One of the companies I work for has just recentlypurchased 2 new servers. The machines came bundledwith CentOS “yikes”. I wasn’t happy about thefact the servers came up with this s*itty OS.Though there wasn’t a chance to change the OS,the guys in Sofia lacked the competence and the timeto roll on a FreeBSD or Gnu/Debian installation.Therefore I had to live with it and start administering2 new servers running CentOS. Most of the things withthe install and updates went fine with CentOS’s softwaremanagement software “yum”. I had to install apache+php+mysqland a mail server. I experienced some problems during installingof the qmail toaster on one of the servers. The others ran fine.The problematic qmail install was on a machine with 8G of memory.I have never before installed qmail on a 8G box. So I haveto take the time to play with the soft limits and adjust theright maximum allowed memory to be allocated.However thanks to God all went fine in general with the installation ofthe boxes. The Support in Neterra couldn’t bring up one of the serversonline. So they had connected the machine in a local network withthe machine which was already up, so I accessed the server andthanksfully with God’s grace and guidance I fixed the problematicmachine to be viewable/accesible from the internet. I couldn’tget it what exactly caused the problem but I suspect it wassomething related with the CentOS’s firewall poicies. Actuallythe problematic machine missed the /etc/sysconfig/iptables fileso I copied that file from the server which was already accesiblefrom the net. I also changed a bit of other stuff on the server,though I couldn’t specificly remember what else I changed.Eventually I have the new machine which is going to be a futurehost of online.The other machine is going to host another domain which is alreadyonline .This days I feel quite okay, thanks to God almighty whose mercytowards me is immensly big! Glory be to you Oh God, Oh Holy of Holiest, Holy Trinity!END—–
Qmail Toaster on CentOS 5
Tuesday, 3rd March 2009