Posts Tagged ‘Mino’
Sunday, September 23rd, 2007
Seems, My life is going nowhere. Today I drinked half of a bottle of Wine and 1 beer. I was out with Alex. We drinked in the city park. Through the day I started my first bsd jail using a tutorial online. I smoked a lot of cigarettes and I want to stop them again. Most of the people I met are not a good company for me that's what I'm thinking more and more. Also I'm thinking more and more I have to change my living place. If only I could find the love of my life … We moved bookshelf and stuff from our room ( My mother again has decided to make repairs in our room. ). I'm asking myself why shall I live a meaningless life. At least my interest into computers and computing started to appear again (this is cool). My faith is really going away since I pray and pray for something .. and I don't receive it ( Or at least I don't see it). I'm tired of waiting. I need to have this physical healing to continue my normal life. I'm not proud of me I was a little aggressive when we was in the Mino's coffee before an hour or so … Now I intend to watch another episode of stargate SG1. And to go to the DreamLand. If only I could live into a Dreamland all the time. I'm starting to realize I should change the music I listen, I should change a lot of my behaviours If I want to have a new and happy life. Autumn is a beautiful Season 🙂 The autumn rain shall come and restore us :)END—–
Tags: alex, Autumn, autumn rain, Beer, behaviours, bookshelf, bottle of wine, change, cigarettes, city, coffee, computing, dreamland, end, episode, faith, good company, half, happy life, healing, interest, life, lot, love, love of my life, meaningless life, Mino, music, online, place, pray, rain, sg1, something, time, wine
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Friday, January 18th, 2008 The day before yesterday, I was in a pretty bad mood and decided to went out. I went to the Mino’s coffee and accidently it happened that Geri a friend of mine had a birthday it was refreshing to spend some timewith real people even thought I thought about all’s behaviour and particularly “how hipocrity they are”.I drinked two glasses of wine for which Miro (Geri’s husband) said it smells like socks. Good heavens my nose was stalled. Yesterday I was out for a coffee with Lily :).
The weekend was a sort of peaceful.Servers and everything runs fine thanks to the Lord! (ofcourse). I’ll end the post with a quote fromthe bible through the small program called “verse”.
Here is the quote” “For the eyes of the LORD run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward him…” II Chronicles 16:9 :)END—–
Tags: bad mood, behalf, behaviour, bible, birthday, coffee, day before yesterday, end, everything, eyes of the lord, fine, fromthe, glasses, good heavens, heart, husband, lily, mine, Mino, nbsp, Ofcourse, quot, quote, real people, servers, socks, sort, thanks to the lord, timewith, weekend, whole earth, wine
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Sunday, November 5th, 2006 Today we first met Habib (a colleague from Holland College I study in). We took a newspaper and searched for him a living place. We called from one bulphone to some of the newspaper advertisements but was not able to find any suitable living place for the price he could afford (60 or 70 leva). After that we went to a coffee place called “Central”. Then we went to Mino’s coffee and stayed and talked for 3 or 4 hours with Habib mainly about Bangladej.He told us about different specific things in Bangladej, like for example he explained us the attitude of people to a local people who are musicians (I forgot the exact Bangla’s name of ‘em), he told us Bangla’s people will probably think of us we’re musicians if we go to Bangladej. He said the people appreciate this people as fortune and the musicians live on the hospitality of the people. I went home checked something on the servers. It seems there is a new RC release of clamav 0.90rc2. I installed the new release and tested it but it seemed it has some problems with the clamd.conf’s syntax and I’ve uninstalled the 0.90rc2 and installed the old one which is 0.88.5. Praise God I’m spiritually okay. I’m going to have a sleep now but I’ll first read a little (The Bible). Blessings in the name of Jesus Christ 🙂 !
Tags: advertisements, attitude, Bangla, bible, bible blessings, blog, blog entry, bulphone, Central, Clamav, clamd, coffee place, colleague, conf, fortune, habib, holland, holland college, home, hospitality, jesus christ, ldquo, leva, Mino, musicians, name, name of jesus, new release, place, Praise, praise god, read, rsquo, sleep, something, syntax
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Saturday, December 16th, 2006 Heya. Few weeks I can’t take the courage to write on the blog. But today I’m spiritually (Praise be to God!). So I was able to write that. The day passed away in a very traditional way. I went to the collage in 10:15 instead of 08:15 again I was not able to stand up from the bed. We had some International Law lectures up to 11:30, after that we drank coffee with Nomen. Smoked few cigarettes. Later on I had a Deutsch 12:30 to 15:45. We made a test the time between 14:15 – 15:45 ( I was not ready for that test ofcourse :] ). No matter price be to God I succeded to write stuff in the test. After that I spoke fo 1.5 h with the College Sys Admin we discussed mine idea to migrate some Windows 98 boxes to just dumb terminals connecting to a central Terminal Server. In monday maybe we’ll start doing the terminal server. Other things I saw Nomen and Habib in 17:10 in the college. Mitko give a promise to Malin to check something on his computer, so we had to go Malin’s home. So we went there nothing special their we put Habib in front of the Malin’s home door and he rang we with mitko hide and watched. Dori (The woman of Malin), went out looking shocked at Habib, she was possible wondering who is that strange (nigga like guy). Habib said: “Malin, Vkyshti” :]. Dori said: “Malin ne vkyshti” then we showed ourself and laughed;] We tried to fix the malin’s problem with the Audio Drivers but was not able the problem seemed to be a hardware one. After that we went to Mino’s coffee we saw Miro and Gosho with Zuio Kiro and Maya. We drinked some beer and went our homes. End of story. The last days were hard for me. I really have no idea where my life is going into nomatter I hope God will think about me a good way the best way. I had a big spiritual pain over the last days, and I said to God a lot of times I hope he will take me away, from this hellish earth. But I guess his plan is another for me. Will live and will see. Now God Even now you see me. Please help me fix the mess I am into and forgive me for all my awful deeds. Will go now. Blessings in the name of Jesus Christ.
Tags: admin, audio drivers, Beer, blog, boxes, cigarettes, coffee, collage, courage, door, Drivers, dumb terminals, earth, end, god, Gosho, habib, Heya, kiro, last days, Malin, Mino, Mitko, Monday, nigga, Praise, quot, something, spiritual pain, story, terminal, terminal server, test, time, windows 98, woman
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Saturday, March 31st, 2007 Yesterday the day was quite strained. We were prepairing for few weeks to host the new website of pozvanete.bgcreated by our firm Design.BG, so yesterday in 9:40, our project manager has called and said’s DNSrecord is already changed to point to our server, but there is a problem while opensnormally, opens DBG’s 404 error page. I remembered that this is due to a configuration of theserver cause there was some SEO stuff in the past on the server, so I was able to fix the problem quickly.The problems started to come after that. The machine where we hosted the site (and it was the only site there was1.6ghz AMD with 1 giga of RAM). Unfortunately 30 minutes after it started to open from our server I observed themachine’s cpu stays idle 0.0 all the time and the site responds very slowly to browser requests. I tried to tinkerit changing things from the webserver configuration file with no luck. I spoke with my boss explained him the situationso he decided we’ll move the site on another machine which is ( 3.0 Ghz Intel ), and the next week we’ll move the siteagain to a rack machine colocated in Sofia in Evo Link. It took a lot of conversations over the phone and talk with Vladibefore we moved completely the site on the new machine before that I have to recompile the machine’s current httpd and php to match the requirements of the site but Praise the Lord in the everything went smoothly and we were able to move the site completely the site to the new location. I’ve speak with Pozvanete’s administrator to change the DNS records to point to the new machine and in 6:00 o’clock the site could be seen from the new server. In the mean time Bobb has bought an IBM rack he quickly packed it and send it to Sofia. Among all this a lot of collegues from the office found me urgent work, I got a complaint about a problem with the mails of propertyinvestld the guy claimed our webmail sent the .doc files as winmail.dat which as I suspected was not true. But Praise the Lord everything went smoothly in the end. In 8:00 o’clock we go out of home with Nomen and decided to go to the Mino’s coffee to see Sami cause he’s has come back from Sofia. Mino’s coffee was a lot of fuller than usual, and it was very smoky, Tsetso speak a lot about art and history as usual, I was bored as usual etc. etc.After that we had the idea to watch a film in Nomen’s home but my Aunt called and said if I have time it will be good to see my grandma cause she is not feeling well (they made her eye surgery 3 days ago). I went to his home and stayed with her it’s awful she is such a nice lady and she’s suffering so much. She said how bad she felt nobody went to the hospital to see her for 3 days ( First I was angry to my mother .. then I calmed down ). I realized all the world is in birth pains as written in the Bible so I praid a lot to the Creator to have mercy over my grandma. Then I tried reading The Bible for some time but I was too sleepy and I went to bed. END—–
Tags: amd, Bobb, boss, browser requests, cause, clock, coffee, collegues, colocated, configuration file, conversations, CPU, dns records, everything, Evo, file, giga, grandma, httpd, intel, luck, manager, mean time, Mino, move, new location, page, phone, pozvanete bg, Praise, rack, RAM, siteagain, sofia, themachine, time, Vladibefore
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Friday, June 22nd, 2007 It’s such a pain into my heart. Yesterday I and Mitko was walking down to see how is in Mino’s coffeewhen we met a beggar actually I have seen this man a lot of times he is 37 … now he even broke hisarm. It hurts when I remember him. We talked a little with him and as I understand he is a ProtestantChristian … he is so young and It hurts I really hope God Almighty would do something for this man… he is an alcoholic, but in everything he speaks he is searching for truth .. He told me a partof his story he used to have a family and children but his wife divorced him and 2003 or 2004 andtook him everything he has since then he is on the street. For 3 years he is looking like an old anddying man he said he sleeps under a balcony and even when he gains some money begging there areguys who came and rob him … Today he said he haven’t eat food for 2 days and he is still not hungry ..I tried to speak with him telling him God can get him out of living on the street but he said healso wants but it’s not God’s will to have a living place I hope this is not true.I really Pray and Beg to God and hope the Lord would have mercy over this man.END—–
Tags: andtook, balcony, Beggar, end, everything, family, god almighty, heart, hisarm, Man, mercy, Mino, Mitko, money, pain, partof, place, something, story, street, truth, yesterday
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Monday, June 25th, 2007 My day started at 10:00 when a man called and asked is his Windows preinstalled and I pointed him to call to Nomen because his computer was in Nomen. Later I met Nomen and we have a walk in the central park. Then we went to see Jivko the Beggar. Hel told us a story how a skinhead started throwing stones at him for no reason … A sort of protestant Christian came and started telling me very messed things about Christ his new life etc. etc. I told him that I would send him to a hospital If I had the power :]. After that I met Lily and we walked for sometime together on my way to my uncle. I tried to read/explain him The New Testament “The Gospel of Mark”. But every time I started telling him how Christ has paid the price for us with his Holy Blood, and how He exchanged his rightfulness for our unrightfulness he started to get sleepy (strange). After that we had a great dinner together, I decided to stay for the dinner just because I wanted to suggest them to pray before eating, we prayed together with “The Lord’s Prayer”. After that I decided to walk to Mino’s coffee and I drinked a beer there with Ceco and Dido. After that I went home and spend some time reading posts on the “”. This forums are addictive but seems that are disturbing for my spiritual health, so I should to visit this place. I read some Christians on the Topic some of them were interesting it’s seems St. Anthony healed amputees so someday It’s vital to read about the Living of this Saint. The day passed comparingly untroublful for which I may only give a thanks to God :]. Few times during the day I hhave lost the point of where my life is going to and I doubt about my faith and Christ as a Saviour and the meaning of life, but it’s unescapable it’s the devil work to put lies into my head in the end :].END—–
Tags: Beer, Beggar, ceco, central park, christians, coffee, devil, dido, end, gospel of mark, HEAD, Holy, holy blood, Jivko, lily, meaning of life, Mino, new testament, place, power, pray, prayer, protestant, quot, reading, reason, saint, saviour, skinhead, spiritual, spiritual health, st anthony, story, thanks to god, throwing stones, time, work
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Monday, July 9th, 2007 The day went faster than normal other days. I wake up in the morning went to Church on Liturgy.Then I went home watched some Cartoon Network. Later I decided going to my uncle to read himthe bible for some time, but he was not home I take a watermelon from the local market for mygrandmother. It’s nice to see somebody being happy about something :]. Later i went to my uncle.It’s sad to see someone like in his condition :[. I really want he to get better I read himfrom the Bible The Holy Evangelic text of Luka, I hope at least he has understood somethingfrom the Evangelical Text. Habib called home from London later, this was a real joyHabib is such a nice guy i really want God to bless him in everyhing for he desirves.We spake a lot about the life in England. The bad conditions there, the low paid job,how hard he is living there. About how we miss as friends, about some close friends.After the conversation I decided to go out. I first went to the Mino’s coffee. There weresome people there but I got angry at the non-sense conversations and decided to go to theFountain actually there was almost the same. Later I Toto and Mitko drinked beer in thecity park. And I went home … After the usual Evening Orthodox Prayers I will go to bed in 20 or 30 minutes.END—–
Tags: Beer, bible, cartoon, cartoon network, close, close friends, coffee, conversation, conversations, end, Evangelic, Evening, god, habib, himfrom, home, job, life, life in england, liturgy, local market, london, luka, Mino, Mitko, mygrandmother, nice guy, orthodox prayers, someone, something, text, thecity, time, toto, watermelon
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Thursday, July 19th, 2007 It was quite a peaceful day, I didn’t have a lot of work. Plamenko come home at 4:30. I went to see my grandmo.My grandmo said that there was some mistake and she has to pay for the last month much higher bill than avarageand somebody have to go to report this to the Local Electricity Office, so I take Plamenko’s bike and rided.I like riding bicycle, maybe I have to buy one after that I worked a little ( currently I have to move a dozenof websites sites from one server to another ). In 6:30 I have a walk with Mitko and we drinked coffee on the Chineese Restaurant. After from 08:00 to 10:30 I was home, and then I went out. I and Plamenko went to the Old Dobrich City to Mino’s coffee. I took Plamenko’s bike and used it to ride to a common places where Mitko and the other guys would probably be. I found them in the Central Park and we stayed there for some time. Sasho ( Saketo ), come and stayed with us and explained he’s trying to stop drugs until February. And he doesn’t take drugs since then, not much of the people believed him, but I really hope what he says is truth and God would help him to stop using drugs. Everything seems clear because The Lord is probably taking an eye on me :] So I Bless the Lord for his mercy! Blessed be Lord of Hosts!END—–
Tags: bicycle, central park, coffee, drugs, electricity, god, lord of hosts, Mino, mistake, Mitko, peaceful day, truth
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Thursday, September 13th, 2007 Yesterday Night me and Nomen decided to spend the night in the house on my village “Kragulevo”. It’s a nice place to be.We drinked beer smoked cigarettes have a walk around the village after we arrived somewhere around 21:40. In the morning we decided to go to the forest it was a hard job to wake up Nomen, all the time he was repeating “Please leave me to sleep more 5 minutes” and after 5 minutes the same sentence. In the end I 20 or 30 minutes later get out of bed. We drinked coffee and walked in the beginning of the Wood (It’s recharging). in 08:15 after a 20 or 25 minutes walk we went back to Dobrich. Yesterday I went to a Doctor because I have a constant pains around my stomach. He assigned me some health tests for tomorrow. I hope God hasn’t allowed that I had a serious sickness. Kragulevo is connected with a lot of memories from my young years. I’m regretting a lot I didn’t spend more time during the last summers when I was still going to school. I remember so many great moments with my Grandpa ( Peace be upon him. ). And I miss him a lot Grandpa Marin ( Mino ). Was a great example for me for a lot of things like attitude towards live, love towards beings and also ppl service. Actually now After I believed I realise this virtues match perfect with some recommendations the St. Apostles give for us to live to be a pleasent in the eyes of the Lord God.END—–
Tags: Apostles, attitude, Beer, cigarettes, coffee, dobrich, end, eyes of the lord, Grandpa, hard job, hasn, health tests, house, lord god, love, memories, Mino, night, nomen, peace, place, pleasent, ppl service, quot, sentence, sleep, stomach, time, tomorrow, trip, village, virtues, wake, yesterday
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