I needed a short PHP script that reads all, my .html files in a directory and then generates html a hrefs links pointing to each of the html files stored in the directory.
Here is the short code I come up:
if ($handle = opendir(“$directory_to_open”)) {
while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle)) && $i <= $max_files)
if ($file != “.” && $file != “..”)
$thelist .= ‘| ‘.str_replace(“.html”,””,$file).’ |’;
echo “$thelist”; }
In my case the directories with html were planned to contain, less than 100 files a directory, so in order to show links to only the first 100 files in the directory, I used the $max_files=100 and a check if value is reached in the while loop. For anyone who want to build html you see in above while if $max_files is reached then the while loop exits.
Because by default the files returned contained the naming format file_name.html, whether I wanted to show only the file name without the .html extensions used str_replace(); to get rid of file extensions string.