd, command, command prompt, exact command, exe, fine, login, option, run, screen, show, Super, unhide, Unhiding, use, User, Vista, Windows, windows xp