Whether you tried running simultaneously more than 1 Skype clients by clicking twice on Skype Desktop icon or invoking Skype via Windows Start menu; You already have figured out that Skype on Windows is set-up by defaykt to only support one logged in Skype user.
In case you wonder why on earth someone might need to run in parallel few Skype accounts on one Windows PC, possible scenario is;;;
You work for a company and just for clarity you have to communicate with clients from one skype name and with another skype name to communicate to company management.
In Linux in Skype version this is not so and thus for people like me who come from Linux it is rather uneasy to not be able to login in second Skype instance, whether you go to a friend who already keeps logged in with his Skype user …
Thus this triggered me to research a bit if simulatenous user login is possible?
Yes it is possible and very easy, to do so the user has to run manually Skype from command line like so:
On 32bit PC hardware with 32 bit of Microsoft Windows issue in win cmd.exe (command prompt) from:
START -> RUN -> cmd.exe
cd C:\Program Files\SkypePhone
C:\Program Files\Skype\Skype /secondary
or to directly paste in command prompt:
“C:\Program Files\Skype\Phone\Skype.exe” /secondary
If you are on a 64bit machine run in cmd prompt:
“C:\Program Files (x86)\SkypePhone\Skype.exe” /secondary
To easily run few instances of Skype in parallel, you can make shortcuts on Desktop. pointing to any of both above commands.
That's all now you can login as many skype users as you like on 1 Win PC. All parallel logged in users can receive and write messages. However you should bear in mind that situation with answering Skype calls is a bit complicated as you cannot speak in parallel through different logged in skype users. Anyhow whether you have to react on Skype voice / video calls incoming in similar or same time from 2 skype accounts, you can use – Set Skype Call on Hold functionality and hence keep voice video in parallel with different skype accounts.
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Tags: bear in mind, bit, Call, clarity, cmd, command, company management, desktop icon, earth, exe, instances, Linux, login, machine, Microsoft, microsoft windows, pc hardware, run, Run Skype, Shortcuts, Skype, Skype Desktop, support, video, Windows, windows pc, windows xp
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