Yesterday a friend of mine (Static) has passed to me a really funny videos in Skype.
The idea behind the videos is quite interesting, so it’s worthy to explain it in a few words.
Some hard core arcade gamers has found there dedication to the arcade games to a level, where theydecided to reproduce (play), there favourite arcades in a real life situations.
Some of the guys involved in the bizarre ideas, dressed up with a customs of the arcade game heroes,like Pacman, Mario, Luigi etc. and started re-create scenes from the famous Video games:
Pac-Man and Super Mario Bros
as well as other games reproductions.
I’ll post just two videos of what exactly the insane guys has done just watch the videos, I guarantee you a real hard laugh 🙂
a Human Pacman game – How Pac-Man would like if it was in real life 🙂
Human Super Mario Bros. (reproduced) – How Super Mario bros would look like in the real life 🙂
Enjoy! 🙂
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Tags: Acting the old school video arcade games in a real life situations, Human Pacman & Mario Watch out this funny reproductions of the classic arcades