Posts Tagged ‘backtrack’

GUI wep/wpa cracking through Gerix Wifi Cracker NG (GUI for cracking wireless networks)

Thursday, December 10th, 2009


I found a neat program that facilitates work on cracking
a wep or wpa secured wireless network. The program is called
Gerix Wifi Cracker NG and is a part of the
backtrack penetration testinglinux distro
Gerix Wifi Cracker itself is located here , it's cool cause the author even has prepared a deb
package with the nifty GUI wireless cracker
. The slogan of the soft is also a killer,it reads:
"The software that even your grandmother knows how to use!",
a bunch of nice granda's pictures are included as well 🙂

How to mount /proc and /dev and in chroot on Linux

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

I’m using a backtrack Linux to recover a broken Ubuntu Linux, to fix this disastrous situation I’m using the Ubuntu Linux through chroot after mounting my /dev/sda1, where my Linux resides with:

linux-recovery:~# mkdir /mnt/test1
linux-recovery:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test1
linux-recovery:~# chroot /mnt/test1

I consequently needed to mount up the /proc and /dev partition inside the chroot environment.

Here is how I did it:

ubuntu:~# mount /proc
ubuntu:~# mount -a

Next I switched on on a different virtual console in the backtrack and to mount /dev issued the commands:

linux-recovery:~# mount --bind /dev /mnt/test1/dev

Now once again, I can use theapt-get inside the chroot to fix up the whole mess …