My blog’s index has suddenly started redirecting to my last post. That was rather strange, since I haven’t done anything special, all I did before the problem occured was a change in wordpress wp-admin to my latest post.
There in I changed the post Visibility from Public to Private
Right after this my blog’s home started redirecting to the blog post where the changes was made.
This was really strange, so I reverted back the changes in Post’s Publish Visibility to the default setting.
Though the change the redirect to the latest post by accessing my was still there.
I tried completely wiping out the post by sending it to Trash and issuing the same post again, but now things became even worser.
Accessing my blog was opening 404 not found error message . Everything seemed fine in wordpress admin and therefore I suspected the redirect is being applied from info read in my wordpress database in MySQL.
A bit of investigation prooved my guess was correct, for some reason a record was made to the MySQL blog database in table wp_redirection_items.
The incorrect redirection wihtin the database looked like so:
| 4 | /blog/ | 0 | 2 | 0 | 0000-00-00 00:00:00 | 2 | enabled | url | 301 | /blog/how-to-change-from-default-main-menu-to-other-text-in-joomla/ | url | NULL |
Removing the incorrect redirect was kind of easy and came to simply issuing:
mysql> delete from wp_redirection_items where id='3';
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
This fixed the redirection issue and opening my blog main page started correctly opening the main page again! 🙂