Yesterday and today we had Management Games and Theathre Games with Joop Vinke.At the management game we play a sort of Human Resources Management game. All the students are devided into groups and we play a simulator game. We had to manage a company. First we setup our 2 year goals and then we play the game on quarters (6 quarters). Every quarter we have to made some managerial decisions (invest money into different stuff, hire personnel, promote ppl etc.).
Basicly the company consists of 660 employees, there are 5 levels in the company starting from 1 where there is unqualified specialists and 5 which are the top management.
When we make our choices then all this data is inputed into a computer which gives us some feedback which helps us in taking the decisions for the next quarter. At the meantime Vinke organizes fun games to entertain us and make us feel comfortable with him and through this games he tries to show us basic concepts in business. The last two days I really enjoyed.
Today the game that impressed me the most was called
“The Werewolves from Wackedan”. Basicly it’s a strategic game with roles. In it you’ve got a bunch of ppl who play different roles, 3 of them are werewolves, others are citizens others are ppl who have special abilities to foresee who are the werewolves.
We had cards in front of us turned back to prevent others except us to see the cards. Some of the cards are citizens and ppl who belong to the citizens other 3 are werewolves.
Every night the werewolf kills a person (by selecting somebody from the crowd, when they sleep), because the werewolves are out at night when everybody sleeps. At the morning citizens awake and one of their friends is dead so they try to revenge by pointing someone to be killed (it may be a citizen again it may be a werewolf).
At the end only werewolves or citizens should servive 🙂 It was a big fun today to play this simple game. At the end of the day at 18:00 we had a session of the so called Theathre/Games. Theathre Games include different entertaining games which are designed to improve our communication skills and teach us to act like an actors plus they are pretty entertaining 🙂 That’s all thanks to God everything seems to run smoothly around my life. Except my health I’m still having some health issues although I can say I have an improvement I am not still healed and I still drink herbs.
At 20:00 I was out with Narf and we went to the fountain a little later Kimmo and Yavor joined us and we spend some time their. Well that’s most of the day at night I went to my grandma just to see how she is doing and now I write this post tomorrow the Management Game continues at 09:00. So probably after few minutes I’ll go for the night prayers and then I’ll go to sleep. END—–
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Tags: big fun, choices, citizen, citizens, company, crowd, end, everybody, everything, feedback, fountain, fun, fun games, grandma, health, human resources management, Joop, management game, management games, managerial decisions, meantime, Narf, person, ppl, quarters, quot, revenge, session, simple game, sleep, someone, special abilities, strategic game, stuff, time, top management, werewolf, werewolves, year
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i – Mafia, Mafia Live, i – Mob Online, Mafia Boss, and
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Come on ladies, being silent doesn’t affect a man as much as you think.
This causes her to be insecure and wonder what she did wrong.
Don’t worry about crashing or making other mistakes.
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I have to make a remark, that my understanding of Joop VInke and his group Toine Sterk / Frank Vonk really changed when I spend 2 years and a half in Arnhem Business School. These people games are not so innocent as they look, neither it is fun. They’re a brutal sect like organization which are trying to brainwash people and lead them to false ideas about reality (just like all heretics). Mr. Joop Vinke is a member of Rotary Club and Toine Sterk is a certified practicioner of HBDI (which is a kind of occult method) highly being used in modern times companies and in reality has connection with Kabalah and the FreeMasonry. I will blog more on that but my advise is to definitely not study in Arnhem Business School. This University is Anti-Christian and run by Jewish, this is evident by their ABS HAN University logo which is two triangles (red and white) one. Which if put together do create the Jewish Star of David (Magen David) which is on Israel’s flag. Also the fact that the two triangles are Red and Blue is not a coincidence because this two colors had a special meaning in FreeMasonry which is tightly connected with Judaism, the red color in Masonry symbolizes High Masonry and Blue one symbolizes low masonry. So if you want to not hurt yourself spiritualy with HAN University woves in sheep clothes, just keep away from Arhnem Business School and tell all your Christian friends to not apply for study in ABS.
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I forgot to mention about Philip Da’Ponte who was another person helping Joop Vinke in their Diabolical (anti-christian) brainwashing satanic studies.
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