Posts Tagged ‘Orthodox Christian Monk’

Orthodox Jewish Rabbi Reveals Name of Messiah to be “Yehoshua”, “Yeshua” (in Hebrew) – JESUS

Wednesday, July 25th, 2012

It was always interesting to me to hear for Jewish, who turned to become Christian. Hence it was quite curious to find that one of the Jewish most famous Rabbis is claimed to have tought that Yehshua (Jesus Christ) is the name of the Messiah (The Jewish are still waiting to come even to this day). Onwards in youtube, I've seen the interesting testimony of nowdays orthodox monk Father Nathanael, who was raised as a Jewish was attending regularly Jewish synagogues and has miraculously turned to Orthodox Christian faith (The Orthodox Church of America).

Orthodox Rabbi Reveals Name of Messiah "JESUS","Yehoshua" or "Yeshua"(Hebrew)


Orthodox Christian Monk who turned from Judaism to Christianity – Why I Left Judaism