Posts Tagged ‘drinking beer’

I work for money if you want loyalty hire a dog – thinking that can solve your internal workplace (dilemmas) issues :)

Wednesday, February 12th, 2014



I was told about those picture few months ago by a friend (Ivan Pushkaroff – Pushi) while we were drinking beer together in  (Delfincheto – a pub more known among people under the name "Ribkata (The Fish)" – A Metal Music pub in Studentski Grad (Sofia's Student City). By the way if you're in Sofia and near "Studentski Grad" be sure to drop by there – they serve great and always fresh fish also for ex-metal heads for me it is always nice to get some memories about  "the good old metal years"

when I tried to complain how difficult it is for me on my job place. I'm a quite sensitive person and a perfectionist and always try to do a great job. Often however there are many obstacles to do your job in right way (as you depend on so many bureaucracy and external people that even if you do your best someone else can mix it up and screw all your effort by not doing his part of the job. The failure of project or Task due to inadeaquacy of someone else involved to do his job right can leave you with a feeling that you have failed even though it is completely not your fault. As these days I'm quite stressed on my job and I have to work on a lot of badly designed projects (and improperly) assigned tasks – yes in big companies it is like these "the right hand doesn't know what the left one is doing". I remembered my dear friend advice to not take it seriously or personally and decided to put these funny picture in hope that these will help me and others to deal with situation of hardships in job in a humorous way After all I'm just a mercenary and I'm doing my best right now in my job at HP … I work for money if they expect higher degree of loyalty let them hire a dog 🙂

The Economics Exam. Or the day of a standard man :]

Tuesday, January 30th, 2007

Today. I had exam on marketing. The exam started 50 minutes later because the teachers had some sort of meating.I was able to get most of the test answers from one collegue but I’m not sure are her answers correct.I hope if God give me a help I would pass. After that me and some others from my group tried to get the anwers or the exam for our next exam which is tomorrow and is in the Accounting discipline.Unluckily we were not able to find anything. As usual I don’t know anything and I hope on a miracle and God’smercy to take the exam. I invited Habib to come home to explain me some of the matters. But my mind was toooverheaded with information so I was not in a mood for studying. After that we went out with Habib, Mitko,Toto and Sami. All started well until the Zuio’s father come to our table ( we were drinking beer on the fountain).He come and started kissing all of the guys around he started talking total bullshits to Habib and otherpersons in the coffee terrible picture The Classical “Bai Ganio” in action. After that we walked for some timewith Habib on the way to his home. And drinked a coffee on the “Zhurnalist” Coffee. Now I’m home again.After some problems luckily, I was able to start skype’s microphone to work under my FreeBSD.I have to sit on my back and study for few ours. Thanks God I didn’t have any problems with my Servers.Glory is for the Lord of Hosts.END—–