I’m watching iGenius – How Steve Jobs changed the World movie. I heard about a movie from Alex a friend of mine who said this movie sheds some light on history of Apple Computers Inc, Macintosh and the great significance of Steve Jobs work as a manager and visionary to change the world for good.
The world has suddenly been astonished by Steve Jobs sudden death so surely the interest about him is tremendously up.
I do respect Jobs as under his leading the computer industry has received some innovations, still I don’t agree with many of the movie aspects which turn Apple and the consequent company products IPhone, Ipad, Ipod etc. into a mega hype products.
I’m being honest to myself and I should say many of the innovations they did are not something too much, but just a product which popularized or minituarized some older invented technology.
The product quality of Apple in the past is a fact so one cannot argue with this however with recent years I wouldn’t say the company quality is so much supreme as presented in the movie.
What I don’t understand why is Jobs receiving so much praise and recognition but rarely somebody could show his bad sides as well. We’ve been again manipulatively mislead that he is a mega genius or like an angel on earth. However the achievements of Apple and the mass production and involvement of the field of marketing which lies basicly and makes profits based on great deceptions of Jobs doesn’t make Jobs to a super hero.
As an enterpreneur and businessman his achievements are unquestionable but for many years now the reality of business is sad and a honest man could rarely be found to be dealing with business.
Usually the people who like dirt, lies and fame are into business. Most of the times these are people who are ready to kill in the name of Public Recognition and Success.
Jobs has been said to be a Buddhist according to what I’ve red in Wikipedia. If that is true its rather strange to me on fruits his buddhist faith produced.
I don’t believe that any rational man who observes nowdays technology and how it is used doesn’t see the great harm technology did us and is continuously pushing us down.
Buddhist teachings in my view teach on helping the neighbor educating and giving up things for free. Apple products however are not giving anything for free, yes some of them do education.
Therefore in my view the philosophy of apple and its application is not really fitting up to helping the neigbor as they don’t come free of charge like the free software does.
Apple products actually enslaved their users, all of apple products are nowdays connected to Apple’s Inc.
Mega Corporation IStore or they report somehow to apple during updates or purchases more or less about users likings or behaviours.
This obviously doesn’t respect users freedom and makes Apple an example of a company that doesn’t respect completely the user natural right of freedom and privacy.
To sum it up iGenius – Or How Steve Jobs changed the World is a highly manipulative movie just like most of the movies or books dedicated to super heroes are.
Steve Jobs was lucky to get this recognition and status in life, however this doesn’t make him too much different from all of us. He just used to be in the right time in the right place and achieved what he did explicitly by God’s mercy.
As a known fact Jobs was an Orphan and as we can see from many life examples God helps and has helped many orphans to have a good lives eventually.
Also I’m quite curious if Steve Jobs success was just a fruit of his good fortune or there were just too many circles of people behind him (Jewish or Masonry) possessing big fortunes who found it practical to sponsor his (??) products and ideas seeing a lot of potential to keep the world under siege through technology.
Nomatter what the complete true behind Jobs and his achievements are, he is still an inspirational person and an “icon” in the field of IT. Even I’m a bit Jealous on his overall achievements.
Anyways for people who want to loose some approximately 42:00 minutes on a hype Jobs praise movie and see some of apple’s products and pictures of Jobs and Apple / Macintosh products the movie is a good choice 😉