I needed to link a new created WordPress Post to external web page address. So when one clicks over the created post he opens an external website.
I’ve googled around to see how this can be achieved and found ordpress external links plugin
I gave a go of the plugin, but pitily I couldn’t make it work. I decided to try some other methods and after some time I tried another approach. I used the HTML >a href=””< My Post Title </a> as a title and it appeared this simple method prooved working 😉
Here is a small screenshot, from wordpress Add New Post dialog
By the way the information online I’ve found on how this the external link creation for a Page or a Post is made was quite obscure and messy. i wonder why there is no clear explanation on the direct a href link creation, especially since WordPress is a de-facto standard for a blogging platform and nowdays powers up so many websites engines around the world.
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Tags: creation, de facto standard, dialog, external url, external web, href, href link, HTML, information, link, link creation, lt, nowdays, online, page, platform, plugin, post, quot, screenshot, standard, time, url, way, web page address, Wonder, Wordpress, working
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
Thank you soooooooooo much. You saved my day!
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Thank you sooooooooo much. You saved my day!!!
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its awesome sharing 🙂 thank you brother.. i’m add to you my favorites.
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