Posts Tagged ‘Item’

Zabbix Power Shell PS1 script to write zero or one if string is matched inside log file

Monday, December 2nd, 2024

How to Install and Configure Zabbix Server and Client on Rocky Linux 9 - Cộng Đồng Linux

At work we had setup zabbix log file processing for few servers for a service that is doing a Monitoring Health Checks for a a special application via an encrypted strong encrypted tunnel. The app based on the check reports whether the remote side has processed data or not.
As me and my team are not maintainers of the zabbix-server where the zabbix-agents are sending the data, there is a multiple content of data being sent in simply "" empty strings via a zabbix Item setup. Those empty strings however gets stored in the zabbix-server database and since this check is made frequently about 500 hundred records of empty string lines are being written to the zabbix server, we got complaint by the zabbix adminsitrators, that we have to correct our Monitoring setup to not flood the zabbix-server.

Since zabbix cannot catch up the "" empty string and we cannot supress the string from being written in the Item, we needed a way to change the monitoring so that the configured Application check returns 1 (on error) and 0 (on success).

Zabbix even though advanced has a strange when zabbix log[] function, e.g. 


log function, used to analyze a log file and cut out last or first lines of a file simmilar to UNIX's  head and tail over log files this is described in the zabbix log file monitoring here . If a string is matched it can return string 1, but if nothing gets matched the result is empty string "" and this empty string cannot be used in a way to analyze the data with Item is used.

There is plenty of discussions online for this weird behavior and many people do offer different approaches to solve the strange situation, but as we have tried with our colleagues sys admins  none of those really worked out.

Thus we decided to use the classical way to work around, e.g. to simply use a powershell script that would check a number of lines inside a provided log file analyze if a string gets found and print out value of "1" if the string is matched or "0" "if not and this PS1 script to be set to run via a standard zabbix userparameter script.

This worked well, as all of us are mainly managing Linux systems, and we don't have enough knowledge on powershell we have used our internal Aartificial Intelligence (AI) clone tool to LibreChat – A free and open source ChatGPT clone.

LibreChat includes OpenAI's models, but also others — both open-source and closed-source — and its website promises "seamless integration" with AI services from OpenAI, Azure, Anthropic, and Google — as well as GPT-4, Gemini Vision, and many others. ("Every AI in one place," explains LibreChat's home page.) Plugins even let you make requests to DALL-E or Stable Diffusion for image generations. (LibreChat also offers a database that tracks "conversation state" — making it possible to switch to a different AI model in mid-conversation…)

$logfile = "C:\path\to\your\logfile.log"
$searchString = "-1"
# Get the last 140 lines
$lines = Get-Content $logfile -Tail 140
# Filter lines containing the search string
$found = $lines | Where-Object { $_ -match [regex]::Escape($searchString) }
# Output found lines or 0 if none were found
if ($found) {
    $found | ForEach-Object { $_ }
} else {
    Write-Host 0

You can download and the return_zero_or_one-if-string-matches-in-log-powershell.ps1 script here

Monitoring chronyd time service is synchronized, get additional time server values with Zabbix userparameter script

Monday, March 21st, 2022


If you''re running a server infrastructure and your main monitoring system is Zabbix. Then a vital check you might want to setup is to monitor the server time synchronization to a central server. In newer Linux OS-es ntpd time server is started to be used lesser and many modern Linux distributions used in the corporate realm are starting to recommend using chrony as a time synchronization client / server.

In this article, I'll show you how you can quickly setup monitoring of chronyd process and monitoring whether the time is successfully synchronizing with remote Chronyd time server. This will be done with a tiny one liner shell script setup as userparameter It is relatively easy then to setup an Action Alert

1. Create userparameter script to send parsed chronyd time synchronization to Zabbix Server

chronyc tracking provides plenty of useful data which can give many details about info such as offset, skew, root delay, stratum, update interval.

[root@server: ~]# chronyc tracking
Reference ID    : 0A32EF0B (
Stratum         : 3
Ref time (UTC)  : Fri Mar 18 12:42:31 2022
System time     : 0.000032544 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : +0.000031102 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.000039914 seconds
Frequency       : 3.037 ppm slow
Residual freq   : +0.000 ppm
Skew            : 0.023 ppm
Root delay      : 0.017352410 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.004285847 seconds
Update interval : 1041.6 seconds
Leap status     : Normal

[root@server zabbix_agentd.d]# cat userparameter_chrony.conf 
UserParameter=chrony.json,chronyc -c tracking | sed -e s/'^'/'{"chrony":[“‘/g -e s/’$’/'”]}'/g -e s/','/'","'/g
[root@server zabbix_agentd.d]#

The -c option passed to chronyc is printing the chronyc tracking command ouput data in comma-separated values ( CSV ) format.

2. Create Necessery Item key to get chronyd processes and catch the userparameter data


  • First lets create a an Item key to calculate the chronyd daemon proc.num
    proc.num – simply returns the number of processes in the process list just like a simple
    pgrep servicename command does.


Second lets create the Item for the userparameter script, the chrony.json key should be the same as the key given in the userparameter script.


Create Chrony Zabbix Triggers 



will be triggered if the process of chronyd on the server is less than 1



Next configure

{server-host:chrony[Leap status].iregexp[Not synchronised) ]=1

to trigger Alert Chronyd is Not synchronized if the Expression check occurs.


Reload the zabbix-agent on the server

To make zabbix-agent locally installed on the machine read the userparameter into memory  (in my case this is zabbix-agent-4.0.28-1.el8.x86_64) installed on Redhat 8.3 (Ootpa), you have to restart it.

[root@server: ~]# systemctl restart zabbix-agent
[root@server: ~]# systemctl status zabbix-agent

● zabbix-agent.service – Zabbix Agent
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/zabbix-agent.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-12-16 16:41:02 CET; 3 months 0 days ago
 Main PID: 862165 (zabbix_agentd)
    Tasks: 6 (limit: 23662)
   Memory: 20.6M
   CGroup: /system.slice/zabbix-agent.service
           ├─862165 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd -c /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf
           ├─862166 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: collector [idle 1 sec]
           ├─862167 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: listener #1 [waiting for connection]
           ├─862168 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: listener #2 [waiting for connection]
           ├─862169 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: listener #3 [waiting for connection]
           └─862170 /usr/sbin/zabbix_agentd: active checks #1 [idle 1 sec]

Warning: Journal has been rotated since unit was started. Log output is incomplete or unavailable.

In a short while you should be seeing in the chrony.json key History data fed by the userparameter Script.

In Zabbix Latest data, you will see plenty of interesting time synchronization data get reported such as Skew, Stratum, Root Delay, Update Interval, Frequency etc.


To have an email Alerting further, go and setup a new Zabbix Action based on the Trigger with your likings and you're done. 
The tracked machine will be in zabbix to make sure your OS clock is not afar from the time server. Repeat the same steps if you need to track chronyd is up running and synchronized on few machines, or if you have to make it for dozens setup a Zabbix template.

Monitor service log is continously growing with Zabbix on Windows with batch userparameter script and trigger Alert if log is unchanged

Thursday, March 17th, 2022


Recently we had an inteteresting Monitoring work task to achieve. We have an Application that is constantly simulating encrypted connections traffic to a remote side machine and sending specific data on TCP/IP ports.
Communiucation between App Server A -> App Server B should be continous and if all is working as expected App Server A messages output are logged in the Application log file on the machine which by the way Runs
Windows Server 2020.

Sometimes due to Network issues this constant reconnections from the Application S. A to the remote checked machine TCP/IP ports gets interrupted due to LAN issues or a burned Network Switch equipment, misconfiguration on the network due to some Network admin making stoopid stuff etc..

Thus it was important to Monitor somehow whether the log is growing or not and feed the output of whether Application log file is growing or it stuck to a Central Zabbix Server. 
To be able to better understand the task, lets divide the desired outcome in few parts on required:

1. Find The latest file inside a folder C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\
2. Open the and check it is current logged records and log the time
3. Re-open file in a short while and check whether in few seconds new records are written
4. Report the status out to Zabbix
5. Make Zabbix Item / Trigger / Action in case if monitored file is not growing

In below article I'll briefly explain how Monitoring a Log on a Machine for growing was implemented using a pure good old WIN .BAT (.batch) script and Zabbix Userparameter key


1. Enable userparameter script for Local Zabbix-Agent on the Windows 10 Server Host

Edit Zabbix config file usually on Windows Zabbix installs file is named: ]

Uncomment the following lines to enable userparameter support for zabbix-agentd:


# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.userparams.conf


# Include=c:\zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d\*.conf

2. Create folders for userparameter script and for the userparameter.conf

Before creating userparameter you can to create the folder and grant permissions

Folder name under C:\Zabbix -> zabbix_agentd.conf.d

If you don't want to use Windows Explorer) but do it via cmd line:

C:\Users\LOGUser> mkdir \Zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf\
C:\User\LOGUser> mkdir \Zabbix\zabbix_scripts\

3. Create Userparameter with some name file ( Userparameter-Monitor-Grow.conf )

In the directory C:\Zabbix\zabbix_agentd.conf.d you should create a config file like:
Userparameter-Monitor-Grow.conf and in it you should have a standard userparameter key and script so file content is:


4. Create the Batch script that will read the latest file in the service log folder and will periodically check and report to zabbix that file is changing

notepad C:\Zabbix\zabbix_scripts\GROW_LOG_MONITOR-USERPARAMETER.BAT

@echo off

set work_dir=C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\

set client=client Name

set YYYYMMDD=%DATE:~10,4%%DATE:~4,2%%DATE:~7,2%

set name=csv%YYYYMMDD%.csv

set mytime=%TIME:~0,8%

for %%I in (..) do set CurrDirName=%%~nxI


setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion

set "line1=findstr /R /N "^^" %work_dir%\output.csv | find /C ":""

for /f %%a in ('!line1!') do set number1=%%a

set "line2=findstr /R /N "^^" %work_dir%\%name% | find /C ":""

for /f %%a in ('!line2!') do set number2=%%a


IF  %number1% == %number2% (

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client%

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client% >> monitor-grow_err.log

) ELSE (

echo %YYYYMMDD% %mytime% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %client%

SETLOCAL DisableDelayedExpansion

del %work_dir%\output.csv

FOR /F "usebackq delims=" %%a in (`"findstr /n ^^ %work_dir%\%name%"`) do (

    set "var=%%a"

    SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion

    set "var=!var:*:=!"

    echo(!var! >> %work_dir%\output.csv





The script needs to have configured the path to directory containing multiple logs produced by the Monitored Application.
As prior said it will, list the latest created file based on DATE timestamp in the folder will output a simple messages:

If the log file is being fed with data the script will output to output.csv messages continuously, either:

%%mytime%% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %%client%%

Or if the Monitored application log is not writting anything for a period it will start writting messages

%%mytime%%mytime MAJOR the log is not incrementing for %client%

The messages will also be sent in Zabbix.

Before saving the script make sure you modify the Full Path location to the Monitored file for growing, i.e.:

set work_dir=C:\Path-to-Service\Monitoring\Log\

5. Create The Zabbix Item

Set whatever service.check name you would like and a check interval to fetch the info from the userparameter (if you're dealing with very large log files produced by Monitored log of application, then 10 minutes might be too frequent, in most cases 10 minutes should be fine)

6. Create Zabbix Trigger

You will need a Trigger something similar to below:

Now considering that zabbix server receives correctly data from the client and the monitored log is growing you should in Zabbix:

%%mytime%% NORMAL the log is incrementing for %%client%%

7. Lastly create an Action to send Email Alert if log is not growing

How to Add sub-menus to Joomla main navigation buttons (Making dropdown menus) in Joomla

Tuesday, December 7th, 2010

I’m using a template youbizz just recently for a website. The website is already configured to use Joomla as a CMS.
This is a website related to the university so joomla was the perfect choice for a quick and easy to configure Content Management System

The youbizz template really makes difference and make the website layout look & feel quite a business looking.

However I needed a way to make my general configured menu buttons on the website to have a dropdown sub-menus in it

I even didn’t know if Joomla is supporting this, but by a chance I’ve made a submenu to the website Home buttom menu and thus I learned it how I can make submenus.

It actually appears creating the submenus to a menu in Joomla is a piece of cake, all you have to do in joomla administrator is go to to:

Menus -> Main Menu

From there you can configure as website buttons and link them to the ones already prepared in Article Manager

Just in case if you don’t know to add a buttons to a new joomla installation it’s necessary from admin to first go to:

Content -> Article Manager

Next press the New button (a green button with an image of a plus sign)

Thereon put a Title , Alias and in the input box put on everything you want this button pressed to show up in ur website.

Completing that simply press the Apply button and it should be done.
Next step to make the article appear in Menus -> Main Menu is to go this section and respectively from there use the green button with the plus sign to add up a new element to the main menu.

Right after you will have the Menu Item: [ New ] to appear it looks like in the pic below:

Joomla menu add new element screenshot

From the list of items to select you need to select the Article menu element. A submenu will appear in your browser to the Articles reading:

Article Layout
Article Submission Layout

From this menu you will have to select the Article Layout

The next screen to appear will look like the pic below:

Joomla main menu add new button through article, article layout

Here in article layout few things needs to be adjusted, again you will need to place the Title and the Alias, further after from the Parameters (Basic) located on the right you will have to select an article to link the new menu you’re just creating in Joomla’s new menu.
This is achieved via pressing the Select button located nearby the Select Article
Here it’s important to note the existence of Parent Item scrolldown field. This field will have all the created menu buttons in Main Menu . In case if this is the first one to create in main menu then it could be also empty.

The Parent Item field is really an important field and through it the menu’s submenus are created in Joomla.

For instance let’s say you want the current creating article to be listing as a sub-benu button to another already existing category, instead of listing as a separate button to the Joomla’s main menu navigation.

Well it’s pretty easy just choose from the Parent Item the name of an already existing menu button in Joomla main menu to be the parent of the sub-menu button you want to have.
That’s it now you will have the sub-menu button to appear as a drop down button (if of course your template supports dropdown menus).
There are few more options to choose in between which I found to be quite self explanatory, so I want explain them

But I hope I was able to explain at least the basics how menu subbuttons can be created in Joomla 1.5I find it a bit harder to explain in a bit plain way, but anyways if some of my dear readers is not understanding how to achieve the sub-menus I’m more than willing to help out further via the comments.