Posts Tagged ‘Bira :)’

Bira :)

Tuesday, March 4th, 2008

Yesterday I was to the Lord’s house a.k.a. the Orthodox Church for a Liturgy as usual. I should be a sort of a shamer forhow the day and especially the night continued.I went out with Mitko with alias (Metallicata) and Mitko aliased (Prodigyto) this are a close old friends of mine.Everything started normal we went “for a drink” everything was going normal except we forgot where to stop drinking. I got really really drunk with beer (drinked something like 5 or 6 beers). First we went to a coffee called Chocolate and after that we went to Mino’s pub/coffee and stayed until 12:30 a.m.Also 2 other old school friends Erazor and Plamen called and proposed to see each other. So we gathered together with Metallicata Prodigy-to, Erazor Plamen and drinked together :)Plamen is travelling with a stock ships. Erazor is a php coder in Sofia. Everything went just fine except the headache in the morning. Right now I’m listening to a Bulgarian punk band a friendof mine has given me it’s called TVU. I can say I experience a heaavy blessing from the Lord for which I sincerely thank him.The only thing that’s still isn’t just fine is my health. I hope soon that will resolve too. Today almost the whole dayI feel like somebody has smashed me with a hammer. In the morning I had coffee with Nomen and then in the evening we wentout with Niki (Shanar) or Nomen’s brother. We had a great time out. Mitko (Metallicata) called and we saw each other for some timein the central park. Tomorrow I have German from 12:30 and again a new working week is coming. I wish I had a big vacation.I’m frequently thinking about the purpose in life sometimes I miss the point but still I pray and hope that The Lord will deliver mesave me and direct me to the write path to go.END—–