Posts Tagged ‘Actually Slavonic Language’

The origin of English Words and The History of English in 10 Minutes / History of King James Holy Bible

Monday, October 29th, 2012



The Origin of English Words



The History of English in 10 Minutes



Though funny and sometimes ridiculous the second presentation is quite interesting for people interested in Antrophology; how English Country and Language established and most people who somehow influence the development of English language as we know it.



Mongrel Nation – origin of english language

I knew English language used to be a mixture of French, German and dead Latin, but never thought the origin of most words are so mixed up. Also the story with King James Bible is very interesting, I never knew King James Bible Version. So widely known as ( KJV ) has plaid so essential role for English as we know it. As the video points out KJV, played most essenail role in all English history for development of the modern English language. As with mostly all else in modern developed civilization it is Strong Christian faith which play a key role in formation of a development of modern civillized society as we know it. It is a pity nowdays most English people and Westerners forgot, how important the Holy Bible (Bible btw means Book of Books Bi-Ble) and earlier Church teachings and writings were in order to have a good safety life, good fed people which live in the Western Countries.
There was a good reason Why this Holy Bible translation still is referred as King James Bible. King James (19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) was a very wise man (linguist and scientist) along with being a King of Great Britain France, Scotland and Ireland.

History of the King James Holy Bible version

Ancient English used to be called Anglo-Saxon English. The called Old English is part of the Germanic Languages group, so in theory nowadays should be much easier for a German, Dutch or some western person to speak English and understand its meaning than to people who belong to other main groups of languages like Slavonic Language group. Actually Slavonic Language group has also taken a multitude of words from German language, so situation with categorizing languages is not so clear to do. It was really interesting to me to learn Dutch Language is maybe in a way more close to primordial Original Anglo-Saxon English. This explains also how comes Dutch in general contains so much English in it and also so many English lingual structure  🙂

With all said, it is clear English as we know it just a mixture of words taken from languages around the world. Colonization that  Great Britain  did in past also played essential role for the inclusion of new words within English Language and Enriching the Language so much. It is also clear, how it come to be that the English is relatively easy to learn and flexible enough to become an International Language as it is today. There were also factors the Invasive character of Great Britain, the migration of many British and Germans to America continent the creation of the United States. And the raise of the US this all played important role in wide-spread of English. Most importantly the World Politics and the interests of certain people (Masonry and Royal Groups), development of modern science, Isaac Newton and the many scientists or (pseudo-scientists) that UK give birth to played an important role for making English popular.

While talking about impact of Christian faith to English, it is no strange Africa (continent countries) and the rest of the undeveloped or so called third world countries are in such a bad condition, because many of them had never had the chance of true spiritual enlightenment through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is probably one of the reasons why western civilization was blessed to have a material goods advancement as a mean that those people help the poor and needy and spread the light of faith. Unfortunately now westerners can no longer spread the light of the faith because English Church is Anglican and is no longer in communion with the One Holy Apostolic Church – The Holy Orthodox Church. It is useful to say Anglican Church in its development as a separate Church did take some of its beliefs of Roman Catholics and some of beliefs from Protestant Reformation. I even red somewhere, the Anglican Church had a point in his history where some negotiations were made with (Greek Eastern Orthodox Church?) that Anglicans unite with the Eastern Orthodox Church. Pitily this never happened. But who knows maybe in future Anglicans will change back to the original Christian faith Orthodox Christianity.

Though King James Bible version, played important role in development of Englishman and English as we know it, some of the verses inside are translated so they correspond better to a protestant understanding of the Holy Bible than Orthodox or Roman Catholic. Besides that the bible contains less books (66 Books), whether the Orthodox Christian bible contains (77 Books).

Though missing some important books still the Bible included many new words and by letting the multitudes across Great Britain, Scotland, England and later new populated American lands it become the most rich words book for XVI th century. Thought some words in KJV are too much archaic for nowdays, the language of it is pretty close to modern English and 95% and more understandable by mostly anyone who speaks some kind of English. Because of its historical importance of forming the English Language. King James Holy Bible version is a great reading for anyone willing to learn some English. I myself has significantly improved my English by reading KJV.  Actually I believe for anyone interested in history and anthropology it is very important to study well Christianity. Christianity and faith in Christ played so huge role in our civilization development, that it is impossible for us to understand properly History and Civilization without knowing well Christian faith. I took some time to  read interesting facts related to King James Holy Bible so I found an interesting page prepared by some Christian enthusiasts which did a statistical analysis over King James Bible Content 🙂

The whole topic of Origin of Words is mostly the most important thing that should be taught at schools and universities today, as it helps us better to understand why our culture and civilization is the way we are. As long as I studied in Holland in Arnhem Business School, it is quite saddening to say nowadays Universities and modern science has so much forgot about its relation and origins to faith in God, that  even the little sort of anthropology I was told in Arnhem Business School – Human Resources and Quality Management (now known under the new official name IBS – International Business Studies) has absolutely nothing to do with real facts – the Christianity part (which is essential is totally missing).

With all said, Modern people want to have a partial truth and completely scratch out our modern civilization Christian origins. The Crisis which emerged is just a reflection of the great spiritual Chrisis and lack of faith in God that is more and more apparent this days.

 I've been lately more and more interested in Anthrophology and whether I learn a bit more I will share it here and hopefully it might be interesting to someone else too 🙂