Posts Tagged ‘auto tag’

Automatic blog posts tagging in wordpress blog 3.1 with (auto-tags) / wp plugin to increase Search Engine ranking

Monday, April 4th, 2011

There are plenty of articles, on how to increase search engine ranking in wordpress and I’m sure this article might be not that interesting but still I thought it might be nice to mention about this 3 wordpress plugins Auto-Tags, SEO Slugs and Platinium SEO Pack which will help you increase your traffic.

Let me say a few words for each of the 3 plugins:

1. Auto-tags
Below is the description of the plugin directly taken from the plugin website

This plugin uses the and APIs to find the most relevant keywords
from the content of your post, and then adds them as tags.
New for version 0.2: an options page allows to choose how many tags are
retrieved from each service The tag adding is fully automatic,
so if you're using a plugin like feedwordpress to display RSS feeds
on your blog as posts, everything will get done as the feed
posts are published. No user intervention necessary!

Here are the installation instructions for auto-tags:

debian:~# cd /var/www/blog/wp-content/plugins
debian:/var/www/wp-content/plugins:# wget
100%[================================>] 14,325 45.3K/s in 0.3s

2011-04-04 12:30:17 (45.3 KB/s) – `’ saved [14325/14325]
debian:/var/www/wp-content/plugins:# unzip

In the above example my wordpress installation is in /var/www/blog/ , if your wordpress is installed in another directory location change to the respective directory.

To activate the Plugin go to:

Plugins -> Auto Tags
Press over Activate to activate the plugin.

To configure the Auto-tags plugin navigate to:

Settings -> Auto tags plugin

Auto tags Screen options

Therein you can configure the number of post tags to be retrieved from Yahoo, The settings also allows you to disable certain tags you don’t want to appear in your post tags from the field, Remove those tags (comma separated)

The plugin also has an option called Append tags to the ones that already exist which on my wordpress 3.1 installation doesn’t work

After ending up your desired configuration simply press the Update Options button.

Now each time you type a new post in your wordpress blog, a tags related to the post will automatically be included.
Based on this tags Search engines will easily find content that relates to your blog tags and thus your page indexing will get better.