If you're migrating a website from Apache Webserver to Nginx to boost performance and better Utilize your servers hardware and the websites (Virtualhosts) has sections with implemented Apache .htaccess / .htaccess password authentication, you will have to migrate also Apache directory password protection to Nginx.
This is not a hard task as NginX's password protection uses same password format as Apache and Nginx password protection files are generated with standard htpasswd part of apache2-utils package (on Debian / Ubuntu servers) and httpd-tools on CentOS / Fedora / RHEL. If you're migrating the Apache websites to Nginx on a fresh new installed server and website developers are missing htpasswd tool to install it depending on Linux distro:
On Debian / Ubuntu deb based servers, install htpasswd with:
apt-get install –yes apache2-utils
On CentOS / Fedora … other RPM based servers:
yum -y install httpd-tools
Once installed if you need to protect new section site still being in development with password with Nginx, do it as usual with htpasswd
htpasswd -c /home/site/nginx-websitecom/.htpaswd admin
Note that if .htpasswd file has already exist and has other user records, to not overwritted multiple users / passes and let all users in file login to Nginx HTTP auth with separate passwords, do:
htpasswd /var/www/nginx-websietcom/.htpasswd elijah
Now open config file of Nginx Vhost and modify it to include configuration like this:
server {
listen 80;
server_name www.nginx-website.com nginx-website.com;
root /var/www/www.nginx-website.com/www;
location /test {
auth_basic "Restricted";
auth_basic_user_file /var/www/www.example.com/.htpasswd;
Do it for as many Vhosts as you have and to make the new settings take affect restart Nginx:
/etc/init.d/nginx restart
Enjoy 🙂
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Tags: com, file, htpasswd, HTTP, passwords, protection, servers, var, website, www
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One other tool you might want to check is PNGSlim
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On Windows useful tool to optimize images is pngout
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Nice guide. Thanks for taking the time to write it and its helped me a lot.
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