Posts Tagged ‘adobe flash player’

Updating Flash Player on Debian GNU / Linux / Keeping Flash player up-to-date with update-flashplugin-nonfree

Saturday, November 10th, 2012


Update flash player on Debian GNU / Linux update-flashplugin-nonfree macromedia flash logo

Assuming you have previously installed and running Adobe Flash Player – package flashplugin-nonfree i.e.:

debian:~# dpkg -l |grep -i flashplugin-nonfree
ii flashplugin-nonfree 1:2.8.3 Adobe Flash Player - browser plugin

and you want to Update flash player to the latest provided version for Linux, there is an update script part of flashplugin-nonfree, package /usr/sbin/update-flashplugin-nonfree. The script updates flash player to latest Linux version avaiable fetching the version from macromedia's website in a .tar.gz and untarring it substituting the old flash library.

To update your Debian FlashPlayer, launch as superuser:

debian:~# update-flashplugin-nonfree --install
--2012-11-10 00:51:48-- Resolving Connecting to||:80... connected. HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK Length: 7228964 (6.9M) [application/x-gzip] Saving to: “./install_flash_player_11_linux_x86_64.tar.gz”

0K .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... 0% 69.5K 1m41s 50K .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... 1% 91.1K 88s 100K .......... .......... .......... ..........
.......... 2% 70.8K 91s ........

After a while (usually up to a minute), update will be completed. Restart your browser of use IceWeasel, Epiphany, Opera, Chrome etc. and test it with About Flash Player Page and / or youtube. You should be with latest Flash Linux version now.

It might be a good idea to automate future flash player updates via a cron job, I think launching the update script every two weeks is a good timing;

To do so add to root user cron like so:

10,27 * * * * /usr/sbin/update-flashplugin-nonfree –install -q 2>&1 >/dev/null

If you still haven't configured your pulseaudio to play multiple sound streams do that too.

I've seen also on Debian's Wiki FlashPlayer page, mentioning that on some systems after update to Flash Player 11 there might be laggy performance issues, due to disabled hardware acceleration in Flash Player > v. 10. If that's the case with you you might also need to put a mss.cfg like this one to /etc/adobe/mss.cfg

# wget -q
# mv adobe-flash-player-config-for-hardware-acceleration-mms.cfg /etc/adobe/mms.cfg

Finally if you experience, some flash video lagging issues, you could try experimenting with OverrideGPUValidation=true flash setting which in some cases improves Linux flash video performance

Firefox users might be also interested to check out – the URL provides information on essential Firefox video plugins and whether plugins installed are up2date or prone to remote web exploitation vulnerability.

The Tuesday in Holland and a Sunday shock in Protestatant Church

Wednesday, October 29th, 2008

Well I haven’t blog for a while so I decided to give a shot. And Glorify God! Again!At Monday I had my defense of the the Change Management project we handed in inMr. Vinke’s pigeon box. I trusted to God and prayed fervently. The Monday wentjust flawless Glory be to the Holy Trinity (The Father, The Son and the Holy Spirit)! Amen!Everything went quite well during the Management Meeting. Each 3 who constructed my groupwere able to partake at the right moment. I was really calm and peaceful during the whole meeting!Cause of God’s mercy and power who was helping me and helping us. Our teachers who pretended to bea Managers in a company gave their point on our Change Management Plan. They tried to squeezeus with unfortable questions. Happily we had a reasonable answers on most of them. What’s left now is to fix few minor things about the plan and then hand it in to the teachers.Afterwards I hope if everything is ok, each one of 3 of us will receive an individual task andwill start working on it. Am let me recall some memories from the day before. Max (a black guy),who happens to be my neighbor and a Christian also invited me to join his protestant presbetyrianChuch he attend. I accepted since I feel a need to be in the Church and the Orthodox Church missesme so much.. Well we went to a building with a hall in which the protestant Church gathered together.The reason I accepted to join that Church was that they preach in English there.I was quite stunned when I found out that the pastor is actually a female (a black one).They started with a sort of entry speech or at least it looked like this to me.The service continued as the pastor went out preaching. Oh boy, Oh boy what a preach it was,I couldn’t believe on my eyes. The pastor acted completely like a general she was screamingpassages of the Holy Bible, stressing out on some of the things. Blaming the pplthat they fail to understand the Bible she asked them that the ppl ask God for enligthmenton what this passages red. Then the service moved by as a few individuals were invitedto share testimonies of what God has done for them during the week.. A little laterthere was a sort of prayer session where everybody was praying with different prayer,it was like an uncontrolled crowd in which each one of them acted completely different.Some of them were screaming hysterically at moments I was scared to be honest.Then the pastor took the bottle of oil and started laying hands upon some of the pplof the Church, Oh God they were shaking falling down on the ground, screaming makinggrimaces, it was an awful things to see .. I was not aware if the people were pretendingor this is real. The pastor was Chasing away demons out of the ppl, or at leastshe told me later that this is what she does. It was such bad place to be I was eageringto be out of this place as fast as possible as the ppl (Church) acted like a sect.The Pastor wanted to lay hands on me either but I rejected the proposition with the words,”No, No, I’m Orthodox”. Later I tried to explain to some of the ppl my concernsabout what is wrong in this church according to me. And a woman (a real piggy one),started arguing with me with the arguments that I quote her here “i’m God”, was likeshit this guys are even blasphemous. Luckily some of the other members of the Churchcorrected the questionable lady that she is wrong although she was unwilling to acceptthe fact. Later I had a little chat with the pastor and her husband plus onemore lady. Let’s say that their belief was closer to the Faith reality than the rest.But still I was really shocked from the experience … I don’t know if they’re wrong or rightall I know and want is that God have mercy over them and me and guide us to know his truth completely.About today: Well let’s say a peaceful they it was, except the fact that one of the webservershad died. And was not acceptable for around an hour and a half. As soon as a colleagueinformed me I restarted the failed apache. I could say I haven’t done much from middaytill the early afternoon I spend in the University accompanied by Ina. We had fewtalks about stuff and so on and so on. When I came back “home” to the dorm.I worked a bit. I spend some time learning some english words in an effort to enrich my vocabulary.Since there is a Adobe Flash Player 10 for Linux for already a few weeks. I decided to installit on my laptop. Well it took me some time until I installed it correctly. Now I haveAdobe Flash 10 on my Debian machine! It seems this version of Flash includes a possibilityto use cameras with flash. I was curious about how does this new release of flash performscomparing to the old Adobe Flash 9. According to a Benchmarking made on Linux and Macit is said that Flash 10 tend to be less CPU hungry and in general peforms better than it’spredecessor. The whole article could be red on the here . Let me conclude that post with a cool thing. A friend of mine has referred me to the following “Virtual Barbershop” check it out here link . Be sure that you listen it on headphones otherwise you won’t be able to fully enjoy it! :)END—–

how to set Youtube default to use Adobe Flash player – fixing weird problem with youtube displaying videos using HTML5

Tuesday, January 29th, 2013


Youtube change html trial to Adobe Flash Player - how to change Youtube videos be played with Adobe Flash Player

I'm just coming from being a guest to dear friends. They're having a bit old hardware PC running Windows XP and some old ATI Radeon model video card. A video was played in youtube so I noticed the video is displaying very slow. The PC hardware was good enough to play videos with no delays and image chops, so I give it a check.
My guess was something is wrong with Video driver and to make driver is installed okay I take a look in:
Control Panel -> System -> Hardware -> Device Manager

For my surprise there all was fine, so my next guess-es were:

  • Mozilla Firefox Browser is out of date
  • Computer resolution is set to too high for the old video adapter hardware
  • Something is wrong with Adobe Flash Player
  • Computer has Viruses or Spyware loading CPU creating the video lags

I check Mozilla Firefox and it was latest version; Help -> About Firefox As of time of writting Firefox 18.0.1 The computer Monitor was a huge 21 inch LCD HP display and Windows was configured to display on a very high resolution ;

1280×1024 (32 bit Colors)

I've earlier, seen old Computer hardware creating similar video delays and chop issues with Played videos thus to see if this will solve the issue lowered down video resolution 1024×768 with 16 bit color depth.  Video continued to be showing slowly in every few seconds and display "choppy", so I excluded it as cause.

To make sure something is not wrong with Flash Player, I check in browser about installed plugins by typing in URL Address bar;


Very surprisingly the Flash Player was not installed! I hurried and install – googling, "install flash player" and following the trivial install procedure.

Then I give Firefox a restart and tested video with Alexander Nevsky Russian Movie (which btw is an interesting one to see for people who value art and history). The movie chops continued, I checked Flash version clicking on the video again just to determine, weirdly still Youtube was displaying videos usiong HTML5 (WebM) format!

I check once again if flash player is properly installed in about:plugins and weirdly all seemed fine I had on the PC properly working installed Adobe Flash 11.x.x. Now this was weird ?

For a first time I had a situation, where even though I installed Flash Player, Youtube continued to show videos using HTML5 WebM (open source video format). Now I should say I'm a big fan of HTML5 and open technologies, so HTML5 is great, the only problem is it still not production ready so for ordinary user Flash Player is still better – Flash's video buffering is much better, its compression is better, it is less buggy etc. etc.

It took me a bit of pondering Why Youtube was showing videos in HTML5 instead of using the Installed and working Flash Player?? After about 5 minutes of googling, I came to conclusion the person who fixed their Software, some months before had on purpose choose Youtube to be displayed with Experimetnal HTML5. I was not sure how to check if HTML5 is set as a default player in Youtube, so looked on the net, The page to change it is found by googling for "youtube html trial".

The URL to tune this as of time of writting is on;

youtube change html trial set youtube to use adobe flash player screenshot pciture Windows


I had to click on;

Leave the HTML5 Trial  – to stop using experimental Youtube HTML5 support

After a FF restart and lowered resolution to 1024×768 in 32 bit color depth, video started playing nice & smoothly 😉

New critical Adobe Flash Player security flaw allows a malicious attacker to get access to Windows, Linux, Mac OS and BSD

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

Flash swf Player artistic logo exploit

A new zero-day exploit for the Adobe Flash Player has been published on .
The exploit published is targetting Windows 7 systems.
Even though the published version of the exploit is said to affect Windows 7 installations, the shellcode with this proof of concept exploit (PoC) could surely be changed to a one that would also take effect in Linux.
Most likely Linux exploitation will be a harder task to achieve, however thesecurity advisory issued recommends an immediate update of the flash player.

According to some rumors the 0 day adobe flash vulnerability has been exploited since a long time to get access to confidential U.S. governmental documents.

A classical ways said that malicious hackers uses is by sending a flash (.swf) containing email, by simply opening the email attachment the victim gets exploited.

Adobe officially has reported, there are no official information if attacks has targetted other company software like Adobe Acrobat Reader which supports embedded flashes.
According to Adobe Adobe Reader is not vulnerable to this kind of attacks as it uses a protected mode which would mitigate the attack (though I hardly doubt this claim).

The affected versions of Adobe’s Flash player are:

  • Flash Player for Windows
  • Flash Player for Apple Macintosh
  • Flash Player for Linux and Solaris
  • Flash Player for Android Mobile platform

as well as the Authplay.dll library used by Adobe’s Acrobat Reader

Earlier versions of Flash player are also affected by the critical security vulnerability.
There are already rumors that the exploit is exploited using a crafted (.swf) files embedded into Microsoft Word .doc files.

This new critical vulnerability is another example clearly showing how insecure a user who has flash enabled in their browser is.

According to preliminary information, exploitation of this critical security flaw can be sucessfully achived in most (if not all) browsers …

By so far browsing on Linux was always considered to be a way more secure than on Windows, with this issue rising up this kind of believe is questioned.
Surely many Linux distributions and FreeBSD and BSD derivatives used as Desktops will probably not package timely newer version of the adobe flash (flashplugin-nonfree) package on time

Today the flash player is a de-facto standard and is wide spread among most modern internet connected operating system obviously it’s unificated use, creates unified problems.

The example with this flash security issue is a good example against why non-free technologies should not be set as standards.
If the flash player and standard was free and everybody could create and distribute flash players for free. Such a vulnerability affecting so many operating systems and so many browsers would never come true

To sum it up, this issue will surely create a lot of problems and opens a serious security hole for us the Linux users.

Therefore be sure to update your flash player before someone has exploited you through the web.

How to disable or remove completely Adobe (Macromedia) Flash Cookies on Linux

Monday, April 11th, 2011

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, one of the greatest “evils” which prevents a good internet anonymization whether you surf online is Adobe Flash Player

There are two approaches you might partake to disable the privacy issues which might be related to Adobe Flash cookies saving data about flash banners or websites which stores their cookies to your computer.

To find out if flash websites has already saved their nasty flash cookies on your Linux, issue the commands:

hipo@debian:~$ cd .macromedia
hipo@debian:/home/hipo/.macromedia$ find -iname '*.sol'

The returned output of the above find command clearly reveals the shitty flash has stored already 3 flash cookies on my Linux, 3 cookies which later can be easily requested by other flash banners.
The 3 flash cookies are:
1. Saved by Adobe’s Flash Configuration Manager
2. Saved by the website
3. Saved by’s website

Now to deal with the situation and get rid of flash cookies, there are possibly two ways of approach that one can take:

1. One is to use some kind of script like the one clear_flash_cookies.tsch the other one is to completely disable flash cookies.
Using the clear_flash_cookies.tcsh does get rid of flash cookie problems just temporary as it might be set to be executed either once the browser is starting up, or directly via some kind of cron job entry like:

01 11,19 * * * /home/hipo/scripts/clear_flash_cookies.tcsh

eHowever clearing up (removing) the flash cookies, still doesn’t completely proihibit saving up of flash cookies and in the time intervals between the clear ups of the flash cookies, still some websites might save information related to their use on your Linux host and expose this information for other external flash websites to read and retrieve information about your previous websites visits.

Therefore it might be a better solution in terms of browser security to;

2. completely disable the use of adobe flash cookies on your Linux powered desktop.

Disabling adobe flash cookies is possible by either using the online flash Global Storage Settings (Flash Settings Manager) by navigating to the URL:

Adobe Flash Player online settings manager unticked option

And by removing the tick which is present to the option:

Allow third party Flash content to store data on your computer

Or by linking the local directory ~/.macromedia -> /dev/null

hipo@debian:~$ mv .macromedia .macromedia-bak
hipo@debian:~$ ln -s /dev/null .macromedia
hipo@debian:~$ ls -ald .macromedia
lrwxrwxrwx 1 hipo hipo 9 2009-03-30 09:56 .macromedia -> /dev/null

That’s all, Farewell nasty Flash cookies!