Posts Tagged ‘Bind’

Install jwchat web chat jabber interface to work with Debian ejabberd jabber server

Wednesday, January 4th, 2012

JWChat ejabber jabber Ajax / HTML based client logo

I have recently blogged how I've installed & configured ejabberd (jabber server) on Debian .
Today I decided to further extend, my previous jabberd installation by installing JWChat a web chat interface frontend to ejabberd (a good substitute for a desktop app like pidgin which allows you to access a jabber server from anywhere)

Anyways for a base of installing JWChat , I used the previously installed debian deb version of ejabberd from the repositories.

I had a lot of troubles until I actually make it work because of some very minor mistakes in following the official described tutorial ejabberd website jwchat install tutorual

The only way I can make jwchat work was by using the install jwchat with ejabberd's HTTP-Bind and file server method

Actually for quite a long time I was not realizing that, there are two ways to install JWChat , so by mistake I was trying to mix up some install instructions from both jwchat HTTP-Bind file server method and JWchat Apache install method

I've seen many people complaining on the page of Install JWChat using Apache method which seemed to be experiencing a lot of strangle troubles just like the mines when I mixed up the jwchat php scripts install using instructions from both install methods. Therefore my guess is people who had troubles in installing using the Apache method and got the blank page issues while accessing as well as various XML Parsing Error: no element found errors on – is most probably caused by the same install instructions trap I was diluted in.

The steps to make JWChat install using the HTTP-Bind and file server method, if followed should be followed absolutely precisely or otherwise THEY WILL NOT WORK!!!

This are the exact steps I followed to make ejabberd work using the HTTP-Bind file server method :

1. Create directory to store the jwchat Ajax / htmls

debian:~# mkdir /var/lib/ejabberd/www
debian:~# chmod +x /var/lib/ejabberd
debian:~# chmod +x /var/lib/ejabberd/www

2. Modify /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg and include the following configs

While editting the conf find the section:


Scrolling down you will fine some commented code marked with %% that will read:

{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [
{shaper, s2s_shaper},
{max_stanza_size, 131072}

Right after it leave one new line and place the code:

{5280, ejabberd_http, [
{request_handlers, [
{["web"], mod_http_fileserver}


Scrolling a bit down the file, there is a section which says:

%%% =======

%% Modules enabled in all ejabberd virtual hosts.

The section below the comments will look like so:

{modules, [ {mod_adhoc, []},
{mod_announce, [{access, announce}]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_caps, []},
{mod_configure,[]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_ctlextra, []},
{mod_disco, []},
%%{mod_echo, [{host, "echo.localhost"}]},
{mod_irc, []},
{mod_last, []},

After the {mod_last, … the following lines should be added:

{mod_http_bind, []},
{mod_http_fileserver, [
{docroot, "/var/lib/ejabberd/www"},
{accesslog, "/var/log/ejabberd/webaccess.log"}

3. Download and extract latest version of jwchat

Of the time of writting the latest version of jwchat is jwchat-1.0 I have mirrored it on pc-freak for convenience:

debian:~# wget

debian:~# cd /var/lib/ejabberd/www
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# tar -xzvf jwchat-1.0.tar.gz
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# mv jwchat-1.0 jwchat
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# cd jwchat

4. Choose the language in which you will prefer jwchat web interface to appear

I prefer english as most people would I suppose:

debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat# for a in $(ls *.en); do b=${a%.en}; cp $a $b; done

For other languages change in the small one liner shell script b=${a%.en} (en) to whatever language you will prefer to make primary.After selecting the correct langauge a rm cmd should be issued to get rid of the .js.* and .html.* in other language files which are no longer needed:

debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat# rm *.html.* *.js.*

5. Configure JWChat config.js

Edit /var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat/config.js , its necessery to have inside code definitions like:

/* If your Jabber server is, set this: */
var SITENAME = "";

/* If HTTP-Bind works correctly, you may want do remove HTTP-Poll here */
name:"Native Binding",
description:"Ejabberd's native HTTP Binding backend",

6. Restart EJabberd server to load the new config settings

debian:~# /etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
Restarting jabber server: ejabberd..

7. Test JWChat HTTP-Bind and file server backend

I used elinksand my beloved Epiphany (default gnome browser) which by the way is the browser I use daily to test that the JWChat works fine with the ejabberd.
To test the newly installed HTTP-Bind ejabberd server backend on port 5280 I used URL: had quite a struggles with 404 not found errors, which I couldn't explain for half an hour. After a thorough examination, I've figured out the reasons for the 404 errors was my stupidity …
The URL was incorrect because I fogrot to move jwchat-1.0 to jwchat e.g. (mv jwchat-1.0 jwchat) earlier explained in that article was a step I missed. Hence to access the web interface of the ejabberd without the 404 error I had to access it via:

JWChat Ejabber webchat Epiphany Linux screenshot

Finally it is handy to add a small index.php redirect to redirect to

The php should like so:

header( 'Location:' ) ;

Arizona Dream (1993) – Movie Review

Sunday, June 19th, 2011

Just completed Arizona Dream by the famous Serbian director Emil Kosturica. The movie is starring Johny Depp an movie actor I’m not too big fan of.

The movie’s plot is too cracky. It all starts and ends with scenes of some Eskimos, where it progresses and depicts later on an ordinary life of an american fisher.
As movie progresses parts of the life of a successful car sells man comes in place. Axel (Johny Depp) is the main actor. The movie revolves around the sexist element.

Some of the scenes and movie delopment looks quite unexpected. Axel starts living in a place with two beautiful woman (a mother in law and a daguther in law).
The mother in law is famous for her passion to attract and sleep with new young man. Axel fells in love and together they follow a dream of building an airplane which is supposed to be used later on as a mean to kill themselves together and according to Eskimos belief bind together their souls for eternity.
The spiritual concepts of the movie are completely messed up and clearly the movie contains references to multitude of anti-christian ideas.
The movie is generally a bit depressing as the atmosphere one can feel is a jail like. Initially Axel fells in love with the mother in law Ellaine, later on near the movie denouement, he losts his passion for Ellain which is a bit older for his age and fells in love with Grace (which is a way younger and even more attractive).

Grace has a severe problems with feeling of unvalueness and suffers with chronic depression and thus things constantly to kill her self.

Near the end of the movie Axel explains himself in love with Grace (which seems to also be in love with him).
However the ending scenes are too sad as Grace decides finally to kill herself and commits suicide with a gun …

Honestly I expected a way more from the movie and I wouldn’t recommend it as a piece of classics or a movie with some significant value.
The rest of the movies directed by Emil Kosturica seems to be a far more superior and positive than this one.
If you want to save yourself from some insanity just stay away from this cranky movie!

How to mount /proc and /dev and in chroot on Linux

Wednesday, April 20th, 2011

I’m using a backtrack Linux to recover a broken Ubuntu Linux, to fix this disastrous situation I’m using the Ubuntu Linux through chroot after mounting my /dev/sda1, where my Linux resides with:

linux-recovery:~# mkdir /mnt/test1
linux-recovery:~# mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/test1
linux-recovery:~# chroot /mnt/test1

I consequently needed to mount up the /proc and /dev partition inside the chroot environment.

Here is how I did it:

ubuntu:~# mount /proc
ubuntu:~# mount -a

Next I switched on on a different virtual console in the backtrack and to mount /dev issued the commands:

linux-recovery:~# mount --bind /dev /mnt/test1/dev

Now once again, I can use theapt-get inside the chroot to fix up the whole mess …