I have recently blogged how I've installed & configured ejabberd (jabber server) on Debian .
Today I decided to further extend, my previous jabberd installation by installing JWChat a web chat interface frontend to ejabberd (a good substitute for a desktop app like pidgin which allows you to access a jabber server from anywhere)
Anyways for a base of installing JWChat , I used the previously installed debian deb version of ejabberd from the repositories.
I had a lot of troubles until I actually make it work because of some very minor mistakes in following the official described tutorial ejabberd website jwchat install tutorual
The only way I can make jwchat work was by using the install jwchat with ejabberd's HTTP-Bind and file server method
Actually for quite a long time I was not realizing that, there are two ways to install JWChat , so by mistake I was trying to mix up some install instructions from both jwchat HTTP-Bind file server method and JWchat Apache install method …
I've seen many people complaining on the page of Install JWChat using Apache method which seemed to be experiencing a lot of strangle troubles just like the mines when I mixed up the jwchat php scripts install using instructions from both install methods. Therefore my guess is people who had troubles in installing using the Apache method and got the blank page issues while accessing http://jabber.servername.com:5280/http-poll/ as well as various XML Parsing Error: no element found errors on – http://ejabberd.oac.com:5280/http-poll/ is most probably caused by the same install instructions trap I was diluted in.
The steps to make JWChat install using the HTTP-Bind and file server method, if followed should be followed absolutely precisely or otherwise THEY WILL NOT WORK!!!
This are the exact steps I followed to make ejabberd work using the HTTP-Bind file server method :
1. Create directory to store the jwchat Ajax / htmls
debian:~# mkdir /var/lib/ejabberd/www
debian:~# chmod +x /var/lib/ejabberd
debian:~# chmod +x /var/lib/ejabberd/www
2. Modify /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg and include the following configs
While editting the conf find the section:
Scrolling down you will fine some commented code marked with %% that will read:
{5269, ejabberd_s2s_in, [
{shaper, s2s_shaper},
{max_stanza_size, 131072}
Right after it leave one new line and place the code:
{5280, ejabberd_http, [
{request_handlers, [
{["web"], mod_http_fileserver}
Scrolling a bit down the file, there is a section which says:
%%% =======
%% Modules enabled in all ejabberd virtual hosts.
The section below the comments will look like so:
{modules, [ {mod_adhoc, []},
{mod_announce, [{access, announce}]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_caps, []},
{mod_configure,[]}, % requires mod_adhoc
{mod_ctlextra, []},
{mod_disco, []},
%%{mod_echo, [{host, "echo.localhost"}]},
{mod_irc, []},
{mod_last, []},
After the {mod_last, … the following lines should be added:
{mod_http_bind, []},
{mod_http_fileserver, [
{docroot, "/var/lib/ejabberd/www"},
{accesslog, "/var/log/ejabberd/webaccess.log"}
3. Download and extract latest version of jwchat
Of the time of writting the latest version of jwchat is jwchat-1.0 I have mirrored it on pc-freak for convenience:
debian:~# wget https://www.pc-freak.net/files/jwchat-1.0.tar.gz
debian:~# cd /var/lib/ejabberd/www
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# tar -xzvf jwchat-1.0.tar.gz
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# mv jwchat-1.0 jwchat
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www# cd jwchat
4. Choose the language in which you will prefer jwchat web interface to appear
I prefer english as most people would I suppose:
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat# for a in $(ls *.en); do b=${a%.en}; cp $a $b; done
For other languages change in the small one liner shell script b=${a%.en} (en) to whatever language you will prefer to make primary.After selecting the correct langauge a rm cmd should be issued to get rid of the .js.* and .html.* in other language files which are no longer needed:
debian:/var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat# rm *.html.* *.js.*
5. Configure JWChat config.js
Edit /var/lib/ejabberd/www/jwchat/config.js , its necessery to have inside code definitions like:
/* If your Jabber server is jabber.example.org, set this: */
var SITENAME = "jabber.example.org";
/* If HTTP-Bind works correctly, you may want do remove HTTP-Poll here */
name:"Native Binding",
description:"Ejabberd's native HTTP Binding backend",
6. Restart EJabberd server to load the new config settings
debian:~# /etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
Restarting jabber server: ejabberd..
7. Test JWChat HTTP-Bind and file server backend
I used elinksand my beloved Epiphany (default gnome browser) which by the way is the browser I use daily to test that the JWChat works fine with the ejabberd.
To test the newly installed HTTP-Bind ejabberd server backend on port 5280 I used URL:
http://jabber.mydomain.com:5280/web/jwchat/I had quite a struggles with 404 not found errors, which I couldn't explain for half an hour. After a thorough examination, I've figured out the reasons for the 404 errors was my stupidity …
The URL http://jabber.mydomain.com:5280/web/jwchat/ was incorrect because I fogrot to move jwchat-1.0 to jwchat e.g. (mv jwchat-1.0 jwchat) earlier explained in that article was a step I missed. Hence to access the web interface of the ejabberd without the 404 error I had to access it via:
Finally it is handy to add a small index.php redirect to redirect to http://jabber.mydomain.com:5280/web/jwchat-1.0/
The php should like so:
header( 'Location: http://jabber.mydomain.com:5280/web/jwchat-1.0' ) ;
How to install and configure Jabber Server (Ejabberd) on Debian Lenny GNU / Linux
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011I've recently installed a jabber server on one Debian Lenny server and hence decided to describe my installations steps hoping this would help ppl who would like to run their own jabber server on Debian . After some research of the jabber server softwares available, I decided to install Ejabberd
The reasons I choose Ejabberd is has rich documentation, good community around the project and the project in general looks like one of the best free software jabber servers available presently. Besides that ejabberd doesn't need Apache or MySQL and only depends on erlang programming language.
Here is the exact steps I followed to have installed and configured a running XMPP jabber server.
1. Install Ejabberd with apt
The installation of Ejabberd is standard, e.g.:
debian:~# apt-get --yes install ejabberd
Now as ejabberd is installed, some minor configuration is necessery before the server can be launched:
2. Edit /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg
Inside I changed the default settings for:
a) Uncomment%%override_acls.. Changed:
%%%% Remove the Access Control Lists before new ones are added.%%%%override_acls.
%% Remove the Access Control Lists before new ones are added.
b) Admin User from:
%% Admin user
{acl, admin, {user, "", "example.com"}}.
%% Admin user
{acl, admin, {user, "admin", "jabber.myserver-host.com"}}.
c) default %% Hostname of example.com to my real hostname:
%% Hostname
{hosts, ["jabber.myserver-host.com"]}.
The rest of the configurations in /etc/ejabberd/ejabberd.cfg can stay like it is, though it is interesting to read it carefully before continuing as, there are some config timings which might prevent the XMPP server from user brute force attacks as well as few other goodies like for example (ICQ, MSN , Yahoo etc.) protocol transports.
3. Add iptables ACCEPT traffic (allow) rules for ports which are used by Ejabberd
The minimum ACCEPT rules to add are:
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5222 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5222 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5223 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5223 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5269 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5269 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 5280 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5280 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4369 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 4369 -j ACCEPT
/sbin/iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53873 -j ACCEPT
Of course if there is some specific file which stores iptables rules or some custom firewall these rules has to be added / modified to fit appropriate place or chain.
4. Restart ejabberd via init.d script
debian:~# /etc/init.d/ejabberd restart
Restarting jabber server: ejabberd is not running. Starting ejabberd.
5. Create ejabberd necessery new user accounts
debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register admin jabber.myserver-host.com mypasswd1
etc.debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register hipo jabber.myserver-host.com mypasswd2
debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register newuser jabber.myserver-host.com mypasswd3
debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl register newuser1 jabber.myserver-host.com mypasswd4
ejabberdctl ejabberd server client (frontend) has multiple other options and the manual is a good reading.
One helpful use of ejabberdctl is:
debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl status
Node ejabberd@debian is started. Status: started
ejabberd is running
ejabberctl can be used also to delete some existent users, for example to delete the newuser1 just added above:
debian:~# /usr/sbin/ejabberdctl unregister newuser jabber.myserver-host.com
6. Post install web configurations
ejabberd server offers a web interface listening on port 5280, to access the web interface right after it is installed I used URL: http://jabber.myserver-host.com:5280/admin/
To login to http://jabber.myserver-host.com:5280/admin/ you will need to use the admin username previously added in this case:
admin@jabber.myserver-host.com mypasswd1
Anyways in the web interface there is not much of configuration options available for change.
7. Set dns SRV records
I'm using Godaddy 's DNS for my domain so here is a screenshot on the SRV records that needs to be configured on Godaddy:
In the screenshto Target is the Fually qualified domain hostname for the jabber server.
Setting the SRV records for the domain using Godaddy's DNS could take from 24 to 48 hours to propagate the changes among all the global DNS records so be patient.
If instead you use own custom BIND DNS server the records that needs to be added to the respective domain zone file are:
_xmpp-client._tcp 900 IN SRV 5 0 5222 jabber.myserver-host.com.
_xmpp-server._tcp 900 IN SRV 5 0 5269 jabber.myserver-host.com.
_jabber._tcp 900 IN SRV 5 0 5269 jabber.myserver-host.com.
8. Testing if the SRV dns records for domain are correct
debian:~$ nslookup
> set type=SRV
> jabber.myserver-host.com
> myserver-host.com
If all is fine above nslookup request should return the requested domain SRV records.
You might be wondering what is the purpose of setting DNS SRV records at all, well if your jabber server has to communicate with the other jabber servers on the internet using the DNS SRV record is the way your server will found the other ones and vice versa.
DNS records can also be checked with dig for example
$ dig SRV _xmpp-server._tcp.mydomain.net
;_xmpp-server._tcp.mydomain.net. IN SRV
_xmpp-server._tcp.mydomain.net. 259200 IN SRV 5 0 5269 jabber.mydomain.net.
jabber.mydomain.net. 259200 IN A
;; Query time: 109 msec
;; WHEN: Sat Aug 14 14:14:22 2010
;; MSG SIZE rcvd: 111
9. Debugging issues with ejabberd
Ejabberd log files are located in /var/log/ejabberd , you will have to check the logs in case of any issues with the jabber XMPP server. Here is the three files which log messages from ejabberd:
debian:~$ ls -1 /var/log/ejabberd/
I will not get into details on the logs as the best way to find out about them is to read them 😉
10. Testing ejabberd server with Pidgin
To test if my Jabber server works properly I used Pidgin universal chat client . However there are plenty of other multiplatform jabber clients out there e.g.: Psi , Spark , Gajim etc.
Here is a screenshot of my (Accounts -> Manage Accounts -> Add) XMPP protocol configuration
Tags: admin, apache, best free software, brute force, cfg, com, configure, custom, default hostname, default settings, DNS, doesn, dport, ejabberd, ejabberdctl, exact steps, file, GNU, goodies, hostname, hosts, init, INPUT, Install, installation, Jabber, Linux, Lists, mypasswd, necessery, override, ports, ppl, programming language, Protocol, quot, quot quot, rich documentation, server, servers, software, tcp, transports, uncomment, User, xmpp
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