In our company there is a legacy application which developers run in multiple consoles launching its in intedependent components together in different consoles by simply running each component, the question comes then how this can be scripted so no waste of people is done to manually run the different componets from different parallel consoles. To achive the run in parallel of the multiple programs in parallel and background it with xargs and eval (integrated bash command) in Linux from a single script you can use a simple one liner like in the example.
#run in parallel
xargs -P <n> allows you to run <n> commands in parallel.
time xargs -P 3 -I {} sh -c 'eval "$1"' – {} <<'EOF'
program1; sleep 1; echo 1
program2 ; sleep 2; echo 2
program3; sleep 3; echo 3
echo 4
You can attune the delay up to the exact requirements or completely remove it and the multi run script is ready, enjoy.