If you've been given a new dedicated server from a New Dedicated-Server-Provider or VPS with Linux and you were told that a certain download speed to the Server is guaranteed from the server provider, in order to be sure the server's connection to the Internet told by service provider is correct it is useful to run a simple measurement console test after logging in remotely to the server via SSH.
Testing connection from Terminal is useful because as you probably know most of Linux / UNIX servers doesn't have a GUI interface and thus it is not possible to test Internet Up / Down Bandwidth through speedtest.net.
1. Testing Download Internet Speed given by ISP / Dedi-Server Provider from Linux Console
For the download speed (internet) test the historical approach was to just try downloading the Linux kernel source code from www.kernel.org with some text browser such as lynx or links count the seconds for which the download is completed and then multiple the kernel source archive size on the seconds to get an approximate bandwidth per second, however as nowdays internet connection speeds are much higher, thus it is better to try to download some Linux distribution iso file, you can still use kernel tar archive but it completed too fast to give you some good (adequate) statistics on Download bandwidth.
If its a fresh installed Linux server probably you will probably not have links / elinks and lynx text internet browers installed so install them depending on deb / rpm distro with:
If on Deb Linuz distro:
root@pcfreak:/root# apt-get install –yes links elinks lynx
On RPM Based Linuz distro:
[root@fedora ~]# yum install -y lynx elinks links
Conduct Internet Download Speed with links
root@pcfreak:/root# links https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v3.x/linux-3.19.1.tar.xz
(Note that the kernel link is current latest stable Kernel source code archive in future that might change, so try with latest archive.)
You can also use non-interactive tool such as wget, curl or lftp to measure internet download speed
To test Download Internet Speed with wget without saving anything to disk set output to go to /dev/null
root@pcfreak:~# wget -O /dev/null https://www.pc-freak.net//~hipo/hirens-bootcd/HirensBootCD15/Hirens.BootCD.15.0.zip
You see the Download speed is 104 Mbit/s this is so because I'm conducting the download from my local 100Mbit network.
For the test you can use my mirrored version of Hirens BootCD
2. Testing Uplink Internet speed provided by ISP / Server Provider from Linux (SSH) Console
To test your uplink speed you will need lftp or iperf command tool.
root@pcfreak:~# apt-cache show lftp|grep -i descr -A 12
Description: Sophisticated command-line FTP/HTTP client programs
Lftp is a file retrieving tool that supports FTP, HTTP, FISH, SFTP, HTTPS
and FTPS protocols under both IPv4 and IPv6. Lftp has an amazing set of
features, while preserving its interface as simple and easy as possible.
The main two advantages over other ftp clients are reliability and ability
to perform tasks in background. It will reconnect and reget the file being
transferred if the connection broke. You can start a transfer in background
and continue browsing on the ftp site. It does this all in one process. When
you have started background jobs and feel you are done, you can just exit
lftp and it automatically moves to nohup mode and completes the transfers.
It has also such nice features as reput and mirror. It can also download a
file as soon as possible by using several connections at the same time.
root@pcfreak:/root# apt-cache show iperf|grep -i desc -A 2
Description: Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool
Iperf is a modern alternative for measuring TCP and UDP bandwidth performance,
allowing the tuning of various parameters and characteristics.
To test Upload Speed to Internet connect remotely and upload any FTP file:
root@pcfreak:/root# lftp -u hipo www.pc-freak.net -e 'put Hirens.BootCD.15.0.zip; bye'
On Debian Linux to install iperf:
root@pcfreak:/root# apt-get install –yes iperf
On latest CentOS 7 and Fedora (and other RPM based) Linux, you will need to add RPMForge repository and install with yum
[root@centos ~]# rpm -ivh rpmforge-release-0.5.3-1.el7.rf.x86_64.rpm
[root@centos ~]# yum -y install iperf
Once having iperf on the server the easiest way currently to test it is to use
serverius.net speedtest server – located at the Serverius datacenters, AS50673 and is running on a 10GE connection with 5GB cap.
root@pcfreak:/root# iperf -c speedtest.serverius.net -P 10
Client connecting to speedtest.serverius.net, TCP port 5001
TCP window size: 16.0 KByte (default)
[ 12] local port 54258 connected with port 5001
[ 7] local port 54252 connected with port 5001
[ 5] local port 54253 connected with port 5001
[ 9] local port 54251 connected with port 5001
[ 3] local port 54249 connected with port 5001
[ 4] local port 54250 connected with port 5001
[ 10] local port 54254 connected with port 5001
[ 11] local port 54255 connected with port 5001
[ 6] local port 54256 connected with port 5001
[ 8] local port 54257 connected with port 5001
[ ID] Interval Transfer Bandwidth
[ 9] 0.0-10.2 sec 4.05 MBytes 3.33 Mbits/sec
[ 10] 0.0-10.2 sec 3.39 MBytes 2.78 Mbits/sec
[ 11] 0.0-10.3 sec 3.75 MBytes 3.06 Mbits/sec
[ 4] 0.0-10.3 sec 3.43 MBytes 2.78 Mbits/sec
[ 12] 0.0-10.3 sec 3.92 MBytes 3.18 Mbits/sec
[ 3] 0.0-10.4 sec 4.45 MBytes 3.58 Mbits/sec
[ 5] 0.0-10.5 sec 4.06 MBytes 3.24 Mbits/sec
[ 6] 0.0-10.5 sec 4.30 MBytes 3.42 Mbits/sec
[ 8] 0.0-10.8 sec 3.92 MBytes 3.03 Mbits/sec
[ 7] 0.0-10.9 sec 4.03 MBytes 3.11 Mbits/sec
[SUM] 0.0-10.9 sec 39.3 MBytes 30.3 Mbits/sec
You see currently my home machine has an Uplink of 30.3 Mbit/s per second, that's pretty nice since I've ordered a 100Mbits from my ISP (Unguaranteed Bandwidth Connection Speed) and as you might know it is a standard practice for many Internet Proviers to give Uplink speed of 1/4 from the ISP provided overall bandwidth 1/4 would be 25Mbi/s, meaning my ISP (Bergon.NET) is doing pretty well providing me with even more than promised (ordered) bandwidth.
Iperf is probably the choice of most sysadmins who have to do regular bandwidth in local networks speed between 2 servers or test Internet Bandwidth speed on heterogenous network with Linux / BSDs / AIX / HP-UX (UNIXes). On HP-UX and AIX and other UNIXes for which iperf doesn't have port you have to compile it yourself.
If you don't have root /admin permissions on server and there is python language enterpreter installed you can use speedtest_cli.py script to test internet throughput connectivity
speedtest_cli uses speedtest.net to test server up / down link just in case if script is lost in future I've made ownload mirror of speedtest_cli.py is here
Quickest way to test net speed with speedtest_cli.py:
$ lynx -dump https://raw.github.com/sivel/speedtest-cli/master/speedtest_cli.py > speedtest_cli.py
$ chmod +x speedtest_cli.py
python speedtest_cli.py
How to resolve (fix) WordPress wp-cron.php errors like “POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron HTTP/1.0″ 404” / What is wp-cron.php and what it does
Monday, March 12th, 2012One of the WordPress websites hosted on our dedicated server produces all the time a wp-cron.php 404 error messages like:
xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx - - [15/Apr/2010:06:32:12 -0600] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron HTTP/1.0
I did not know until recently, whatwp-cron.php does, so I checked in google and red a bit. Many of the places, I've red are aa bit unclear and doesn't give good exlanation on what exactly wp-cron.php does. I wrote this post in hope it will shed some more light on wp-config.php and how this major 404 issue is solved..
what is wp-cron.php doing?
Suppose you're writting a new post and you want to take advantage of WordPress functionality to schedule a post to appear Online at specific time:
The Publish Immediately, field execution is being issued on the scheduled time thanks to the wp-cron.php periodic invocation.
Another example for wp-cron.php operation is in handling flushing of WP old HTML Caches generated by some wordpress caching plugin like W3 Total Cache
wp-cron.php takes care for dozens of other stuff silently in the background. That's why many wordpress plugins are depending heavily on wp-cron.php proper periodic execution. Therefore if something is wrong with wp-config.php, this makes wordpress based blog or website partially working or not working at all.
Our company wp-cron.php errors case
In our case the: – – [15/Apr/2010:06:32:12 -0600] "POST /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron HTTP/1.0" 404
is occuring in Apache access.log (after each unique vistor request to wordpress!.), this is cause wp-cron.php is invoked on each new site visitor site request.
This puts a "vain load" on the Apache Server, attempting constatly to invoke the script … always returning not found 404 err.
As a consequence, the WP website experiences "weird" problems all the time. An illustration of a problem caused by the impoper wp-cron.php execution is when we are adding new plugins to WP.
Lets say a new wordpress extension is download, installed and enabled in order to add new useful functioanlity to the site.
Most of the time this new plugin would be malfunctioning if for example it is prepared to add some kind of new html form or change something on some or all the wordpress HTML generated pages.WP cache directory is manually deleted with rm -rf /var/www/blog/wp-content/cache/…
This troubles are result of wp-config.php's inability to update settings in wp SQL database, after each new user request to our site.
So the newly added plugin website functionality is not showing up at all, until
I don't know how thi whole wp-config.php mess occured, however my guess is whoever installed this wordpress has messed something in the install procedure.
Anyways, as I researched thoroughfully, I red many people complaining of having experienced same wp-config.php 404 errs. As I red, most of the people troubles were caused by their shared hosting prohibiting the wp-cron.php execution.
It appears many shared hostings providers choose, to disable the wordpress default wp-cron.php execution. The reason is probably the script puts heavy load on shared hosting servers and makes troubles with server overloads.
Anyhow, since our company server is adedicated server I can tell for sure in our case wordpress had no restrictions for how and when wp-cron.php is invoked.
I've seen also some posts online claiming, the wp-cron.php issues are caused of improper localhost records in /etc/hosts, after a thorough examination I did not found any hosts problems:
hipo@debian:~$ grep -i /etc/hosts localhost.localdomain localhost
You see from below paste, our server, /etc/hosts has perfectly correct records.
Changing default way wp-cron.php is executed
As I've learned it is generally a good idea for WordPress based websites which contain tens of thousands of visitors, to alter the default way wp-cron.php is handled. Doing so will achieve some efficiency and improve server hardware utilization.
Invoking the script, after each visitor request can put a heavy "useless" burden on the server CPU. In most wordpress based websites, the script did not need to make frequent changes in the DB, as new comments in posts did not happen often. In most wordpress installs out there, big changes in the wordpress are not common.
Therefore, a good frequency to exec wp-cron.php, for wordpress blogs getting only a couple of user comments per hour is, half an hour cron routine.
To disable automatic invocation of wp-cron.php, after each visitor request open /var/www/blog/wp-config.php and nearby the line 30 or 40, put:
define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true);
An important note to make here is that it makes sense the position in wp-config.php, where define('DISABLE_WP_CRON', true); is placed. If for instance you put it at the end of file or near the end of the file, this setting will not take affect.
With that said be sure to put the variable define, somewhere along the file initial defines or it will not work.
Next, with Apache non-root privileged user lets say www-data, httpd, www depending on the Linux distribution or BSD Unix type add a php CLI line to invoke wp-cron.php every half an hour:
linux:~# crontab -u www-data -e
0,30 * * * * cd /var/www/blog; /usr/bin/php /var/www/blog/wp-cron.php 2>&1 >/dev/null
To assure, the php CLI (Command Language Interface) interpreter is capable of properly interpreting the wp-cron.php, check wp-cron.php for syntax errors with cmd:
linux:~# php -l /var/www/blog/wp-cron.php
No syntax errors detected in /var/www/blog/wp-cron.php
That's all, 404 wp-cron.php error messages will not appear anymore in access.log! 🙂
Just for those who can find the root of the /wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron HTTP/1.0" 404 and fix the issue in some other way (I'll be glad to know how?), there is also another external way to invoke wp-cron.php with a request directly to the webserver with short cron invocation via wget or lynx text browser.
– Here is how to call wp-cron.php every half an hour with lynxPut inside any non-privileged user, something like:
01,30 * * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump "http://www.your-domain-url.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron" 2>&1 >/dev/null
– Call wp-cron.php every 30 mins with wget:
01,30 * * * * /usr/bin/wget -q "http://www.your-domain-url.com/wp-cron.php?doing_wp_cron"
Invoke the wp-cron.php less frequently, saves the server from processing the wp-cron.php thousands of useless times.
Altering the way wp-cron.php works should be seen immediately as the reduced server load should drop a bit.
Consider you might need to play with the script exec frequency until you get, best fit cron timing. For my company case there are only up to 3 new article posted a week, hence too high frequence of wp-cron.php invocations is useless.
With blog where new posts occur once a day a script schedule frequency of 6 up to 12 hours should be ok.
Tags: akismet, Auto, caches, checks, commentor, cr, cron, daySuppose, dedicated server, doesn, dozens, Draft, email, error messages, execution, exlanation, file, google, HTML, HTTP, invocation, localhost, nbsp, newsletter, operation, periodic execution, php, plugin, quot, request, scheduler, someone, something, spam, SQL, time, time thanks, Wordpress, wordpress plugins, wp
Posted in System Administration, Web and CMS, Wordpress | 3 Comments »