I'm tuning a Windows 2003 for better performance and securing it against DoS of service attacks. After applying all the changes I needed to restart the WebServer for the new configurations to take effect. As I'm not a GUI kind of guy I found it handy there is a fast command to restart the Microsoft Internet Information Server. The command to restart IIS is:
Some time ago I’ve stumbled upon a rocking song by a demoscene artist named with the loud and a bit funny name NINJA! 🙂 Anyways you can download the song here Industrial Bushido . By the way the guy has plenty of awesome music. All this is stored on the great modarchive website be sure to visit it! I guarantee you’ll never sorry that.END—–
We (Me and My Family) had to stand up early in the morning around 4:30 in Saturday and we traveled to Burgas. First we had to go to a herbman to prescribe me some Herbs. The herbamn is called “bai Dimitar” where bai is a bulgarian specific title for a man on age after the middle age he is located in Kamenartzi village (a small village near Bourgas). He is a sort of strange guy and is speaking very strange things. I hope this herbs will help me. I have to boil them and drink them five times a day. After that we went to Bourgas in my aunt Galia and uncle Galen’s apartment. Everything was a sort was going smooth, Gergana my cousin which was going to merry dressed with a bride dress and waited for his future man (son-in-law). The guy appeared with a limosine and an orchestra. Some ordinary Bulgarian rituals were followed after that the ceremony continued in the council house. Where they became man and wife officially (in front of Bulgaria). After that it followed a celebration in a Bourgas Hotel called “Bulgaria”. The celebration of the marriage included again different traditional Bulgarian dances, guest also danced and ofcourse the Bulgarian familiar horos. I did eat a lot of food and drinked a lot of the meaningless of marriage and all this vanity into celebrity and a lot of empty words spokened there I also convinced myself that I would NEVER EVER allow to have a marriage celebration like this. Some 20 or 30% of the music was Chalga which ofcourse drived me mad. In somewhere 05:00 in the morning we traveled back by car with my father driving. My father is driver from some few months and I definetely can’t say he is an experiencable type of driver which may allow himself to drive with speed higher than the maximum allowed, anywayz he did and I just tried to make him aware that he is braking the driver codex rules. He instead of taking my notes which I made with the idea that I would like to be home back ALIVE, nagged him and he started yelling at me and telling me to stop to complain. That ended in again making me hate him and regret I have parents like this which was a expected to happen since I was angry at all the stupidity and the low intelectual level of most of the ppl who were invited into the Marriage ceremony (although most of them were businessman and a ppl with a high degrees, education). The thing that irritated me the most that the had a marriage ceremony in a orthodox Church and they probably did this just because this is the ordinary way most ppl in Bulgaria does. PFF.. I have slept just for a hour or two today so I probably will go to sleep soon. But first I intend to go for a Liturgy in St. George’s orthodox church. This is after 20 minutes from now. Well thats most of how I spend my saturday on “nothing”. The good thing from all that was that Niki, a.k.a. Nomen’s brother has given me his PSP for the weekend. So I had the time to examine it and generally play with it. I even used a free wifi access in the restaurant where we were and did a bit of browsing :)END—–
A friend of mine gave me an interesting link it’s about Pravetz A computer systems which were an absolute hit here in Bulgaria, they are produced here and we should be proud we had our Bulgarian computers. Here is the link Pravetz! 🙂
Pravetz was a was copy of Apple ][ (Pravetz 8A, 8C, 8M), Oric (Pravets 8D) and IBM-PC (Pravetz 16 also known as XT). Pravetz was named after a town of Pravetz which is the homeplace of the ex-Bulgarian communist party leader and President of Socialist Bulgaria Todor Jivkov. Pravetz had a huge production quantities as about 200 000 were exported to coutnries from Soviet Union block. My generation people about 30 have grown with Pravetz and many nowadays IT specialists in Bulgaria had learned computer basics on 8 or 16 bit Pravetz machine. Its compatability with DOS made it a great game-station PC. Owning Pravetz PC at communist times was considered as a sign of elitism as only Police station and highest authorities or people close to party leaders had one of those even in 1995 still owning a Pravetz PC was considered an extra-ordinary think.
Pravetz 16 was part of the MIK-16 family of computers, which included: – Pravetz 16 (the one on the picture, 4.77Mhz) – Pravetz 16A (1x Floppy, 1x 5MB HDD) – Pravetz 16H (improved one, 8Mhz, 1 or 2 Half size floppies + 1x HDD 20MB – half size) – Pravetz-286
The first version of Pravetz 16 had a built-in Basic on a ROM chip, which loaded if no OS was present. The 16A did not have a built-in Basic. The 20 Megabytes HDD was a revolution, for almost 4 years the HDD never show any errors. There was a CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) built-in control, and i had a 16-color display (or monochrome black and green display based on the model). This machine was excellent for making DOS-programing, and was used till the middle of the 90’s, mostly in government facilities.
Many people were installing MS-DOS 5.0 or 7.0 or DR-DOS and using the PC with DOS programs, where most compatible with XT were working just fine. My own monitor was monochrome and had problems with displaying some color gammas and thus in Games some of the colors were not displayed. However owning a Pravetz was amazing thing at that time, it was a mania and a building block of a whole PC-geek generation that emerged from Pravetz Culture.
At that time in the distant 1988 when Bulgaria was still highly industrialized country in Plovdiv we were producing another made in Bulgarian Computer called Puldin (Puldin is the ancient name of the city of Plovdiv Bulgaria). What was unique about Puldin was it was computer completely built from scratch with its own hardware and software architecture.
Puldin was produced in 4 modifications 601-A/U/M/T, the RAM memory was 64KB, the ROM was from 4KB up to 68KB depend on the model, the video output could be connected to normal TV, there was LAN card, Printer centronics output, Cassete input, RS232, Floppy disk, etc.
As you can see in above screenshot the keyboard was slightly different from Pravetz one it gives an impression of unique design (Apple Mac styled) 🙂 Though keyboard looks nice it was terrible to use, there was no tactile click feed back so you basically don’t know if you pressed the key, fortunately later models had connector for external IBM-PC keyboard with keys, which make the work easier.The computer was already unefficient as in 1988 there were already lot of computers on the market including IBM-PC with 16 bit processor running at the remarkable 4.77Mhz. Puldin processor was a Motorola 6800 copies named CM601 at that time produced in Botevgrad. It was running UniDOS which was basically a made from scratch MS-DOS alternative. The computer was equipped with Assembler, BASIC, Pascal, Editor, Diagnostic tools, even DBase equivalent. Puldin was produced in small volume ~ 30 000 – 50000 computers mainly shipped to Russia as Russia was main market for Bulgarian products at that time. Software developed on Puldin could be moved to IBM-PC by using Pascal P-code and this was highly revolutionary as it had capabilities similar to Java long before Java was existent. Computer was developed by 6 developers which were students at that time and they made it as enthusiasts without taking a penny for it. One of the software developers who worked on Puldin was also author of Eagle DOS for Apple ][ (Pravetz82) and UniDOS for Puldin and now has his own company selling computers http://eagle.bg. The guy who wrote the Assembler BIOS and Basic ROM for Puldin – Todor Todorov became more famous with his virus works instead of what he did for Puldin the now mythological Dark Avanger
It’s the end of the work week again Hooray. The week was an easy one Thanks to God’s help and guidance :)I haven’t done nothing special today except I advanced a bit my host checker script the new version couldbe downloaded from here . Hope it wouldbe helpful to somebody out there. Right now I’m listening to SoundGarden – Spoonman. And after few minutesI’m going to bed. I’m tired since yesterday I have slept for around 5 hours. I have to mention todayin a conversation with a friend in icq, he mentioned about openvpn patches one person I knowhave contributed to the openvpn project. I googled around and a had a big fun reading his CV whichis a pretty ridiculous. You may read it here and have a big fun of the guy’s I quote “fluent English” :DEND—–
Yesterday I watched Star Trek (2009) , the movie was recommended to me by a friend as a worthy one to be seen even for people who are not fans of Sci-Fi I’m a fan of sci-fi but lately I’m not that keen as in the short past. So I thought let’s see if this movie is worthy from the perspective of an ex-sci-fi maniac 😉 I should also say that I was a bit skeptical in the beginning as I’ve never been a big fan ot Star Trek , neither too much impressed by Star Wars
To sum it up the movie is a nice enjoyable one to take up 2 hours on watching good visual effects and human stories. There is an evil guy like with most sci-fi movies. Which prankly is a funny one 😉 The general movie plot is not much, neither its easy to grasp some of the moments of the movie, but this should be part of the cyberpunk part of it I guess. Generally I enjoyed the movie and I would recommend it to my dear readers to have a look if they’re bored and they want to have 2 hrs of enjoyment 😉
By accident, I’ve come across Towel.blinkenlight.nl! You might be wondering what is so special with it? 😉 Well some crazy guy seems to have recreated a whole Star Wars movie in ascii art!!! 😉
As I’m a great ascii fan I enjoy a lot, hope more people will take the time to watch the re-created Star Wars Movie in ASCII !. I’m eager to see if someone knows of any similar kind of movies, demos or all kind of stuff streamed via telnet 🙂
To give you an idea on what you will see by telnetting to towel.blinenlight.nl, here is a short chop video:
Have you, ever thought of refreshing your VIM knowledge obtained back in the days reading the vimtutorial available straight in vim via the: vimtutor comand?
I asked few vim related question today in #vim in irc freenode and I was referred to one mate to the following picture: