So many people, are asking themselves these days the great question:
What is the reason for this terrible world crisis?
Its trendy to speculate the reason for the crisis is the downturn in local countries economies.
Though its a fact there is a strong relation between the crisis and the countries economic downturn. Having defined a certain economy being in a downturn does not explain the root of the economic problem.
Defining the economic crisis being there is just like defining the symptom of a disease without knowing the exact disease type.
Hence talking about economic crisis and how severe it is severeness, many companies news agencies and radios make a good money by creating all the time sensational news build on top of warped "half truths".
This news however rarely reflect the reality "as it is" but mostly concentre on some fictionous idea of the journalist about the real economic situation. The end result is spreading of mass dilusion, fear uncertainty and doubt in citizens mind.
Not much are aware the true meaning of Crisis and the words origin, therefore its worthy to explain what is the real meaning of crisis
Crisis word origin is derived from Ancient Greek language. Crisis word meaning translated to modern English means literally JUDGEMENT !
In the word judgement our ancestors were referring to God judgement for humanity unlawfulness. Having this perspective in mind when talking about Crisis is vital to understand our failing democracy nowdays which is based not on ancient knowledge but on man experimental framework.
Obviously the ancient, people before the era of business were wise, a wisdom we now try to completely avoid and build on our own new experimental thinking. Experimenting is a great thing but only if you build on a solid base of previous scientifically repeatable experiences.
The ancients could obviously well understand the reason for a a local or global crisis's stems from the in-justice in money / trade relations between individuals.
With all said the best thing our companies and we as business people should do today is go back to the ancients knowledge and start doing business ethical and avoid deception and lies. Otherwise God will never bless the businesses of people and we will be under the continuous crisis for more and more until, we repent and realize that unethical behavior (not following the righteousness in relations) will never bring us good.