Posts Tagged ‘Michael Jackson’

Who were our ancestors – Genetic history of Europe – DNA – Truth or Machination from IGENEA

Tuesday, March 5th, 2013


As I've said earlier in my blog posts, I keep deep interest into the origin of things. Thus I'm quite interested into the origin of Bulgarian nation and rest of European nations. I've stumbled across a project called IGENEA which aims at researching into DNA of nations and determining to what kind of ancestry nation is most likely to be. The data provided by IGENEA is put into question by a lot of Historians for the reason the method of IGENEA is based merely on scientific logic and scientifical data which can't be 100% proven and there is also hypothesis as part of it. One other thing is IGENEA project has commercial side, as they offer DNA tests that can be done at home and later analyzed in iGENEA laboratory and tell you individually who are your most likely ancestors and where you're most likely to find your relatives. Igenea claism they can tell you if your DNA somehow links to famous people like Napoleon Bonapart, Michael Jackson, Nicole Kidman or even the Popoe 😉

Though of course as everything in this life the results one gets from igenea are finally based on faith, as mostly all in life is based on faith.

Though below video data might be incorrect, some general data provided for some Northern Europe nations looks trustworthy. For those interested to know exactly how IGENEA testing and analysis is done check here
As I'm a Christian and I firmly believe God Created all I support the Creationism theory, I look in the data a bit sceptical for the reason many of the results and conclusions driven from IGENEA project lay on believes in Darwin's theory credibility. Everyone who seriously considered to know where we come from has already questioned the credibility of Evolution. Anyone who digged deep already knows there are a lot of problems with Darwin's theory which are unsolvable by modern archeology 'little' species findings. Also it is big problem with the idea that man came from Africa, that credibiliy of such claims is and will probably forever stay one big Hypothesis.
Enjoy, the highly specular findings of IGENEA in below video


Who were our ancestors- Genetic history of Europe – DNA – Truth or Machination from IGENEA.

The Satanic Cult behind the Music Industry – Close examination on modern music and its connection to occultism and satanism

Thursday, May 3rd, 2012

Have you ever wondered, how the big music artists like Madonna, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, 2PAC, RedMan and the rest got in to the top of music industry? Most people think, well they were born under a lucky star. They're so great, they had the skills or they achived their earthly fame with a lot of work. Though some of the aforementioned might have done a lot of work. Most of their financing and ascension to the top music ranks was done on purpose and financed. Those top star people were choosen not by accident, they were carefully selected to serve someone's purposes. Most of them succeeded in that. The top musicians that we hear all the time on the radio and the TV, were just mostly a brainwashed zoombies that were following their induced programming of the brainwasher. People who live in he easterm world has also experienced heavy brainwashing during communism, the Communist parties was using exactly the same kind of methodologies to brainwash many of the key people in the Communist society. Nowdays this brainwashing is continuing on and in on in the pseudo democratic west and mostly America. Methods for inducing mind control like MK-Ultra Monarch are being massively put in action on the TV. While I was researching, some few days ago on the Satanic roots of Rock and Roll modern music, I've come a very interesting video I thought is interesting enough to share with people. The movie is called

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry

. It is very carefully exploring / studying the essoteric symbolism behind the modern day music industry and the antipod place of the Agios Oros (Holy Mountaun monk island) – Holywood (A Devil's lair trying to copy the Holy Monk inhabited island) … Well it was quite shocking to me to realize MK-ULTRA Methodology is not only practiced in the TV screen or in casual advertisement but is also heavily introduced in educational institituions. I've been unlucky to have many courses in Arnhem Business School a Dutch university with a "innovative" stream called HRQM (Human Resources Quality Management). Where the MK-Ultra Monarch brainwashing techniques are probed constantly over students. Some of the other techniques practiced in this Dutch University in the HRQM stream is Hegelian Dialectics another alternative MK-Ultra Monarch brainwashing technique that can make a mass of people be influenced to go in a certain direction. Though this techniques might be working my personal view as a Christian is they don't work by themselves but it is devils which work "behind the scenes" to make people possessed through this anti-Christian will taking manipulation practices. Below are the videos I can find in youtube on the topic. Some of the videos were already removed, when I found them because the author of the videos included music or scenes which were copyrighted and he didn't have the right to …. Anyways by watching this videos any honest man with himself will see this is not just some kind of fantasy, though some moments might be over-exaggerated and the music played in the videos back i sa bit manipulative. Generally speaking the videos unfortunately, shows mostly the truth as it is. Hope the videos will be beneficial to someone.

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 2

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 3

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 4

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 5

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 6

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 7 – A

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 7 – B

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 7 – C

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 8

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 10

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 11

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 12

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 13 – A

The Satanic Cult Behind the Music Industry – part 13 – B

The Illuminati Satanic Industry Exposed – part 14

The Illuminati Satanic Industry Exposed – part 15

The Illuminati Satanic Industry Exposed – part 16